Supreme Naruto

Chapter 122

Naruto rejected Jiraiya.

Jiraiya did not give up.

Next, I came to Naruto almost every day, and I was agitated by Naruto.

Walking will encounter occasions, buy fruit will meet, go to the store will encounter, and sometimes even suddenly appear at home.

It would be a lovely child’s paper, a crappy big man Tenten is walking around himself… Naruto is very painful.

And the presence of Jiraiya has affected Naruto’s normal life and cultivation plans.

Also, because of Jiraiya’s sake, Naruto could not live in the manager’s home.

So there is no delicious dessert, so the nine tails are also very annoying.

Nine tails have said that he has been killed more than once.

Naruto can only say that it is deflated, this guy can’t be destroyed.

After being tossed for a week, Naruto felt that he should do something. For Jiraiya, who is not asking for an alarm clock, “What can you teach me?”

Naruto’s alarm clock is Kakashi. I don’t know how many times I sent it. It is a cute baby bear. Maybe for this reason, this alarm clock does not die under the ice cone.

When I heard Naruto ask myself, Jiraiya thought that Naruto had finally changed his mind. Start to talk: “You have in the body. There are actually two Chakras. I can teach you how to master this Strength.”

“The opponent of your Chunin exam official competition is Gaara in Sharon Village? I can guarantee that if you don’t learn to use this Strength, you are definitely not his opponent, or even… it is likely to be killed by him.”

Nine-tailed Chakra? Sorry, this Naruto really doesn’t need it.

Because nine tails have sold their Chakra many times, claiming that Naruto will use it once he eats a piece of dessert.

Of course, the beginning is the 100 block, but Naruto disagrees that the value always follows the demand, so it falls to the end and falls to the end.

But even if it is a piece of Naruto, don’t.

I can imagine how depressed the nine tails are.

“You are talking about me within the body, the nine-tailed Chakra?”

Jiraiya nodded again and again.

Naruto shook the head: “Sorry, I won’t use this animal’s Chakra anyway, because he killed my parents.”


Nine tails angered and snarled: “Naruto! You actually said that I am a beast!”

Naruto comforted: “An, well, just to show that I am tired of you, not true, you know, I respect you very much.”

The hair of the nine tails still blew up.

The whole body is two times because the hair is fat.

Naruto made a trump card, “I will eat a piece of dessert when I go to the store today.”

The nine-tailed hair continued to blow up, and the bargaining price said: “Ten!”

Naruto: “The top five, please accept if you are good, or I will not eat dessert today.”

The hair that was blown up on Jiuwei’s body instantly recovered, and his face fell silently: “Well… five pieces will be five.”

Ok… the great nine tails are completely immersed in the temptation of dessert, and even the festival is not needed.

Jiraiya began to tell the truth about Naruto’s reluctance to use the nine-tailed Strength.

What is Strength is not evil, as long as you master the rules of your own hands.

Naruto has long understood this simple truth. He interrupted: “You don’t have to say more, it’s impossible. If you have other price codes, please mention it as soon as possible. If you don’t have one, you can only take one shot.”

Jiraiya took a deep breath and thought about it and changed a condition: “I can teach you the high level Ninjutsu created by the four generations of Hokage. If you learn this, you can break Gaara’s defense.”

Speaking around, I looked at all around, like looking for something to demonstrate.

Naruto directly shook head said: “You are talking about spiral pills? I have learned.”

Say Naruto raises his right hand, Chakra gathers his palm, spins and compresses, and in a moment a ball of light compressed by Chakra storm appears in Naruto’s hands.

Jiraiya’s eyes were round, and he stared at the light ball compressed by Chakra in Naruto’s hand.

From the color of the color, as well as the breath… Jiraiya can feel that this is a real spiral pill.

At this time, Naruto raised his left hand again and there was one on his left hand.

Two spiral pills, at the same time, appear in Naruto’s hands, and Naruto’s mastery of spiral pills is already very well understood.

“This is impossible! How did you learn! Who taught you!”

