Supreme Lord

Chapter 986

“Whether you feel that you chose the wrong way back then, or not content with ordinary, these are understandable. After all, everyone has their own ambitions, and everyone has their own way of living. No one can force anyone, even if you really pursue it. I don’t think it’s a high position and great wealth, it’s totally understandable.”

Gu Qingfeng drank the wine in one cup, then stood up, stretched his waist, and continued: “Everyone Living in the secular world, no one can avoid the secular world. It’s the same for me. Who doesn’t want to pursue high position and great wealth, and who doesn’t want to be a human being.”

Maybe it’s just time to sit. A little longer and a little tired, Gu Qingfeng shook his neck, twisted his waist, moved his limbs, and then sat back on the chair and said at a moderate pace: “Actually, there is a sentence you just said, I strongly agree that back then, there was not at all personal grievances between the Chixiao Sect and the Xian Dynasty. Everyone was fighting against each other to survive, that’s all.”

“To say that surrendering to the Xian Dynasty means betraying Chixiao. However, this hat is indeed a bit big.”

Gu Qingfeng looked towards Fengxu Old Master again, and said: “Tan Tong said just now, the Chixiao Sect has long ceased to exist, and there is no betrayal. Betrayal, you should really listen to Tan Tong’s words. Many of what he said just now are quite reasonable. As a human being, you must look forward and cannot live in the past. Moreover, everything you have now is spelled out by yourself, no Gu Tianlang got his life back.”

Gu Qingfeng suddenly spoke, breaking the deadlock here, and easing the tension with swords drawn and bows bent in the great hall a lot.

It’s just that neither Fengxu Old Master and the others nor Tantong and the others know why this person is sitting here so fearless and dauntless, and why he said these words unfathomable mystery.

And Gu Qingfeng not at all paid attention to them, and continued: “Gu Tianlang took you to fight the world back then. Naturally, he was responsible for your lives. In the past, immortal dao came down for the trial. Stand up, who will stand up? This is his duty and his responsibility.”

“You didn’t sorry Gu Tianlang.”

Gu Qingfeng looked towards Tantong again, said : “What you are sorry for are those Chixiao brothers who died that year, and also the big Tibetan dragon elephant who died to protect you. Although I also think that there is no personal grievance between Chixiao and Xianchao, but no matter what, those Chixiao brothers And the big Tibetan dragon elephant died in the hands of the Xian Dynasty. Your bloody evil spirits are made of the blood of all the brothers in the red sky, and your dragon elephant spirit is bred by the blood spirit of the big Tibetan dragon elephant… “

“Now you are bleeding evil spirits within the body, carrying the dragon elephant spirit, but you have joined the immortal dynasty. Is this a bit too unethical? There is nothing wrong with joining the immortal dynasty, pursuing high There is nothing wrong with position and great wealth, but you at least shed the blood of the brothers and let go of the dragon elephant spirit. In doing so, it is not in vain that the great Tibetan dragon elephant died to protect you, and it is even more important for those who died. Brother Xiao, give me an explanation.”

“However, what I don’t understand the most is that if you don’t talk about morality and righteousness, that’s all, you are ignorant of your conscience, bleeding evil spirits, and carrying the dragon elephant. , To join the Xian Dynasty, pursuing high position and great wealth, why did they come to force Fengxu to join the Xian Dynasty.”

Beside, Fei Kui bowed his head and continued to pour the wine, Gu Qingfeng said Lift the glass and drink continuously.

“They don’t agree. You still want to kill them. Can you tell me why? If they don’t agree, you just go after them. Why do you want to kill them? As far as I know , They did not prevent you from pursuing the so-called high position and great wealth, and did not prevent you from joining the Xian Dynasty? And I heard that the Yanluo Kingdom has nearly 50 sub-rudders following Zhou Taihe and joining the Xian Dynasty. It’s so powerful, so why kill Fengxu these people?”

I raised my eyes and looked at Tan Tong, raised his brows slightly, and asked: “en? Let’s talk, looking at you, it seems that you have eaten them this time. In this case, it’s not too late. Let’s talk about it, what do you think.”

Tan Tong squinted his eyes. , Gloomy face, staring at Gu Qingfeng, as if to see through it, coldly said: “What did you do with Tan?”

“I used to be a person of Chixiao, why? It doesn’t matter.”

Chixiao people?


All Chixiao people within the body bleed with blood evil spirits, and blood evil spirits were built by blood spirits of all the brothers of Chixiao brothers back then. Moreover, the spirit of the dragon elephant is also a big Tibetan dragon. The blood spirit of the elephant is conceived. It can be said that the people of Chixiao are connected by bloodline. If they are people of Chixiao, no matter if it is from Tantong or Mingyu, other Chixiao people can recognize it at a glance.

But there is neither blood evil nor dragon elephant on this person.


He said before.

Stupefied that he is the person of samsara reincarnation? Was Chixiao before reincarnation?

Tan Tong looked again and found that this person did not have any turbid breath at all. In other words, he was not a person of samsara reincarnation, not even a person of Seize Body For Rebirth.

But why does he call himself a person of Chixiao?

This is not important.

The important thing is that Tan Tong really can’t see what the youngster wants, and why he is so fearless in front of him? What kind of support does he have?

“Who are you?”

“You just said that I owe you a life, a life of high position and great wealth, and complained that I did not give you what you wanted , Why now I’m sitting in front of you, you don’t recognize it anymore.”

Lose a life?

A life of high position and great wealth?

Blame him for not giving yourself what you want?


Tan Tong recalled carefully, and suddenly startled in his heart. He realized that he had said that someone owed himself a life of high position and great wealth, and he had complained, but that person was…

Thinking of this, Tan Tong’s mind suddenly became a little flustered, and his squinted eyes suddenly opened. The expression in his eyes became cold light. He said every word: “Don’t tell me, you are red. King Xiao.”

“Who the King Chixiao in your mouth is, I don’t know.” Gu Qingfeng casually said, changing the conversation, and then said: “However, I was still in this World 300 years ago. When I was mixing, my name was indeed Gu Tianlang, and, by coincidence, my previous Taoist name was also called Chixiao.”


Tan Tong suddenly lost his color, and the other Chixiao people in Mingyu’s sub-rudder were also very frightened. The ancient Earth Immortal who came with them all changed and changed their expressions.

The shock is only a moment.

They are only afraid, completely afraid of the name King Chixiao.

As for people.

There are that many King Chixiao in the world, which one is true.

Besides, this person has nothing to do, neither Seize Body For Rebirth nor samsara reincarnation, but even more impossible as the King of Chixiao.

Thinking of this, my frightened heart began to recover.

Compared with them, those good fortune Heaven’s Chosen headed by Lian Hao seem indifferent and feel that there is nothing at the worst. They are all masters of talent and pride, and they don’t treat the so-called King Chixiao. They don’t care about true or false at all, even if it’s true, they still don’t care about it.

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