Supreme Naruto

Chapter 142

This battle Naruto is paddling…

Iwai Shikamaru is paddling…

But are these three people only paddling?

No, Konoha is on a towering telephone pole, and a pigeon falls there in a motionless look at one of the people below.

The man has a pineapple-like head, which is a pineapple. It is mainly a bandage with a circle of Level 1 on his head. The hair is bandaged into a middle hair and spread out from the middle, like a pineapple. Like the leaves, it’s a pity…not green.

On the man’s face, the gauze wrapped the entire forehead, together with the right eye, and the right half of the face, wrapped up tightly. Sun is so big, is he not hot?

The pigeon on the pole smashed his head and swept the man’s clothes.

The right half of the body is draped like a monk on the shelf, black, and the entire right arm is blocked.

As can be seen from the outline, his right arm is hung with the gauze.

It’s like a fixed posture with a broken arm.

At this time, the pigeon thought of Yang in the memory, not by tsukkomi, I don’t know if this old guy has aunt.

But the pigeon didn’t look long. The guy in the pineapple head below suddenly looked up and spit out a needle in his mouth.

Speed ​​is very fast, the next moment “bang!”, the pigeon was shot.

Naruto’s Spirit shared vision ends here.

Together with Naruto, there is a nine-tailed start to talk that shares vision: “This person feels bad about me.”

Naruto sat outside the cage, his right arm elbows on his thigh, his wrist dragging his head and saying: “You feel right, because that guy is dangerous for us.”

Can it be dangerous? The right eye gauze is loaded with Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami Sharingan.

If you remember correctly on the entire arm of your right hand, there should be ten.

At the same time The first half of the body was transplanted with the first half.

Therefore, it is also possible to use rafts.

Whether it is Sharingan or Mudu, Tail Beast is restrained.

Nine tails can feel good and blame.

“Nine Lama teacher, I don’t quite understand one thing, why are you controlled by the Uchiha family’s Sharingan?”

You are naturally referring to Tail Beast. In order to prevent the vocabulary with the word of the beast from angering the nine tails, Naruto used the generic term “you”.

Nine-tailed cockroaches closed their eyes in the cage. Kaidō: “Do you know again?”

This sentence is known, contains a lot of content, not long ago Sasuke did not succeed in using Sharingan for Naruto.

However, Naruto still determined that Sharingan restrained Tail Beast, which means that the meaning of Naruto is not ordinary Sharingan, but Mangekyō Sharingan higher than ordinary Magatama Sharingan.

Naruto did not answer the nine-tailed reply.

Nine-tailed eyes opened a slit and glanced at Naruto. Perhaps it was too lazy to ask, saying directly: “This is a long and long story… I also listened to an Old Man.”

Old Man? Speaking of Six Path?

Naruto is concentrating, and if Six Path says it, the so-called story is probably the truth.

Nine-tailed continued: “He said that very early in the world, there was no Chakra in this world. Later, a woman took off the fruit of a tree of gods. Since then, there has been Chakra in World.”

Nine tails took another look at Naruto: “Does it sound very crap?”

Naruto Kaidō: “There are a lot of things in this World that are very nonsense.”

The nine-tailed eyes are a little bigger: “For example?”

Naruto said with a smile : “For example, the teacher of the nine lama actually likes to eat dessert.”

After the nine-turned Byakugan (roll eyes), close the eyes again, and use the action to show that you are too lazy to take care of Naruto.

Naruto urged: “You haven’t said why Sharingan is restraining you.”

Nine-tailed proud and pampered came up and continued to answer.

Naruto pointed out the pros and cons: “This is very important because we are likely to encounter a few people with special Sharingan, so I have to think about countermeasures.”

Nine-tailed opened his eyes again, but he said: “What strategies can you think of? You have said that there are a lot of nonsense things in this World. Sharingan is one of them.”

Naruto frowned: “The apple will fall into the sky and fall to the ground because there is gravity. The dog told me that I can hear it because I have ears. Is there always a reason for everything?”

Nine-tailed, he felt that Naruto’s first sentence seemed a bit reasonable, but in the second sentence, the dog told you to hear…

Um… I won’t find it, I am a fox, not a dog.

Plus, I can hear you not because you have ears, but the existence of a Spirit link.

Nine-tailed finally started to talk: “It makes sense, or because the woman who took the fruit, she ate the fruit, and then grew a special eye, the eyes have the Ability to control Chakra, and Sharingan The source is the eyes.”

“Let’s say that Chakra’s existence is up to her, and that eye is her eyes, and she will naturally be restrained by her.”

“If you ask why again, I can’t answer it.”

“After all, in my opinion, this is nothing to be said.”

Naruto nodded concludes: “So, because you are a modernization of Chakra, you are restrained by Sharingan.”

