Supreme Lord

Chapter 963

The setting sun went down again, and the sunset was near dusk.

A lot of people gathered in Exquisite Mountain Village, standing together in small groups, discussing what happened in the venue not long ago, and they all want to know who the lord who claims to be the king of the red sky is. are you, dare to be in the large court, not only personally abolished Peng Jia, the prince of Xianchao, but also played with the bright light of the day. This is simply a humiliation to the prestige of Xianchao.

This kind of thing rarely happens in Yanluo Country, even in Divine State.

Many people are speculating that that guy may be another unfathomable, weird and strong King of Chixiao.

This thing is not uncommon.

Throughout the world today, there are more than a dozen masters who pretend to be the King of Scarlet Clouds. Their identities are more mysterious, and their strength is stronger than the other. No one knows their true identity, and no one knows them. No one even knows what they want to impersonate a king.

I only know these kings, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, and they are acting more and more low-key, and they have almost been forgotten.

Although it is said that scammers who pretend to be descendants of the emperor still occur from time to time, the scammers who pretend to be the emperor himself have not appeared for many years.

Why did one pop up again today?

And the new one who abolished the Lord Xianchao as soon as he showed up, is this too rampant?

People who gather in the villa to watch the excitement know that no matter what the identity of the newly emerged emperor, he dared to abolish Peng Jia, the noble son of the Xian Dynasty, this time, he is definitely provoking the honor of the Xian Dynasty. Yanluo Immortal Mansion will not let him go, and Xianchao will not.

Leave aside Immortal Mansion for the time being, the guy who pretended to be the king dared to do something in Exquisite Mountain Village. Not only did the head steward Wei and the others kneel down on the ground in awe, but afterwards, they were directly without permission. It is too arrogant and arrogant to break into the Imperial Tutor Villa. For such a person, Sister Hong of Exquisite Mountain Village will definitely not let him go.

In the pavilion.

Tang Manqing sat upright with a solemn expression, as if he still couldn’t come back to his senses from the shock just now.


She really can’t figure out that the guy doesn’t have any cultivation base, and the fleshy body is still weak. How exactly kicked Peng Jia into rubbish, and how to shock everyone’s mind with a shout .

She can’t figure it out.

Beside, Lin Xianger also couldn’t figure it out. Compared with these doubts, she wanted to know why the feeling of deja vu became so strong when facing Gu Qingfeng.

She stood, staring at a villa.

That is the Imperial Tutor Garden.

She knows that the guy is inside. Lin Xiang’er mustered up the courage several times to rush in and ask her to understand, but the prestige of Gu Qingfeng at the venue was really scary, until now her The mind has not recovered yet.

At this time.

I don’t know who shouted: “Look, Sister Hong is here!”

Everyone looked over.

I saw a Spirit Beast Dalun driving into the villa.

It is definitely an eye-catching Spirit Beast giant lion, huge, luxurious, noble and magnificent. There are twelve beasts pulling the lion at the front and back. The twelve beasts are huge in size and look like The mountains are like tigers, lions and elephants, with luxuriant hair and thorny roots. They have a brutal appearance, bloody fangs, and an amazing imposing manner.

It is said that this is the Scarlet Earth Beast. It is an ancient Spirit Beast of Ancient Era. It is very cruel. When the angry roar goes down, Earth Immortal trembles after hearing it. It’s just one head. You have to know that these two giants and twelve terrifying beasts, the ghost knows how terrifying these twelve terrifying beasts are.

This is Sister Hong’s exclusive big wheel.

No one knows known to everyone in Yanluo Country.

Chi Jue Dadi drove into the villa, everyone hurriedly stepped aside.

Along with Chi Jue Da Di Nuan came an old woman.

This old woman is tall and expressionless. People only know that she is the maid next to Sister Hong. She is also called Granny Deer. She is a deep and unmeasurable expert. As for how high she is, she has nothing. Everyone knows, but I heard that this grandma deer kills Earth Immortal with her fingers as simple as pinching an ant.

Of course.

This is just a legend.

true or false, no one knows, and no one dares to verify.

Grandma Deer walked to the foot of the elbow, opened the curtain, and a woman walked down from the foot of the elder.

That was a woman who was graceful and luxurious, coquettish and charming.

The graceful and noble empress resembles a generation of queens.

It is coquettish and charming like the most beautiful rose in the world.

Hair high up, dressed in a dark red dress, with a pair of black jade earrings like eyeballs, and a string of blood-colored beads hanging around the neck, slender jade There is also a jade green finger on the hand. The whole person looks dignified and gorgeous, especially those eyes, which are fascinating and evil. They are really breathtaking. No one dares to look at him, even if she is scanned. At a glance, there is a feeling of falling into scarlet hell.

That’s true.

Just like the fire sea hell is full of spring, it is horny and at the same time suffering the pain of being crushed.

Not someone else.

It is Sister Hong.

Chu Jiaohong.

A mysterious and Legendary woman in Yanluo Country.

No one in mysterious knows her identity, background and strength.

Legendary’s has made Yanluo country, whether it is Yanluo Immortal Mansion or Yanluo Imperial Family, or deficit head Four Great Families Seven Great Sects, no one dares not give her face, many times, Her words are more effective than both Yanluo Imperial Family and Yanluo Immortal Mansion. However, Sister Hong also has a well-known rule, which is not to participate in disputes between any forces. In fact, Sister Hong has indeed not participated in all these years. In any battle between the forces, even if the two parties had conflicts and asked her to mediate, she never came forward.

But the premise is that no matter whether it is contradictory or fighting, it cannot appear in Exquisite Mountain Village.

If Exquisite Mountain’s rules are broken, Sister Hong will make him pay the price no matter who the other party is.

Since the establishment of Exquisite Mountain Village, this rule has continued and has never been broken by anyone.

Now there is a liar who claims to be the King of Chixiao to make trouble in Exquisite Mountain Village, and also abolished such a fairy prince Peng Jia. Many people want to see with their own eyes how Sister Hong handles that guy. .

“Sister Hong.”

Seeing Sister Hong, Wei Lao hurried forward. After saluting, he secretly sounded the incident without omission and in detail. Said it.

“Oh? Really…I have heard about it on the way here, but didn’t expect it to be so complicated…”

Sister Hong looked a little surprised.

As she said, when she came, she had heard people say that a guy who claimed to be the King of Scarlet Clouds abolished Peng Jia in the villa, and on the way, he was still guessing about the master who pretended to be the king. It will be who, and now I listened to Mr. Wei’s story in detail, especially when I heard that the master who pretended to be the emperor might be the young Master Yan Gu Qingfeng in the northwest nine years ago, Sister Hong Feeling very surprised, a pair of charming and evil eyes blinked and asked: “Where is the other person, take this palace over.”

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