Supreme Naruto

Chapter 141

“Is it really saved?” Naruto asked again subconsciously.

However, there is still hope in my heart. The usual shinobi can’t save, then Tsunade will definitely save.

Waiting for three generations of box lunches, when I look for Tsunade to come back, I can still catch up with the time.

After checking the body of Sasuke, I was preparing to disperse Chakra, and suddenly I thought there was still a location that was not explored.

It stands to reason that the ankle wrapped by the ligament is a very stable position in the human body with little dislocation.

Once dislocated, the impact is extremely fierce and accompanied by a fracture…

The little guy’s right foot was dislocated and had a fracture, indicating that the right foot was very hard.

Then… that place has to be explored…

Think of this wind between the hands of the hands between Sasuke’s legs, do not need to touch the skin, Chakra into the Sasuke body will directly report the injury to the mind.

“Oh… it hurts…”

Naruto looked at the position of Sasuke in the wind, and suddenly he was nervous. The place was heavy, and if it was hurt… his sin was big…

And even Tsunade doesn’t necessarily save you back…

Some nervous asked: “He… is there also injured?”

Curl one’s lip, speculating: “People who hurt him like this must have a hatred with him. This is definitely based on the broken grandson.”

Is there such a big hatred for Sasuke?

Naruto said that there is absolutely nothing! Still a good buddy…

When I’m done, this time I’m playing big, but I’m really not deliberate…

The thousand birds were so dazzling that they gathered Chakra in their hands when they were nervous, and then used the spiral pills again when they were nervous.

“Is it really a great grandson?” Naruto asked more directly this time.

Because he wants to determine the specific condition, if so… or send Sasuke to Orochimaru as soon as possible, maybe there is still a rescue.

After all, Orochimaru will clone, and it is not difficult to transplant an organ.

I thought that transplanting Naruto’s head could not help but come out: the creature picture such as the dog monkey and the horse…

Want to transplant these? The picture is too beautiful to think deeply.

Chakra Kaidō, who was scattered in the wind, said: “Almost, if the injury is heavier, it will not be saved. The current situation is an egg.”

“Call…” Naruto sighed in relief.

Looking at Naruto in the wind, I wondered, “You seem to be nervous, how… you…”

The eyes of the wind and the moon are floating between Sasuke Naruto.

Naruto’s corner of the mouth, pumped with a smile: “Hua Yue teacher, don’t be kidding at this time…”

The wind is shrugged, looking at Sasuke and glance: “This guy is now in a coma, can’t hear what I said, and still maintains the style of the doctor, the master teasing the disciple?”

“Yes… where is this? Is there a hospital nearby? You have to send this guy to the hospital as soon as possible.”

Naruto explained: “This is the hunting ground for the Chunin exam, but the Chunin exam has been cancelled. Shinobi of Sharon Village and Yin Ren Village launched Attack to Konoha.”

When the wind and the moon are listening to this, the expression is dignified. She is the one who hates fighting most, because once a battle occurs, it means that there is a wounded person. If there is a wounded person, it means that she has to work overtime again…

Also, the special old-age care institution may have to add newbie again.

Fengjianhuayue: “So… what now?”

Naruto looked at the ice cover above, Kaidō: “The two choices, one stay here, no one’s idle egg hurts to break through here, it is still very safe, and two secretly leave the way to send Sasuke to the hospital. But…the outside may not be too flat… It’s dangerous to take you out…”

The wind and the moon asked again: “How do you think you choose?”

Naruto looks at Sasuke: “I don’t care. I have to look at his situation. If he is not treated in time, he will delay his injury. If he does not need treatment for a short time, then stay here. Not bad.”

Nodded Kaidō: “Then stay here, most of the injuries on his body are in the case of checking the injury. I have simply handled it with Senjutsu. As for his hand, I don’t care, because Definitely abolished.”

Naruto corner of the mouth, don’t worry, even if Tsunade comes, it doesn’t work.

“Hua Yue teacher, I think Sasuke’s hand can still be rescued.”

Fengjianhuayue shook head said: “I have seen this kind of injury. Didn’t you take the special sanatorium to you last time? No rescue, so many people have not been saved, what can his hand save? come back?”

“Well… yes, it’s not a bad thing to go to the nursing home. The last time you showed you a girl who lost the both legs. When he goes in, I can hold the red line so that he is not bored inside.”

Naruto listened to this sentence and his face was black.

