Supreme Lord

Chapter 973

This woman is dressed in a blue clothed skirt, delicate and pretty, just like surpassingly beautiful, with a sense of calmness.

She dropped from the sky, and when she appeared, everyone in the field was in an uproar. Even Fengxu Old Master and other Chixiao people were slightly surprised, as if she didn’t expect her to appear.

Everyone in the field does not know this woman.

Flowing moon.

Heaven’s Proud Daughter is well-known in the deficit and even in Yanluo country.

Most of the deficit heads of Heaven’s Chosen are on the side of the black-hearted Lord, except Liuyue is an exception. She supports the black Buddha Lord for a simple reason. Her father is the Direct Disciple of the black Buddha Lord. In terms of seniority, she had to call her master when she saw the black Buddha Lord.

It’s just that this Heaven’s Proud Daughter has been in retreat since the destiny came. There hasn’t been any news for nine years, and no one thought that she would suddenly appear in Shanhe Sub-rudder.

“Liuyue pays homage to a few Old Masters.”

The woman named Liuyue leaned slightly and bowed to Fengxu and other Chixiao people.

“Liuyue? Why…when did you come back?”

“Old Master, Junior will answer your questions later.”

Liuyue walked to Wen Elder’s side, raised the slender jade hand, the brilliance of the fingertips bloomed, and then flowed, pinching all the mysterious Spirit Art, condensed into one after another Divine Ability shrouded Wen Elder’s body, want to say The flow of the moon is really remarkable. More than a dozen Magical Powers immortal arts have fought, and the spirit strength of Wen Elder’s riots gradually settled down. After a while, the fuzzy and twisted Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol gradually returned to calm.

This scene has to be amazing.

Know that Wen Elder’s Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol at this moment is completely in a distorted and vague riot state, and is in danger of collapse at any time. If you act rashly at this time, you will not save Wen Elder. Killed him.

even more how to save people is not something you can save if you want to save, nor is it because you have a high cultivation base that can be cured.

First of all, you need to know medical skills.

Immortal dao has ten arts, and medicine is one of them.

Compared with other fairy arts such as martial arts and spell, this thing is more complicated and requires higher talents.

Although Fengxu Old Master and other Chixiao people also understand some magical powers, they only understand some. They are not medical experts. They can be used to save emergency situations. If they are saving people, none of them have this. Ability, just because Elder’s situation was more urgent, and he was ready to take action. First, he suppressed his distorted Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol, and then invited several Elders who are proficient in medical skills on the mountain to slowly adjust it.

But they didn’t expect Liuyue to appear suddenly, and what made them even more incredible was that Liuyue had stabilized Wen Elder’s distorted Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol in such a short time.

For many people, if they don’t see it with their own eyes, they don’t even dare to think about it. Since the destiny came nine years ago, the mountains and rivers will be separated by the rudder, and some people will be cultivation and setback. Part of the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol is distorted and blurred. Fortunately, several Elders who are proficient in medical skills on the mountain are spared. However, in many people’s impressions, even if a few medical brilliant Elders on the mountain take action, it takes 10-15 days to blur the distortion. Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol stabilized.

Why does this Liuyue just use a few Magical Powers to stabilize Wen Elder’s Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol?

Don’t say that they can’t believe it, even the experienced and knowledgeable Fengxu Old Master and other Chixiao people were surprised when they saw this scene.

“I haven’t seen you in nine years, Liuyue this girl’s Magical Powers has improved a lot. I am afraid it has reached the level of Major Perfection. It is really the younger generations will surpass us in time!”

Feng Xu Old Master sighed.

They are all members of the Black Buddha Lord, and Liuyue is the more loved disciple of the Black Buddha Lord. Naturally, they are all grown up watching Liuyue. At the moment, watching Liuyue let him Wen Elder’s Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol stabilized, and the wind and the others were both amazed and gratified.

“It’s not just that Magical Powers has improved a lot, and its cultivation base has reached a level that I can’t wait for it.”

Liuyue was Earth Immortal nine years ago. Cultivation base, destiny comes, nature blooms with splendor, no one knows what she has experienced in the past nine years, and no one knows the geometry of her current cultivation base.

Earth Immortal realm is different from other realm.

In this realm of Dao Zun, the spiritual auras of Primordial Spirit, Dao Xin, and Dharma are all different, so the cultivation base geometry can be judged from the spiritual aura.

Earth Immortal is a process of Refining Void, Fusing Dao. There are no obvious features. It is difficult to judge from the spiritual aura alone. However, Fengxu Old Master and other Chixiao people are all experienced The experienced and knowledgeable master can also be aware of the spiritual aura on Liuyue’s body. Liuyue’s cultivation base is very likely to have been integrated, and even the Primordial Spirit has been used together to achieve the Great Accomplishment Earth Immortal. Even Great Perfection Earth Immortal is not impossible.

Not far away.

Gu Qingfeng has also been observing silently. After learning that this woman is Dong Old Hu’s disciple, he couldn’t help but laughed, secretly thought that Dong Old Hu’s blessing was really not small.

Fengxu and other Chixiao people can’t see Liuyue’s cultivation base, which doesn’t mean he can see it.

This Liuyue has indeed fuse together Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol, which can be regarded as a Great Accomplishment Earth Immortal, which is only one step away from Great Perfection.

The important thing is.

The good fortune of this woman is not simple.

Nature’s colorful spirits are numerous.

It seems that its fleshy body is also an extraordinary natural treasure.

Even the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol after fusion is a great good fortune.

Apart from this, she also possesses a kind of good fortune that Gu Qingfeng does not know.

This kind of cultivation base, this kind of good fortune, even in the modern and ancient times when everything is revived, and after the fate of heaven has come, and the era of nature blooming, it is definitely a rare Heaven’s Chosen.

Moreover, the character and morals seem to be good. Dong Old Hu can have such a disciple, it is definitely a blessing for eight lifetimes.

After another moment, Liuyue stopped after the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol of Elder within the body stabilized.

Of course.

Although it has been temporarily stable, it is only temporarily that’s all. If you want to recover, I am afraid it will take a long time to rest.

Fengxu Old Master asked Wen Elder to go to rest, and then looked at Liuyue, overjoyed and said: “I haven’t seen you in nine years, Liuyue is really getting stronger.”

“Fengxu Old Master is overpraised.”

Lioyue was humble and sincere, and responded with a smile.

“By the way, Liuyue, when did you come back? How come you…suddenly appear at our Shanhe Sub-rudder?”

“Speaking of which is a bit long, Let’s go in and talk about it, and I also have a letter talisman here. It was given to you by Master, Senior, I and I.”

It was the letter talisman of the Black Buddha Lord, Fengxu and other people in Chixiao It was a shocked expression, without hesitation, and quickly left with Liuyue.

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