Supreme Lord

Chapter 974

After Fengxu Old Master and the others and Liuyue left, Gu Qingfeng followed back to the guest room. After a while, Fei Kui also returned. Seeing Gu Qingfeng sitting alone, he hurried up to pour the wine and said: ” Young Master Ye, the younger one has seen Fengxu Old Master. He said that when he was passing by, he learned about Mingyu’s division of the rudder. He came up to ask if he needed help. Fengxu Old Master didn’t want to be involved in this matter at first. However, the little one insisted on it again and again, and then the old master should be the little one.”

“That’s fine.”

“Young Master Ye don’t have to worry about anything. Yue Young Lady came and brought Buddha Lord’s letter talisman. When I thought about it when I was young, Buddha Lord had already anticipated this and made arrangements.”

“What about me? Don’t worry.”


Gu Qingfeng is not worried. Even if he did not encounter this incident today, he is not at all worried. He can still trust Dong Old Hu’s ability to do things. This time he went up the mountain, just want to see Look at Fengxu Chixiao brother who was born and died together back then.

Of course.

Since this happened, he also wanted to see how much the motherfucker of Mingyu Fenruo’s group of Chixiao people had grown.

He doesn’t care if the people of Chixiao admit or not recognize Chixiao’s identity.


He doesn’t care at all.

Don’t say that the Chixiao people stand on their own feet and declare independence, even if they are taking refuge in the fairy dynasty, he doesn’t bother to take care of them.

But you can’t turn around and deal with the brother who was born and died together.

This is no longer a question of morality and injustice.

It is not a question of conscience.

But motherfucker is a beast who is worse than a dog!

This is what makes him really unhappy!

No words for a night.

The next day.

Gu Qingfeng was sleeping, and was suddenly awakened by the noise outside. He opened his eyes and asked: “What happened outside?”

Fei Kuizheng Standing at the door, looking out, hearing Gu Qingfeng’s question, he quickly responded: “It seems that the person from Mingyu Division is coming.”

“So early?”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the sky, the sun was already rising, he stood up, stretched his waist, while at this moment, Fei Kui handed it over with a tub, and said: “Young Master Ye, you first wash and wash. “

Gu Qingfeng took a look, the tub was filled with a kind of clear blue water, and it was quite cool after reaching out and touching it, so he started to wash without much thought.

Don’t say, this kid Fei Kui is quite sensible. After Gu Qingfeng washes up, he delivers towels and wines, and he takes care of everything, and Gu Qingfeng is not too particular about it. People, plus people are lazy, now Fei Kui, a man who is more servile than a slave, is waiting for him, and he is also happy.

After washing, three glasses of wine, Gu Qingfeng followed Fei Kui to the great hall.

On the mountain, neat and tidy at the discipline station of the mountain and river divided rudders, fully armed, waiting for orders.

The spacious and bright discussion great hall gathered more than a hundred people at this moment, of which there were 18 people from Chixiao, and the rest were some backbones such as the principal deacon of Shanhe Sub-rudder, Elder, and Liuyue that came yesterday. Today is also a blue uniform standing in the great hall.

When Fei Kui walked into the great hall, many people greeted him. Obviously, they all knew Fei Kui was here to help. They were grateful to Fei Kui in their words. Fei Kui is not a deficit head. He came to help when he learned that the mountains and rivers were in trouble. How could it not be grateful. Besides, Fei Kui himself was also the base of Earth Immortal cultivation, standing there, with more or less weight.

It’s just that Liuyue didn’t seem to know about it. When she saw Fei Kui, she was a little surprised and then quietly asked: “Old Master, why is Fei Kui here?”

Fengxu Old Master roughly explained the reason for Fei Kui’s arrival. Liuyue was very confused when she heard it, as if she couldn’t figure it out.

“What’s the matter? Fei Kui is hard to believe?”

To be honest, Fengxu Old Master and Fei Kui are not at all at all, although they have met, It was only a few times before, and he didn’t know much about it, but he knew that Fei Kui was appointed by the Black Buddha Lord. Since the Buddha Lord had trusted him, he naturally wouldn’t doubt anything.

“It’s not unbelievable. My teacher highly values ​​Fei Kui, and as far as I know, Fei Kui is personally recommended by the Old Master of Northwest Fire. However, my teacher always divides business and deficits very much. It is clear that neither people with deficits are allowed to intervene in business, and businessmen are also not allowed to intervene in deficits. Fei Kui takes care of the business for our teacher. He should be very clear about the rules of our teacher’s public institution. How can he interfere with Shanhefen this time? The rudder matter.”

“The old man also knew the Lord’s rule and rejected him yesterday, but he insisted on doing so. He also said that if you don’t know the difficulty of dividing the rudder between the mountains and rivers, that’s all. Naturally, he can’t just stand by and say that he’s here just to see if he can help. It’s not a matter of intervening in the deficit. One more person has more strength. He said so, the old man also Can’t you drive him out?”

Lioyue raised her eyebrows slightly, looked towards Gu Qingfeng next to Fei Kui, and asked in confusion: “Who is that person next to Fei Kui?”

Fengxu Old Master looked over, he was also very puzzled, and said: “I haven’t seen it, it should be for this kid to run errands, or what discipline did you get?”

Liuyue Looking at Fei Kui and Gu Qingfeng again, she always felt something was wrong, but she really couldn’t remember what was wrong. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Fei Kui, nor did she think Gu Qingfeng was suspicious, but I don’t know why it was wrong.

After Fei Kui entered the great hall, someone immediately prepared a seat.

After all, he is the person who manages the business for the Black Buddha Lord, and Shanhe Branch does not dare to neglect. Even if there is no such relationship, Fei Kui is the Earth Immortal cultivation base, and this time he is here to help. Based on this, Shanhe Sub-rudder will inevitably treat each other with courtesy.

Just after the chair was prepared, Fei Kui did not dare to sit down. It made people feel unfathomable mystery. What was also jaw-dropping was that Fei Kui stood by obediently and honestly, but instead followed him. The white clothed man sat in a chair.

This scene immediately stunned everyone in the great hall.

They are also the same as Fengxu Old Master. Although they don’t know the identity of Gu Qingfeng, they all speculate that they may be running errands for Fei Kui or receiving some discipline, but it seems that they are not It’s not the same thing. There is no reason for the master to stand and the slave to sit, and there is no principle for the Master to stand and the discipline to sit.

But if this white clothed man didn’t run errands for Fei Kui, nor was it the discipline he received, would it be who?

Everyone’s eyes fell on Gu Qingfeng without exception.

There is neither a cultivation base nor any good fortune, and under the investigation of Divine Consciousness, it is found that this person seems to be very weak.

Why would Fei Kui give up his seat for such a youngster who wants a cultivation base, a cultivation base, no cultivation base, good fortune and no good fortune?

“Fei Kui, I wonder if this youngster is…”

Feng Xu Old Master frowned deeply.

“Old Master, really sorry, I haven’t had time to introduce to you, this is my Young Master Ye.”

“Young Master Ye?”

This is a respectable name, and it is also a respectful name given to the Young Master by the servant.

Just…when did Fei Kui become someone’s servant? This Young Master Ye is who are you again? Everyone was waiting for Fei Kui’s further introduction, but they waited and waited, and they did not wait. Fei Kui stood there bowed and was quite embarrassed. It was not that he didn’t want to introduce, but that he really didn’t know how to introduce Gu Qingfeng.

At this moment, Liuyue suddenly remembered something and shouted: “I remember, you are the liar who pretended to be the king in Exquisite Mountain Village!”

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