Supreme Lord

Chapter 982

Before coming, the people at Mingyu Sub-rudder had already expected that Shanhe Sub-rudder would be expert to help out. Therefore, when they saw Liuyue, although it was a little accidental, it was only an accident. Not at all. Yue is a grandson of the Black Buddha Lord, and their cultivation base is profound mystery. They are not afraid of it. It’s just the people of Mingyu Division Rudder who didn’t expect that there are other people besides Liuyue.

Who is this white clothed man?

They don’t know each other.

Never saw it.

What makes them even more puzzled is that this person not only has no cultivation base, nor any good fortune, but the fleshy body is weaker and weaker, but Fei Kui is waiting cautiously on the side like a servant.

Fei Kui and the others know that they are the people who handle business for the Black Buddha Lord. Although they are not a great identity, there is a relationship with the Black Buddha Lord, and no one dares to offend easily. Now Actually serving others like a slave, what status would this youngster be?

To be honest.

If this white clothed man is a profound cultivation base, maybe it is a powerful destiny, the person who is divided into the rudder of Mingyu is not too jealous, but it is blamed that this man has nothing on him. Makes him a little confused.

People in Mingyu Fenruo want to come. Since Fei Kui serves as a slave, it means that this person’s identity is not simple.

Now she is in Shanhe Fenruo again, and it is still today On this day, it was clear that I was here for my own bright jade.

Most likely is the person arranged by the Black Buddha Lord.

However, why did the Black Buddha Lord arrange such a person who wants nothing and is weak here?

Or this person is deep and unmeasurable, and he and the others can’t see it?


Is this possible?

The people in Mingyu’s sub-rudder are using Divine Consciousness to continuously probe the white clothed man, but no matter how they probe, there is only one result, that is, the white clothed man really has no cultivation base, nor Good luck can be described as poor and white.

But they also don’t believe that the Black Buddha Lord will arrange a weak ordinary person to deal with Mingyu’s rudder.

There must be something strange in this.

More than twenty pseudo-Earth Immortal headed by Zhan Zhiming at Mingyu Sub-rudder think so.

Good luck Heaven’s Chosen, led by Lian Hao, Shang Gong, and ZTE, also thinks so.

The more than a dozen ancient Earth Immortal, including more than a dozen Chixiao people, also couldn’t figure it out, not to mention them, even if they were the Branch Lord of Mingyu Division Rudder, the same was true of Tantong.

It’s just that he didn’t show it. He sat on the chair, raised his hand and held a cup of fragrant tea, bowed his head and drank lightly, said with a slight smile: “Brother Fengxu, it seems that you are divided In addition to Liuyue Young Lady, Ruo today also has a distinguished guest. I don’t know if I can introduce it.”

Tan Tong’s words came, and Feng Xu Old Master and the others had strange expressions. Somewhat embarrassing.


How to introduce?

Is it difficult to say that he is a liar pretending to be a king?

If you really say that, you will definitely be ridiculed by Mingyu Subrudder, and others will think that Shanhe Subrudder is scared, so find a fake king to be bold, when the time comes Shanhe Subrudder You can lose face.

Fengxu Old Master is not afraid of embarrassment or losing face, he is afraid that this matter will have a negative impact when it spreads out.

Although most of the deficit heads and rudders in Yanluo have turned to the black-hearted Lord Zhou Taihe.

But there are also some deficit-head sub-rudders that support the Black Buddha Lord, and some of these sub-rudders are not so firm, they are hesitating and vacillating.

If it spreads out at this time, Shanhe Sub-rudder is afraid of finding a false king to be bold. Isn’t this telling others that the Black Buddha Lord has been unable to compete with the Black Heart Lord, and will start chaos? Those who were hesitating and vacillating at the head and rudder, after learning this news, I am afraid that they will turn to the black-hearted Lord.

What should I do now?

It’s too late to drive him away, and it doesn’t make much sense.

The most important thing is that Fengxu Old Master knows too much about Tantong. Even if he drove this guy away now, Tantong would not agree to it. He will inevitably follow up and pretend to be a liar. If the identity is exposed, I am afraid it will make Shanhe Sub-rudder more embarrassed and embarrassed, and the negative impact will only be greater.

“Tan Branch Lord, I have not had time to introduce to you, it is really sorry.”

At this time, Liuyue stood up and walked to Gu Qingfeng’s side, when he raised his hand , Quietly stamped a handprint on Gu Qingfeng’s back, and casually said: “This is the ancient Young Master who came with Junior.”

As soon as these words came out, Feng Xu Old Master locked tight Brows, puzzled looking towards Liuyue, at the same time, Liuyue’s secret sound transmission came: “Old Master, now it’s too late for us to drive him away. If he pretends to be a king, it will not affect us well. , It will also ruin my master’s plan. The only plan now is to let him stay here first. Don’t worry, I have sealed his acupuncture points and he cannot speak.”

Feng Xu The Old Master secretly nodded, knowing that it can only do so now.

” And his sitting here is not necessarily a bad thing for us. If my guess is good, the people at Mingyu’s rudder must regard him as an expert sent by our teacher, even though he does not seem to have The cultivation base is not good, but it is precisely this that makes the people of Mingyu Sub-rudder uncertain, because they will not believe that our teacher’s association arranges a weak ordinary person to come here, and Tan Tong is not only cautious, It is even more suspicious. There is such a mysterious unknown person here who makes him unpredictable. He should not dare to act blindly without thinking. This is very beneficial to us.”

“It’s just…this Is it feasible?”

Feng Xu Old Master was a little worried, but also surprised by Liuyue’s bold behavior.

“Now you can only give medicine to a dead horse, Old Master, you find the opportunity to change the subject, try not to let Tantong notice this person, so as not to cause suspicion.”

The secret sound transmission between Liuyue and Fengxu Old Master is only a moment, and no one else knows it.

“Ancient Young Master? And it’s the ancient Young Master who came with Liuyue Young Lady, hehe.”

In the great hall, Tan Tong carries a teacup and lifts the head, squinting his eyes, staring at Gu Qingfeng with a smile, as if to see through it, saying: “I don’t know which ancient Young Master it is.”

“It’s just the ancient Young Master. That’s it, why should Tan Branch Lord ask more.”

Lioyue responded indifferently, and at the same time secretly sound transmission to Gu Qingfeng, threatening: “I have sealed your acupuncture path, you can’t now Talk, but don’t be nervous, let alone be afraid, as long as you sit here and continue to drink your wine, as if nothing happened, dare to make other actions, I will kill you on the spot!”

Gu Qingfeng Look He glanced at her and shook his head slightly, as if he was a little helpless. He changed his posture, raised Erlang’s legs, and then looked towards Tantong, and asked: “You are Tantong?”

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