Nine tails added: “It’s not just that I am restrained. Anyone who has Chakra will be restrained, and even if there is no Chakra, anyone who is alive will be restrained. The audience of Illusion Technique is the best proof.”

Then he asked: “Now you know what you want to know, can you have a countermeasure?”

This is a ridicule, but I didn’t expect Naruto to be seriously nodded.

Kaidō: “I did think of a few. Since eyes have restraint on you, just let him not open his eyes soon?”

“For example, tear gas, if the effect is not significant, it can be a powerful tear gas, tear gas.”

“As for the strong acid, I think that the eyes are just an eye. If it is an eye, then Wang Shui, who can financialize Huang, is also a no-brainer.”

“For example, poisons, volatile poisons, and poisons in strong acids are also a good match.”

“Or you can try the glare, and the whole spotlight and the like are on his face to see if he can show his eyes to the sun.”

“You can hide and not be seen by him.”

Strong acid, poison, strong acid and poison, glare… hide.

Nine-tailed slaps, and finally lost with a smile: “I can really figure out a way…”

Naruto continues to think about it, but… Which one do you want to use for Danzo?

I feel that I still use insurance…

At this time, the battle outside is almost coming to an end.

Because Orochimaru used Edo Tensei, summoned the first and second generation Hokage.

Then the Dead Demon Consuming Seal is gone.

A pigeon far away at the roof of the stands, the glazed Biva sorghum sorghum, the Four Violet Flames Formation in the array of men and women.

There are also the first and second generations of Edo Tensei.

After three generations of Hokage used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to seal it into Shinigami’s stomach…the two were in their hands.

Because the mask that lifted the Dead Demon Consuming Seal was in his hands.

What kind of Attribute will the fusion of the soul of a generation of Hokage be merged? Should it be a wooden Attribute?

Wood is a combination of water and soil, and the water Attribute is available. After the Hyōton (Ice Release) is cooked, find a chance to melt the soil Attribute.

So what about the second generation Hokage?

The second generation of Hokage will not be a raft, I don’t know how to combine it, but according to past experience, it should be just a single Attribute.

Three generations of Hokage without Kekkei Genkai… Fusion is also one of the five basic Attributes.

Shinigami’s belly… There are four generations of Hokage… How will the four generations of Hokage deal with it?

Fusion? What is said is also the body of this body, melting seems too cruel…

Let it disappear into the world? What about the seal and the other half of the four generations of Hokage soul?

Or do you learn Edo Tensei will be four generations of Edo Tensei, and then take back the nine tails and then lift it?

In addition to the soul of the four generations of Hokage, Shinigami’s belly will have a lot of Orochimaru’s body hands…

How do you deal with this, and deal with Orochimaru? What about the deal? Redeem Sasuke back? Haha…

Looks like an interesting idea…

Naruto is looking forward to the future.

Maybe one day he will sing in front of Sasuke: “Small Saiko, you Naruto has redeemed you back…”

The picture is really strong… can’t think about it, spicy eyes.

But when it comes to Sasuke… Naruto just checked Sasuke’s body, and there is no curse left by Orochimaru on his body…

So… when is Orochimaru ready to start?

Before Tsunade came back? Still after?

If Orochimaru finds that Sasuke is handicapped, will it change his mind?

But do you want to come and grab it now?

Thinking of this, Naruto looked carefully at all around, the ice wall was not strongly Attacked… I thought Orochimaru should not do it now.

At this same time, a small snake with a pair of sharp Fangs outside the ice wall circled the stadium, it had to enter the field… but it could not find the entrance to enter…

I don’t know how many times I circled it, but the little snake couldn’t take a bite and bite the ice wall.

Then I shuddered and iced my teeth…

The tongue is licking again… Oops, the coldness on the teeth is too cold, and the tongue is frozen and frozen…

For a time, the sadness in the heart of the snake is so big…

It just wants to go in and find a chance to bite a bit… Originally thought it was a simple Quest… I didn’t expect it to be so difficult…

The inside of the ice wall is stunned by the body of the wind. After a long time, I finally started to talk. “That Naruto… Can this temperature be raised a bit? It’s a bit cold…”

Naruto came back from the hairpin: “Ah? What are you talking about?”

第四更送上,2800字的……第五更目测是木有咧……不过今天更新的字数加起来应该有10 了,也算是五更。然后小召打算继续码字开始屯稿,因为上架上的突然,我这更新的节奏都被打乱了。小召打算慢慢的屯点稿,把节奏找回来,对了,因为已经达到10:1的收订比,小召今后每天最少三更。还有,等均订稳定450以上,小召每日4四更。最后感谢今天打赏的“羟酸钙”,“晋距离”,“快乐多多1”三位大佬。嗯……就酱紫,明天继续爆更,能爆多少爆多少,每天三更说的是下周开始。(请大家继续full power 支持小召!)

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