Supreme Lord

Chapter 983

Gu Qingfeng’s opening didn’t matter, and Liu Yue was shocked and pale.

She couldn’t figure out why she obviously sealed the other’s acupoints, how could this guy still speak?

Fengxu Old Master was also on the spot in astonishment, but I don’t know why.

At this time, Gu Qingfeng continued to ask: “Back then, Zhou Tai of the Chixiao Sect and the banner owner of Mingyu Banner?”

When I first heard the name Tantong What impression is Gu Qingfeng not at all? I still can’t remember when I see people at this moment, but vaguely remember that there seems to be such a Mingyu Banner among the many battle flags of the Chixiao Sect, and about the people of Mingyu Banner, he also I really want to do not raise.

“Impudent! Which green onion are you? Dare to talk to our Branch Lord like that!”

“act recklessly!”

“Courting death!”

Ming Yu split the rudder and a group of good fortune Heaven’s Chosen scolded on the spot, and some of them had to rush to teach Gu Qingfeng, but they were all stared back by Tan Tong’s eyes.

As Liuyue said, Tan Tong is a cautious and suspicious person. Gu Qingfeng, an ordinary person who looks weak and weak, sits here swaggeringly, with Fei Kui waiting beside him. Then, coupled with Gu Qingfeng’s calm and indifferent vigor, he had to be surprised, and he had been wondering about Gu Qingfeng’s identity in his heart, but he was thinking about it, but he couldn’t think of a reason.

He couldn’t understand, a person who wants a cultivation base without a cultivation base, wants to be good for good, why dare to sit here so casually, and why dare to be so fearless and dauntless, calm? Or is he not as simple as it seems? What is the background of terrifying identity?

“The old man is Tantong.”

Tantong didn’t think much about it, but left an extra eye on it. Most importantly, this time he came to Shanhe to divide the rudder. The first purpose is not to fight, so he doesn’t care too much about whether Gu Qingfeng is an ordinary person or what identity he is. After responding calmly, he asks: “I don’t know who the ancient Young Master is. ?”

“It doesn’t matter who I am, the important thing is that you know who you are.”

Gu Qingfeng said something that no one understood, and waved, Said: “You guys continue to talk.”

Tan Tong’s first purpose is not to fight.

And Gu Qingfeng’s first purpose is not to fight.

He came here this time just to know what Tan Tong’s purpose is, and to hear what he wants to say, is it right? Like Fei Kui said, this group of people have already taken refuge in the immortal dynasty, and they’re Come to deal with his own people, this is his fundamental purpose.

Fengxu Old Master was worried that if he continued to ask this question, he would have trouble. He quickly changed the subject and asked: “Tan Tong, the ancient Young Master is a distinguished guest of the Buddha Lord. If you want to know the identity of the ancient Young Master, Turn back and ask Lord Buddha.”

“Oh? Really…”

Tan Tong’s tone barely fell, Feng Xu Old Master, lest his attention remain on Gu Qingfeng said solemnly: “Let’s talk about what happened today.”

“There is no major event, I just want to talk to you, that’s all.”

“It seems that there is nothing to talk about between you and us, right?”

“After all, we were all the brothers who shed blood together in the Scarlet Xiaozong back then. Why should Brother Fengxu talk like that?”

“We were indeed the life and death brothers of the Chixiao Sect back then, but it was only back then. Now that you have betrayed Chixiao and joined the Xian Dynasty, there is no longer any brother relationship between us. Words.”

“Betray Chixiao and join the Immortal Dynasty?” Tan Tong shook his head and said with a smile: “Brother Fengxu, it seems that your misunderstanding of us is really too deep!”


“Misunderstanding? Tan Tong, you touched your own conscience and told the old man, stumped that you did not betray Chi Xiao, did not take refuge in the fairy dynasty?”

“Of course.” Tan Tong disapproved. Said: “My Tan Tong has never betrayed Chixiao, and has never taken refuge in Xian Dynasty!”


Fengxu Old Master laughed angrily, and then Angrily glared at Tan Tong, gnashing teeth said: “Tan Tong, Tan Tong, old man used to recognize you as a man with iron bones, didn’t expect you to be a villain now, a real man, If you dare to do it, you dare to be, you still claim to be Brother Chixiao, you don’t even have this backbone!”

“I didn’t do it, why should I admit it!”

With Fengxu Old Compared with Master’s anger, Tan Tong from start to finish is so calm, saying: “When did you see Black Heart Lord and I betray Chi Xiao, and when did you hear Black Heart Lord say that we have taken refuge in the Immortal Dynasty?”

“You did not say to take refuge in the Xian Dynasty, but you have secretly colluded with the Xian Dynasty. This is not a betrayal!”

“What do you say?”

“Tan Tong, do you really think I don’t know anything until now? I need an old man to explain to you what the morning sun alliance is, and if I need an old man to tell you Secretly supporting the morning sun alliance is the Third Prince of the Xian Dynasty! “

Since the beginning of this century, this world has not been a peaceful and prosperous world as it seems.

Especially after the destiny came nine years ago, it can be said that this world The general situation of China has been quietly changing.

No matter it is a big country, Great Sect, or Great Clans, turbulence is taking place.

The situation is very chaotic.

A destiny, I don’t know how many destinies were born, and how many heaven’s Chosen came into being.

Regardless of whether it’s the big destiny or the big and small Heaven’s Chosen that came into being, the future It is possible to become the overlord of this world in the ancient times. Under this circumstance, how can the world situation not be chaotic? Who doesn’t want to follow the big and small destiny? Who doesn’t want to follow the large and small Heaven’s Chosen that came into being?

The so-called when a man attains the Dao, even his pets ascend to heaven.

If you follow the right person, you will have high position and great wealth nothing difficult in the future.

If you stand in the wrong team In the future, you may not even be able to save your life.


In the world, all major countries, sects, families, and even gangs are standing in line, and because of standing in line, it leads to Internal disputes abound.

Not only are the major countries sect, the deficit heads are also the same now.

Now the deficit heads all over the world are divided and some are separated. Deficit heads, some declared independence, some blatantly accepted the canonization of the immortal dynasty, and some only colluded with the immortal dynasty in secret.

For example, the black-hearted Lord Zhou Taihe, he did not break away from the deficit head on the surface. Neither declared independence nor accepted the canonization of the Xian Dynasty, but in secret they have joined the so-called morning sun alliance. The background of the morning sun alliance is the Third Prince of the current Xian Dynasty. Not many people know this news. The reason why the Old Master knows that the Black Buddha Old Master told him in the letter.

This thing seems to be true, at least, when Fengxu Old Master said it, Tan Tong did not refute, but he did not show any expression of guilty conscience, on the contrary, he was very calm.

“hehe, if I am not mistaken, this must be the Black Buddha Lord who told you. . “

Tan Tong took the fragrant tea calmly, took a sip, and continued: “I didn’t know how to speak to you originally, but now that you know it, it saves me a lot of money. , In that case, then we not to mince words. “

“Yes, the Black Heart Lord has indeed joined the morning sun alliance with us, and the person behind the morning sun alliance is indeed the Third Prince. “

Fengxu Old Master was about to open his mouth to interrupt it, and Tan Tong said again: “Fengxu, it’s not too late to listen to me before I finish speaking.” “

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