Supreme Naruto

Chapter 104

Who wins Hyuga Neji and Nara Shikamaru?

Who is Naruto and Sasuke inferred correctly?

Sasuke and Naruto glanced at each other and then simultaneously began to stare at the game below.

Hyuga Neji began to retreat under the shadow of Nara Shikamaru, which is the longest distance from Nara Shikamaru’s shadow pursuit.

It is almost eight meters away.

Then…Hyuga Neji speeds up in vain and speed increases to the limit.

Eighty-six and sixty-four palms started, and the ordinary person at this moment could not fully capture the Hyuga Neji.

The dynamic vision of Sasuke II Magatama Sharingan can only barely capture the illusion of Hyuga Neji.

Hyuga Neji disappeared in place, and when she appeared again, she stood at the behind of Nara Shikamaru, separated by a meter, “empty palm!”

Hyuga Neji raised his hand and began to gather Chakra in his hand.

At this same time, at the foot of Hyuga Neji, a black shadow is rising.

The shadow has not yet climbed out of the ground, and Sasuke was discovered because of the volatility of Chuck.

Sasuke can be sure that Nara Shikamaru is ready, but… can it catch up?

Hyuga Neji’s arm is not as fast as the previous pace.

After all, the empty palm and the eighty-six chapters are not the same Body Technique.

Borrowing the pace of the gossip and sixty-four palms, the middle of the transition into a hollow wall, there will inevitably be some stagnation.

Under the dynamic vision of Sasuke Sharingan, the palm of Hyuga Neji is slowly launching.

In the cracks in the ground not far from the foot, the shadow of the Chakra reaction is also rising slowly.

This is an extremely long process for Sasuke.

It seems to be as long as a century.

But for Naruto, it was only a moment.

Hyuga Neji disappeared from the spot and appeared in the behind of Nara Shikamaru, and then played a hollow palm.

At this time, Shikamaru’s line of sight was still in the position before the disappearance of the look at Hyuga Neji, and the shadow of the pursuit was not recovered.

So in Naruto’s opinion, he won this game.

But the change has always been a little off guard, and Hyuga Neji’s palm suddenly stopped halfway.

Then the body machine starts to make a half-baked look.

That is the posture of Nara Shikamaru…

“Win it… oh…”

Sasuke turned off Sharingan, and the clouds on his face and the dead air on his face had long since dissipated.

The whole person is full of Spirit, and it is not too radiant to say that it is radiant.

The gaze is even more kind, and that is the expression of the presence, said to Naruto: “It seems that this bet is that I won.”

Naruto confused: “How to win? The shadow is clearly not recovered.”

Sasuke said with joy: “When Nara Shikamaru pursued Hyuga Neji with shadow, he did not use full power, but extended part of the shadow into the crack in the sole of the foot, so Hyuga Neji only appeared in his behind, then Hyuga Neji It will be tricked.”

“But Hyuga Neji is obviously prepared.”

“Hyuga Neji chose the Attack location, which is the best on the ground, so the shadow of Hyuga Neji is not in contact with the cracks on the ground, so it takes a little time for Shikamaru’s shadow to stick out of the crack.”

Naruto blinked, how many things happened in the moment just now?

Naruto said that he did not see anything.

The Sharingan of the Uchiha family is really a cow… Would you like to find a chance to transplant one for yourself?

Sharingan is said to be not a Uchiha family who will consume Chakra, but he is not afraid of it. He does not have much Chakra.

Moreover, even if his Chakra is used up, there are nine tails of Chakra that can be borrowed, and the prospects are very good.

Think of this Naruto looking at Sasuke’s eyes.

It would be nice if you could take a bet for Sasuke’s pair of eyes… um… one can do it.

Sasuke didn’t know how Naruto had terrifying thoughts because he lost a game, and he was still explaining it with enthusiasm.

And very atmospheric promise: “Although you win a game, but still lose you in general, you can rest assured that I will definitely not rely on that.”

Lay off?

So Sasuke’s attention before paying attention? Or do you have this intention?

That’s right, what if Sasuke really wants to pay?

Um… If he dares to pay the bill, then he will freeze him into an ice sculpture to the crossroads of Konoha when he takes a shower…

Sasuke was very happy. He won a game and he regained his confidence. Before losing, it can be summed up.

After all, now he only lost one game, one game, nothing.

Naruto didn’t see Sasuke’s three-game losing streak, so she was a little disappointed.

But at this moment, unexpected things happened again, and Nara Shikamaru suddenly raised her hand: “I admit defeat!”

Sasuke’s face was still on his face, and Naruto’s lost mood was not calmed down.

The two at the same time look at Nara Shikamaru.

At this time, because Nara Shikamaru raised his hand, Hyuga Neji’s hand was also raised under the rule of Shadow Imitation.

Referee Gekkō Hayate reconfirmed: “You want to give up this game?”

Nara Shikamaru puts his handcuffs in his pocket and at the same time lifts Ninjutsu and says, “Well, I chose to give up the game.”

Gekkō Hayate nodded and announced: “Nara Shikamaru took the initiative to give up the game, the winner, Hyuga Neji!”

The expression on Sasuke’s face is petrified…

Naruto’s eyes bent and squinted at Sasuke, funny…

You said: “Hey… three-game winning streak… three bets… Sasuke classmates, you won’t fall?”

Sasuke’s Chakra goes straight to the eyes eyes, and the second Magatama Sharingan opens instantly.

Want to suffer! Sasuke is broken!

How does Illusion Technique break?

The ordinary Illusion Technique requires outsiders to touch the body fascinated by the Illusion Technique to wake up the person who fell into the Illusion Technique.

But Sharingan’s Illusion Technique is much stronger than the regular Illusion Technique.

Well, if there are no outsiders… he can ask for the nine tails of the body.

But now the three generations of Hokage are not far away. If you let the three generations of Hokage feel the nine-tailed atmosphere, you know that you can control the nine-tailed Chakra, a Jinchūriki that can call Tail Beast Strength, when Konoha monitors him. It will definitely be strengthened…

That is not the life that Naruto wants to live…

As Naruto’s head turned to think about countermeasures, Sasuke whole body trembled, eyes stared at Naruto, but he did not launch Illusion Technique.

He is patient… and he has a hard time…

Naruto seems to be a little boy who is a hound dog, standing there without moving.

Because experience has shown that when encountering a hound, don’t make an action that makes the opposite side suspect.

As long as you stand honestly, there is a chance of 85% dog will not bite you.

But if you tamper with and even counterattack, then the hound has a chance of 95%, and the bite of the thigh is gentle, broken… such as Sasuke in front… will directly with the slightest hesitation Throw away.

The two looked at each other for five seconds…

Sasuke’s Sharingan fades, gnashing one’s teeth said: “I won’t lose your bet!”

Naruto said a little bit and said: “I just said casually, how can Sasuke Jun make the kind of demeanor that depends on the bet…”

In my heart, I muttered: “I have a good reason, so I have a good reason to freeze you when you take a bath, and then resist at the crossroads of Konoha.”

At this time, the name of the last game appeared on the screen, the ninth game: “Hyuga Hinata VS Yamano Ino.”

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