Supreme Lord

Chapter 964

“Sister Hong.”

When Tang Manqing and Lin Xianger saw Sister Hong again, they all stood up and said hello.

“Two good younger sisters……”

Sister Hong looked at the corners of their lips with a small smile, and said: “Go, go with the elder sister and meet that one Lord.”

Tang Manqing and Lin Xianger are nodded, they also have the same meaning. They were crushed by Gu Qingfeng’s awe-inspiring shock when they were at the venue, making them endlessly afraid, even though they have a heart for Gu Qingfeng There are countless doubts and curiosities, but they dare not try alone.

Now that Sister Hong leads the way, the two are naturally not afraid.

Although they don’t know what Sister Hong’s identity background is, one thing they know better than anyone else is that Sister Hong’s strength is definitely possesses great magical power profound mystery. They have also witnessed with their own eyes that the so-called immortal can’t even stand in front of Sister Hong, and the immortal is not the so-called Earth Immortal, nor is it Loose Immortal, but True Immortal.

The two followed Sister Hong to the Imperial Tutor Garden. As for the people watching the excitement in the villa, they didn’t dare to follow along, they just dared to stay in the villa and wait.

Walking to the door of the Imperial Tutor Garden, Mr. Wei said, “Sister Hong, this person is in the Garden. I don’t know what method the person used, and he broke in quietly. “

Imperial Tutor Villa is a luxurious villa of Exquisite Mountain Village. It is not open to the public. Because the resources inside are too precious, it is usually closed all the time. The Protection Formation Law is also Sister Hong arranged it by himself, no one else can get in.

But what made Wei Lao and the three people puzzled was that the person who was unfathomable mystery broke into the Imperial Tutor Garden, and what made them puzzled was the Protection that enveloped the Imperial Tutor Garden. The Formation Law has not been cracked nor destroyed, they really can’t figure out how the guy broke in.

“Are you sure he is inside?”

Sister Hong’s voice came. Wei Lao was nodded, but he was very puzzled. I don’t know why Sister Hong asked this and responded: “I watched that person enter with my own eyes and kept guarding here. I didn’t see him leave.” Tang Manqing and Lin Xianger beside him also said that they had been guarding the Imperial Tutor Garden.

“He is not inside.”

Sister Hong’s voice came again. Wei Lao, Tang Manqing, and Lin Xianger were shocked. At this moment, Sister Hong raised his hand slightly, and when the red and evil brilliance between his fingers bloomed, the array that enveloped the Imperial Tutor Villa opened instantly.

Wei and the three people resisted the surprise in their hearts, followed in, took out Divine Consciousness for the first time, searched all corners of the Bieyuan, and really did not find the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng, but they Everyone knows that the guy has come in, not only has he come in, but he seems to be relaxing here for a while.

Because the Bieyuan Garden is still running.

The Imperial Tutor chair is still shaking.

There are a few dry hip flasks beside it.

The three of them continued to search without believing in evil. They just looked around, but never found Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette. What makes them even more puzzled is that apart from the few pots of wine, here There were hardly any clues that he had been in the Zuibieyuan, and all the Formations were intact.

Speaking of which, both Tang Manqing and Lin Xiang’er are the magical wizards of Yanluo Kingdom and even Divine State. Their understanding of Formation is also beyond ordinary people, but in the face of such a weird scene, they Senseless.

Don’t say that they, even if they are experienced and knowledgeable ancient Earth Immortal Wei Lao, at this moment, they are staring with their eyes and mouth open, their expressions are full of deep shock, and deep incredible.

They all know that if they want to enter the Imperial Tutor Garden, they must pass the Protection Formation Law. The Protection Formation Law that covers the Garden is also the Eight Profound Heaven Formation arranged by Sister Hong, even the Divine Consciousness. Unable to detect, let alone Fleshy body break in.

If you want to break in, there is only one way, and that is to break the Formation.

For the time being, let’s not talk about how mysterious the Eight Profound Hundred Sky Formation is and whether it can be broken.

The key is that the Eight Profound Heaven Formation that covers the Imperial Tutor Garden is intact, without any trace of damage.

How did he come in quietly?

How did the unfathomable mystery leave?

I don’t know.

Wei Lao, Tang Manqing, and Lin Xianger all looked towards Sister Hong. They knew that if anyone in Yanluo State could answer this question, then this person must be Sister Hong, because Formation is Sister Hong did it alone.

Sister Hong stood quietly in Bieyuan, I don’t know when her breathtaking eyes were already closed, as if she was feeling something, but the more she felt, on that charming and charming face, The expression became more and more serious, and the expression changed from serious to doubt, then curiosity, and finally shocked, deeply surprised.

“This is really hell…”

Sister Hong opened his eyes, a surprised smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and said: “The Eight Profound Clouds are in full formation. It contains more than ten thousand large and small Divine Ability, and each Magical Powers contains millions of mysterious. Facing such an array, this palace will have a headache, and he unexpectedly… Without destroying the Formation, he just enters and exits at will? Come in? How did you leave? How did you do it?”

It’s not hard to hear that Sister Hong’s voice is full of surprise.

In the ears of Wei Lao, Tang Manqing, and Lin Xiang’er, it was more like a bolt from the blue. Sister Hong didn’t even know how that fellow came in and out at will?

The three of them looked at each other and couldn’t believe it.

In their eyes, Sister Hong possesses great magical power and Formation attainments are even more incomparable. Why doesn’t she know?

It is true.

Sister Hong really doesn’t know.

Not only did she not know, she also couldn’t believe it.

The Eight Profound Hundred Sky Formation is Sister Hong’s unique array, and it is also until now that she is proud of the array. No one knows the power of this Formation better than she, and now there is one person who can top secret. Getting in and out at will, how can she not be shocked and how can she dare to believe it, this feeling is like she has worked so hard to weave a net, a net that no fish can break free, now a fish is not only from the net Break free, or break free quietly and freely.

This made Sister Hong quite a blow.

It is also the first time that I have doubts about my array accomplishments, and even feel suspicious of life.


Sister Hong laughed, walked over, raised a hand to pick up a hip flask, and muttered to himself: “He doesn’t have any cultivation base, nor any For good luck, the fleshy body is even weaker. Not only is it strong as an ox, it kicks Peng Jia into trash with a single kick, but also shatters the minds of you all persons with a sound of majesty. Now you can still stay in this palace at will. Heavenly formations are coming in and going out… will he be who?”

Maybe I suddenly remembered something, Sister Hong asked: “You said his last name is Qingfeng? But he was killed in the Northwest nine years ago. dozens of Young Master Yan Gu Qingfeng of the Xian Dynasty Juezi?”

“Yes, it is him.”

“When he was in the Northwest, he claimed to be the descendant of the king. Now he claims to be the emperor himself…” Sister Hong murmured: “It’s really a long time to live and all weird things can come across… A King Chixiao in Yanluo Country has already caused a headache in this palace, but now it is coming up again. Come one, and it seems that this king is not simpler than that king…”

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