Supreme Lord

Chapter 987

“I thought Dong Old Hu would arrange for some expert to come over today. Didn’t expect it was a fake Gu Tianlang.”

Before this, Tan Tong or some dreaded Gu Qingfeng , After all, he knew nothing about the existence of Gu Qingfeng, and he didn’t dare to act blindly without thinking, lest he had terrifying background and the good fortune he could not detect, only when he learned that this man claimed to be the king of Chixiao Gu After Tianlang, my heart is not so jealous.

When he thinks about it, if this person really has a terrifying background and a good fortune he cannot detect, there is no need to pretend to be Gu Tianlang. This is completely unnecessary. He seems to see through the purpose of the wind, said with a sneer.

“Find an ordinary person who needs a cultivation base, no cultivation base, and no good fortune. If there is no accident, the Profound Void sits here and calls himself Gu Tianlang. Ha! I have to say, it’s really a good trick. Means, at first, Tan really didn’t dare to act rashly. However, do you really think that just finding someone to pretend to be Gu Tianlang can shock me Tantong?”

“He is not my mountain and river. People, let alone scare you from the old man!”

Since the matter has been revealed, Feng Xu didn’t bother to explain too much, and said: “You should also be thankful that he is just a fake, if he is Real king, your head has fallen to the ground!”

“The head fell to the ground? hahaha! What a joke! Do you really think that Gu Tianlang is a god? Tell you, he died, he was killed 300 years ago The scattered ashes and dispersed smoke of immortal dao trial did not even have a chance for samsara reincarnation.”

Tan Tong’s laughed heartily disdainfully, shouted: “Even if he is really lucky to survive, even at this moment he In front of me, I dared to kill him on the spot!”

“Unfortunately, I really got a chance to survive, and I am really right in front of you at this moment. , Then you come and kill me.”

At this time, Gu Qingfeng’s voice suddenly came, he looked at Tantong, lightly saying: “Also let me see how much you have grown over the years Ability to make you swell into such a virtue.”

“A little thing that act recklessly!” Tan Tong stood with his hands in his hand, glaring at Gu Qingfeng, shouted: “I really thought that Tan didn’t dare to kill you. “

“It’s not that I despise you.” Gu Qingfeng took a glass of wine, drank lightly without a mouthful, and said: “You really dare not kill me.”


If it were to be the ordinary time, the person of Tantong had already taken action to wipe out the act recklessly in front of him on the spot.

But I don’t know why. When facing the serene white clothed man in front of him, his mind is always restless, especially when he is stared at by those silent eyes that are like an abyss. It felt as if he was being stared at by Death God, making him panicked, very afraid, and extremely scared.


This person clearly does not have any cultivation base nor any good fortune, and it is definitely Fengxu who deliberately found someone impersonating Gu Tianlang in order to deter him, it is a means of tricking Profound Void!

Why are you afraid!

The scared person doesn’t even have the courage to do it!


I don’t know.

But it is this kind of unfathomable mystery fear that makes Tan Tong never dare to do it!

“What, didn’t you mean to kill me? Why not do it.”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice is very low and indifferent, like talking to a stranger Similarly, his tone was extremely plain, and said: “You have the courage?”

The opposite.

Tan Tong tried to restrain the inner fear, but unfortunately it was useless. No matter how restrained, it would not work. On the contrary, the more restrained, the stronger the inner fear. He took a deep breath, pretending to be calm, and stretched out his hand. shouted: “Flying ghost, kill him for me!”

A gloomy Elderly stepped up from Mingyu. He was an Earth Immortal and also an Ancient Era Seize Body For Rebirth The Earth Immortal.

Seize Body For Rebirth is an evil method.

Once Seize Body For Rebirth, it is equivalent to embarking on a path of evil cultivation. In order to maintain the vitality of Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol, one can only constantly sacrifice the fleshy body that comes from the body possession. The method of cultivation is not only cruel, but also bloody. Therefore, the people of Seize Body For Rebirth are not only evil cultivation in Ancient Era, but also in modern times.

Many people are afraid of the people of Seize Body For Rebirth.

Because these people use the fleshy body as a cauldron to sacrifice, the power of the fleshy body is very powerful, and the fleshy body is not theirs, so naturally they have no scruples. What is more terrifying is their Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol is definitely an evil and bloody existence.

The person with body possession is not a good bird, and a good person does not possess body possession.

This is indeed the case.

This flying ghost in Ancient Era was an evil cultivator Earth Immortal, but when Demon was in trouble, the fleshy body was destroyed by the Scarlet Heavens. In order to survive, I had to Seize Body For Rebirth. Secluded cultivation For many years, in modern times and ancient times, I took refuge in the deficit head. To be precise, I entered the Mingyu sub-rudder and took refuge in Tantong. Over the years, I have been doing some unspeakable deeds for Tantong.

The strength is very strong, relying on the fleshy body that has been practiced for many years, and the evil Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol, even the red sky man Heng San, who is divided between mountains and rivers, can’t help him, including for the Earth Immortal cultivation base Luo Yi’s Great Elder also fought with him, and finally failed to kill him.

It’s too late to say it’s too fast.

When Tan Tong’s voice fell, the silhouette of the flying ghost had disappeared.

When the flying ghost disappeared, Fengxu Old Master, Luo Yi Great Elder and the others all used Magical Powers at the first time to guard the others in the great hall, because they all knew, Feigui is not only powerful, but also proficient in the Technique of Assassination. Even they are not absolutely sure whether they can withstand the assassination of Feigui.


What surprised them was that the white clothed man posing as the king was still sitting on his chair as if nothing had happened.

This can’t help but surprise Tantong and the others, but also makes Fengxu Old Master and the others feel weird.

They can’t figure it out, and can’t tell whether this person is ignorant or really fearless.

If there is no fear.

Why is he? What to rely on.

No one knows.

Everyone is wondering.

“This kind of such insignificant ability also dare to show ugliness in front of me! Get out.”

Gu Qingfeng held the wine glass, lowered his head and drank lightly without looking, just casually said it One sentence.

Everyone is still going on for some reason, a jaw-dropping scene happened. When Gu Qingfeng’s voice fell, the disappearing flying ghost was suddenly shaken out, it was really shaken out, like He was severely injured, just like falling from in the sky.


Not seriously injured!

But all split up and in pieces were shaken, a pile of flesh and blood strewn on the great hall.

Looking at this scene, everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

No one knows that this guy who pretended to be the King of Scarlet Clouds just said a word, neither has any power, nor is there any prestige, why the flying ghost’s fleshy body will be shattered by the shock of the unfathomable mystery.

You need to know that this fleshy body of the flying ghost is the fleshy body that he has come to sacrifice for many years in his body possession. The power of this fleshy body alone makes many people helpless. Why is it now being seen? This person’s words casually flew with blood and blood!


Where is the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol of Flying Ghost.

I don’t know.

No one saw it, except that when the flying ghost’s flesh and blood stumps fell down, there was still a trace of blood mist in the great hall.

It’s difficult to say…

Everyone quickly took out Divine Consciousness to explore the past. This inspection does not matter. Everyone in the audience who frightened everyone was shocked and pale!

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