Naruto calmly took Chakra in his hand, and the ball of light in his palm dissipated.

Start to talk said: “It seems that the three generations of Hokage did not tell you that I have met with the four generations of Hokage once.”

Naruto pointed to the seal on his stomach. “Before the death of the four generations of Hokage, all the Chakras are sealed together in this procedure… You can ask three generations of Hokage for specific things. He knows some.”

Jiraiya stared at Naruto with a dignified look: “So, you already know that the four generations of Hokage are…”

Naruto nodded interface said: “My father, I know.”

Jiraiya took a few breaths and he felt that his head was a little oxygen-deficient.

Naruto urged: “Do you have any Ninjutsu, or other skills that are helpful to me?”

Jiraiya is not sure. “How about the technique of psychic? It is very suitable for you. From what you can see with multiple shadows, your Chakra is very abundant…”

Just like your mother.

Jiraiya didn’t say it later, just chanting in my heart.

He is afraid of stabbing Naruto.

In his view, parents are forbidden to be with orphans.

Naruto shook head said: “I am not interested in ,, I have no intention of making 蛤蟆Kuchiyose no Jutsu.”

“But… I have some interest in Kuchiyose no Jutsu itself, but it is just an interest.”

Um… If you learn Kuchiyose no Jutsu, you can sign up for it, so you can summon and play around.

As for the demand for combat, you can change it at that time.

Having been rejected three times in a row, Jiraiya didn’t know what to say, Senjutsu? That is to sign a contract with you, and the inheritance of Senjutsu is not something that he is free to do… you need to find the guy called the prophet…

Thinking of the son of prophecy, Jiraiya had another headache.

Gamamaru said that the son of prophecy is his own discipline, but he does not have any requirements in the current discipline…

Originally, he guessed it was Nagato…but in the recent news, Nagato they died unfortunately…


Jiraiya feels that she is going to whiten her hair… well, his hair is white.

When Jiraiya was in a mess, Naruto started to talk: “You are my father’s teacher. I know that you want to help me to accept me. If you really help me… can help I found Tsunade.”

This is the end of the conversation.

Since then, Jiraiya has not been so diligent to find Naruto.

Naruto’s life is once again back in the past.

Time flies… A month’s time is fleeting.

Chunin official exam, finally arrived.

On the eve of the exam, Orochimaru appeared in Sasuke’s home.

Both of them were calm and didn’t make a big shot, and they saw that it was not the first time they met.

Orochimaru leans against the wall, the shadow stretches in the less bright light, and spreads into the darkness of the darkness. “Do you think Kakashi can make you get stronger? I recently discovered some interesting news, Jiraiya wants to collect the vortex Naruto was a disciple, but was rejected. The little guy said that he would like to worship Tsunade… Jiraiya must have felt Naruto stupid, but I smelled an unusual atmosphere.”

Sasuke looks calm at the Orochimaru, his shadow is pulled down in the dim light, and coincides with the shadow of Orochimaru in the dark. “What do you want to say?”

The snake is charming with a smile: “You are so smart, you know what I am talking about, whether it is Jiraiya or Tsunade. It is very formidable shinobi. Naruto will grow rapidly regardless of who he is.” And you…Kakashi? Jokes…you will be farther and farther away from Naruto.”

“So… let me go…”

“You are a great Talent, where your Talent will only be buried…”

“Right, do you know that Naruto is a fox? But the so-called monster fox specifically means that you probably don’t know, it is also a strength, and it is very formidable strength, if Naruto masters, you… only Being pulled further and further…”

Sasuke’s face was gloomy, his eyes were more confused, maybe he had been confused… it was only this moment that it was revealed.

However, Sasuke’s will will not be persuaded because of a little confusion, and soon he recovered his lucidity, the whit of the boxing, said coldy: “I will beat him in tomorrow’s game.”

Orochimaru corner of the mouth cracked, low voice, like Devil’s whisper: “If you lose… just follow me.”

Silence… I don’t know how long it has been.

Sasuke nodded: “Okay.”

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