Supreme Naruto

Chapter 123

The official Chunin exam.

The Chunin exam passes the pre-selected nine candidates at the same time to wait for the exam.

Jōnin, who is in charge of the training, likes to know the grass roots.

Naruto’s sight began to travel…

The official venue of the Chunin exam is a huge round tube-like venue.

The playing field simulates the wild, the dirt road… and some trees are planted.

The all around of the venue… On the four-meter-high platform of the tube, it is today’s audience.

Three generations of Hokage, three generations of Kazekage…

Naruto’s gaze was noticed in the three generations of Kazekage. The current three generations of Kazekage should be Orochimaru… It is a terrifying man, doing things completely to do as one pleases, depending on Konoha’s defense system… nothing envious…

Then there are some powers…

The well-known officials of the country, who are meticulously dressed in the face, and the wealthy businessmen who have a big belly and a thin belly.

The power of this World…Naruto’s frowned.

From them… Naruto can’t feel the volatility of Chakra.

That is to say they are both ordinary person.

In World with something like Chakra, is the ordinary person still a manager?

Some can’t figure out, shinobi is very powerful, but they have to complete the Quest they released… in order to get paid.

How did they do that?

Is the solidification of ideas, or are they another wrist?

Also, in a sense, the village is inherently a constraint.

While training shinobi, while managing shinobi, there may be people who are not subject to control after Strength formidable, but most of them will be tagged with rebellion after leaving the village, and then die in endless pursuit.

But Naruto feels that this is not enough…

Because if the shadow of the village wants to be king?

Naruto swept through the faces of these people.

Then there is… Shinobi of Konoha, those who lost the qualifications, Naruto saw Chunno Sakura.

The hair of the cherry red is really beautiful, and it feels good with Sasuke.

A flower idiot, a handsome guy, perfect.

And… Yamano Inoue Nara Shikamaru.

Because of Ding, Naruto and these two people are now recognized.

I think some pain in the liver caused by Ding Naruto…

Ding’s visit was originally counted on Sasuke’s head, but the Sasuke guy was going to do special training with Kakashi.

So in the end, Naruto’s own pockets.

However, in fact, I didn’t even eat for a month. Because Ding called Shikamaru and Ino, the time was flattened to three people and became ten days.


Nara Shikamaru might look to cheer him on the barbecue, but Yamanaka is in the mountains… From her sight, Naruto already knows she is coming to cheer for Sasuke.

Compared with the handsome guy, the ten-day barbecue is obviously weak… another flower idiot…

Then there is…Tenten.

The line of sight also hit Sasuke, and Naruto looked at the opposite side and didn’t respond at all.

“Naruto Jun, what are you looking at?”

Hinata asked with a very small voice.

Naruto’s eyes moved up, and the look at a few white clouds that floated overhead: “The clouds today are beautiful.”

Naruto’s pupil at this time is dark blue.

Hinata looked up at the huge clouds like fat sheep, and whispered in agreement: “It’s really beautiful, soft, white and fat.”

Is it fat? Naruto took another white of the eye cloud.

It’s really chubby…

At this time, the three generations of Hokage stood up from the chair and sang: “Ladies and guests! Thank you for coming here to participate in the Chunin selection test held by our Konoha!”

“The following is the official competition through the pre-selected nine players!”

“Please let everyone watch it!”

Did the game start?

On the court, I didn’t know if it was a grassroots or a toothpick. I finally read the information and walked over.

Some of Lazy’s eyes swept through each contestant and then took out a match and said: “Please confirm your opponent again.”

On the form, from left to right, 1 Uchiha Sasuke, 2 Lilock, 3 vortex Naruto, 4 Gaara, 5 Hyuga Neji, 6 Temari, 7 Hyuga Hinata, 8 Tenten, 9 .

The first game: 1 against 2, Uchiha Sasuke VS Lilock.

The second game: 3 against 4, vortex Naruto VSGaara.

Session 3: 5 vs. 6, Hyuga Neji VSTemari.

Game 4: 8 vs. 9, Tenten vs. Qiu Ding.

Game 5: 7 Hyuga Hinata… The winner of the fourth game.

This is the first round of the game.

The second round was the winner of the first match vs the winner of the second match.

The winner of the third game vs the winner of the fourth game.

The game is a knockout system and will eventually leave only one person.

However, according to the previous three-generation Hokage, whether it can be successfully promoted to Chunin depends on the performance on the field.

In other words, the chances of winning a promotion are big, but losing it does not mean that you cannot be promoted.

I don’t know the gaze of the fire from the face of everyone: “You listen, this is the last exam.”

“Although the terrain is different, there is no limit to the pre-selection. The game will stop if one party dies or admits defeat.”

“But… I will stop the game when I think that the exit has been divided… Do you understand?”

“The first leg was Uchiha Sasuke vs. Lilock.”

Speaking of this, I don’t know Fire Mysterious looks at Sasuke and Le Locke: “You two left.”

Then look at other people: “Others please go to the lounge outside the venue to watch the battle.”

Before leaving, Naruto said to Sasuke: “I bet you to win the game in one second.”

Can Sasuke solve Lilock in one second?

I really don’t know if Li Lock is as insane as the stupid one in the preliminaries is not to lift the weight and not open the door.

After all, Sasuke can’t be vomited by his overweight pressure.

But… Naruto is obviously not just cheering on Sasuke.

Because this sentence was also passed to Li Locke’s ear, so Li Locke, who was taken down for a second, was burned.

All of this Sasuke looked in his eyes and glanced at Naruto. “I will win this game and then defeat you.”

Xiao Li’s anger value is superimposed…

Naruto swayed his hand and said: “Want to beat me? It’s really courageous, juvenile, I am optimistic about you.”

Compared to Naruto’s unreasonable refueling, Hinata is relatively normal, “Sasuke Jun, come on!”

Sasuke nodded.

However, it caused a bad look.

There is also a mockery: “You are really relaxed, Miss Hatata… It seems that you have confidently defeated me.”

The person who spoke was Hyuga Neji.

In the event of Hinata, if you win the first round, the second round meets Hyuga Neji.

Upon hearing the sarcasm of Hyuga Neji, Hinata suddenly became nervous.

Naruto is very upset on the side.

Blocking Hyuga Neji’s line of sight with the body, taunted: “You are also very relaxed, it seems that you have confidence to win me?”

As a result, Hyuga Neji didn’t look at him and turned his head and walked away.

Was ignored… thieves have wood…

Naruto corner of the mouth

After exiting the arena, Naruto handed a candy to Hinata and Hinata ate it directly.

Then gave a golden pill…

Naruto said with a slight smile : “I wear it on my body and I will teach you how to use it when I play against Hyuga Neji.”

Hinata finally received a golden pill in the eyes of Naruto.

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