If Sasuke really got there, Sasuke’s fierce big brother would kill Konoha? Will definitely kill Konoha!

And will also solve him!

If things really develop to that way, I still have to worship Tsunade as a teacher… I am sure that Tsunade can still save myself when I care about my apprenticeship…

Sasuke’s picture into a special sanatorium is too strong, and Naruto didn’t hold back the brain of everything in disorder.

“Hua Yue teacher, if Tsunade is there, will his hand be saved?”

The wind nodded and said: “If it is Tsunade, it is certainly no problem, because there have been cases, Tsunade did handle the injury and cured, but the key is that Tsunade is not in the village.”

Naruto said seriously: “Now not in the village does not mean that you will not come back later?”

The wind and the moon want to say that so many people in the past, Tsunade, are not coming back. Now, why do you come back for such a person, Tsunade?

But look at Naruto’s serious expression can’t bear to fight this cute little naive little discipline.

Start to talk: “Don’t worry, I have finished the basic processing.” Then added in order not to cause misunderstanding: “I have finished the hand, your master has always been full power, no. Just because you don’t want to have too many expectations, after all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment that hopes to be shattered, even despair.”

Naruto finally sighed in relief.

However, if you think about it carefully, the person who is the character of Mr. Hua Yue can see the truth that he can’t get full power.

This time he was a little concerned and confused.

The wind between the moon and the moon refers to the outside: “How long does it take to play outside? If you do not exceed 20 for four hours, don’t rush to take him out.”

Can Orochimaru and three generations of Hokage be playing for a day?

I don’t know how to use the ass. After three generations of Hokage, the Dead Demon Consuming Seal is used, and the battle is over.

Naruto Kaidō: “Let’s wait, if you haven’t finished playing before dark, take them out.”

The wind between the flowers and the pure medical shinobi one, from birth did not go out of the village, will not fight.

Sasuke is unconscious and aggravated, so stay tuned and wait for the end.

In fact… As long as Sasuke’s injury can be cured, Naruto is still happy.

At the very least, there is reason to be a bright light in this…

The two were bored, and the wind looked at all around, pointing to the surrounding ice wall: “Is this ice all you got out? It’s amazing.”

The ice made by Naruto covered almost the entire stadium, not just the sky, and all the walls around it were covered with ice walls several meters thick.

In addition, there are several icicles that support the ice cap above.

It’s just a snow and ice world when you look at it. It’s no wonder that the wind waking up doesn’t know where you are.

Naruto nodded: “Ah…thanks to the heavy rain, let me lick a lot of water, or can’t make such a spectacular scene.”

The wind was notdded, and then asked again: “Who said that he would be like this? If Konoha’s shinobi is not convenient for revenge, I will include him in the blacklist of medical shinobi, how can I export it?”

Medical shinobi blacklist? Is there something in the hands of medical shinobi?

Naruto blinked, and some worried asked: “What is that?”

Feng Jianhua explained: “It is the person who is not to be seen. If the person comes to the hospital for treatment, I can collect him double or even ten times the money and give him N times more expensive medicine. How about?” Is it a venting method?”


Naruto has decided to kill or not to say that Sasuke is hurt by such a person.

He said: “Oh, this way, no trouble, that person has just died…”

The wind and flowers are surprised: “Dead? How did you die?”

To make yourself a cause of death is also an egg pain, “being killed by referee.”

With this at the same time, there are two other people on the game stand who are also drawing.

One is Shikamaru and the other is Yamanaka.

When the Illusion Technique was launched, the two men stabilized their Chakra in time to avoid hypnosis by Illusion Technique.

Then I lay under the audience chair, and Ino took the initiative to establish a Spirit link with Shikamaru and asked, “Are we so bad?”

Shikamaru Kaidō: “What’s wrong, we’re just Genin and even Chunin is not, plus the injury to the autumn road Ding Ding is not light, we stay with him just to protect him.”

Ino Kaidō: “Oh…”

However, Iori’s heart is full of suspicion, she is not sure if Shikamaru is too lazy to fight, or is badly influenced by Naruto…

In the former case, Shikamaru is still Shikamaru of the past wit.

The latter words… Ding has learned badly, Shikamaru is learning again… Ino–Shika–Chō The team is going to finish…

The third is more, a bit late, but this 2800. Um… continue to write the fourth chapter. The small church will try its best! (Just try your best) to ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward.

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