Supreme Naruto

Chapter 105

Hyuga Hinata VS Yamano Ino.

Ten seconds after the opening…Hyuga Hinata wins!

A very simple game, because Hinata listened to Naruto, the opening moment did not say a word, do one more thing, come up directly to gossip and sixty-four palms, when the Ninjutsu in the mountain is not made, the moment KO .

At the end of the game, the screen on the field announces the preliminaries promotion list:

Konoha, Hatake Kakashi: vortex Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Hinata.

Konoha, Maitekai: Tenten, Leroy, Hyuga Neji.

Konoha, Sarutobi Asma: Nara Shikamaru.

Sha Ren, Markey: Gaara, Temari.

The crowd looked up at the list and at first glance locked the team called Hatake Kakashi.

At the same time, a string of numbers popped up in the head.

The vortex Naruto ends the battle in three seconds, Uchiha Sasuke two seconds, Hyuga Hinata ten seconds…

Hatake Kakashi himself is also on the list at the time, and he is in a good mood.

Naruto hit the railroad: “Kakashi teacher, we have all advanced.”

Kakashi nodded praised: “The performance is good.”

Naruto smiled: “So… look… the B-box of your visit, should you mention it?”

Kakashi hesitated a bit, but thought that this time the results are really good, then mention it anyway.

I agreed, “Yes.”

Opposite Naruto’s stands, the red beans leaped down. “Please bring all the people who entered the official competition to the venue!”

The three generations of Hokage and Ibie look at the stand at the stand, and the red beans flew down and silently turned and walked down the stairs silently.

After all, it’s a big man… it’s going to be steady…

Two minutes later, the crowd gathered in front of the stone statues of the three generations of Hokage before the start of the exam.

In front of the huge rock arm that was “not” printed.

Three generations of Hokage stood in the center, Gekkō Hayate ended the pre-match referee’s duty to stand aside.

Ibizi and Red Bean as the examiner stood behind the three generations of Hokage.

Three generations of Hokage, just a moment of Hokage’s fight, start to talk: “Next, I will explain the contents of the official game.”

“I told you before that the official competition will be open.”

“You represent the strength of your country. I hope that you will be able to play at the best level.”

“To this end, the time of the game is set to be one month later.”

“In other words, during this period, it is the time for you to prepare for the war. It is also the time we inform Kazekage of Sharon Village and the names and dignitaries of various countries to watch the game.”

Three generations of Hokage are talking about it.

Naruto…and slipped away…

In Naruto’s view, only the game that will be held in a month is important information. How important is the other game… The responsibility on your shoulders… How to use the information obtained in the game to make the actual effect The battle plan… Analyze how others know their own deficiencies and how to improve themselves… all are farts are nonsense.

However, the more people tend to talk nonsense…

So what is Naruto thinking?

He is thinking about who he will be.

It’s best to Tenten, the hoe is nothing more than throwing a dart.

Various throws, one-handed throws, both hands throwing, Scroll unfolding into pieces, it is easy to deal with anyway.


It’s also a good match for the autumn.

The Autumn Power of the Autumn Road is strong, but it is useless, and Naruto has the confidence that the lovely fat man will not touch himself.

After all, Ino–Shika–Chō is really powerful in working with each other.

The shadow mimicry of the Nara family, the heart of the mountain family can control the enemy.

Then the Qiutu family only needs to use the formidable Attack to destroy the enemy.

The counter-effect of the ultimate pursuit of cooperation is that the sky is together, and the ground is separated.

Not afraid.

I can’t meet the words of these two people… I can also meet Temari.

Anyway, as long as you don’t meet Gaara, Li Locke, Sasuke, Hyuga Neji… are all good luck.

So what about Hinata?

If Hinata meets Gaara, let her admit it directly without a match.

Encounter…Hyuga Neji…it’s trouble…

Hinata Although he listened to him sometimes, Naruto had a hunch that if he met Hyuga Neji, Hinata would choose to fight.

While Hyuga Neji was playing, Naruto was watching the game, but he was also watching Hinata.

He found that Hinata didn’t do small tricks… the fist was also very tight.

I don’t know what’s going on in my heart… but it’s right if I don’t feel right.

Just as Naruto’s thoughts fluttered and worried about the country and the people, the three generations of Hokage finally finished the lecture on how to improve Strength and how to use this month.

Three generations of Hokage: “Now, please draw lots in order.” Say this, the three generations of Hokage signaled the red beans next to them.

The red beans took the cardboard boxes and went to everyone.

Naruto looked at the note in his hand: 3.

Then I looked at Hinata, and Hinata noticed Naruto’s gaze and showed her number to Naruto: 7.

Is Hinata the 7 number? If you remember correctly… The original World is developing… 7 is in the air.

If this development of World has not changed… then this is the signing of the good luck…

When Hinata showed Naruto a number plate, the three generations of Hokage cleared their throats.

“Cough! Now report your number plate from left to right.”

Sign the number plate? Does it mean not to exchange?

Naruto is the far left, start to talk counts: “3 number.”

Next to it is Hinata: “7 number.”

Sasuke: “1 number.”

Ding times: “9 number.”

Li Locke: “2”

Lee Locke is the 2 number! So… Sasuke vs. Leroy?

Tenten: “8 number.”

Neji: “5 number.”

Temari: “7 number.”

Gaara: “4 number.”

Gaara is the 4 number…

Naruto only felt that the eyes were black, and in the heart, a million dollars of your mother rushed through the border.

and many more! Maybe the Rule of the game has changed?

Naruto revived and he felt like he could still save!

When the people finished the report, Ibi hi opened a battle order to everyone.

Pyramid-shaped battle table.

The 1 number is against the 2 number.

The 3 number is against the 4 number.

Then there is a connection above the two groups, meaning that the winners of the two groups will fight again.

Below it is the name that Ibie just added below.

Uchiha Sasuke under 1 and Lilock under 2.

Under the 3 number, there is a vortex Naruto, which is written under the 4…Gaara.

This is an extremely exciting grouping, stormy stimulation!

That is to say, they are four… to decide a winner…

rescue? nonexistent……

I’m so worried… I’m suffering from liver pain…

The other groups next to it will be much more peaceful.

Hyuga Neji, 5, against Temari, 6.

7 Hyuga Hinata…round…

It can’t be said that it is a round, but her game is played against the winner after the 8 Tenten and 9 Ding times out the exit.

After all, it is the contestants who are nine people.

Why isn’t the 9 number empty? This is Naruto’s subconscious reaction to see this picture, perhaps the civilized habits are different…

However, the 7 is still very good, and the 8 Tenken and 9 Ding Strength are not strong. After a game, Stamina is overdrawn, and Hinata has no reason to win.

As for Hyuga Neji, who played against Hinata after winning, Naruto thought about what kind of medicine to give Hyuga Neji…

And Gaara… Do you want to come?

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