Supreme Lord

Chapter 942

Tang Manqing followed Fei Kui to the room where Gu Qingfeng was. She wanted to see what happened, but what made her feel strange was that Fei Kui just came to the door of the room, not at all, knocked on the door, and did not go in. It’s so obediently and honestly standing beside.

“Fei Boss, what are you doing here? Why don’t you knock on the door?”

Wei Lao also felt strange and asked suspiciously.

“Young Master and Young Master Ye are resting, no one can disturb.”

It can be seen that Fei Kui is very excited and very excited, and wants to see Gu Qingfeng even more. In this way, he restrained his excitement and stood at the door in a proper manner.

His move really made Tang Manqing and Wei Lao feel incredible.

Do you think Fei Kui is too respectful to Gu Qingfeng?

Even if he was the driver of Gu Qingfeng before, he doesn’t need to be so humble, right?

After all, he is also a big boss with a face in Yan Luoguo. How could he see Gu Qingfeng, just like a slave saw his master, he didn’t even dare to knock on the door.

Until Lin Xianger finished playing a piece of music, there was warm applause in the hall, and Fei Kui gently knocked on the door of the elegant room.

The door opens.

Is an enchanting maid.

Fei Kui is a frequent visitor here, and he is also a famous Big Boss in Yanluo Country. The enchanting maid knew him naturally, and was about to say hello, but suddenly saw Wei Lao behind. The enchanting maid knew it was bound to Whatever happened, I didn’t dare to talk much now, and left quietly very witty.

“Young Master Ye?”

Fei Kui choked his throat, and yelled cautiously, for fear of disturbing Gu Qingfeng.

“Who is this?”

Hearing the voice, Gu Qingfeng, who was lying on his back in the chair, turned the chair, facing the door, closed his eyes, opened one slightly She sews, with a lazy gaze on Fei Kui’s body. At first glance, the brows are slightly raised, as if the short, rounded fatty in front of him is a bit familiar. Upon closer inspection, he opened his eyes immediately and sat up. Cocked Erlang’s legs and asked suspiciously: “Fei Kui?”


Hearing Gu Qingfeng yelling his name, Fei Kui knelt on the ground. The excitement and excitement that had been suppressed in his heart could no longer stand, and he broke out completely, saying: “Young Master Ye, really You! The little…the little one thought you were wrong…Young Master Ye! The little…the little Fei Kui see Young Master Ye!”

Fei Kui cried, maybe it was too much Excited, or maybe too excited, crying with joy, kowtow while shouting.

This scene fell into the eyes of Tang Manqing, Shui’er, and Wei Lao. They couldn’t believe their eyes at all.

Fei Kui didn’t dare to disturb Gu Qingfeng just now, which made them unbelievable.

At this moment, seeing Fei Kui kneeling and bowing his head again made the three of them shocked.

I can’t understand why Fei Kui treats Gu Qingfeng so respectfully.

It’s only because Gu Qingfeng is the descendant of the so-called king?

Even if this is the case, Fei Kui does not need to be so respectful to him.


They didn’t know that the reason Fei Kui was so respectful to Gu Qingfeng was not because Gu Qingfeng was the descendant of the so-called king.

It is Gu Qingfeng who is kind to him.

And it is still a great kindness.

When he was in the Northwest, Gu Qingfeng helped Fei Kui enlightenment before the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the Taixuan monument. He can have today’s cultivation base. It all depends on that enlightenment. His cultivation base strength advanced by leaps and bounds, until now it has become Earth Immortal.

Fei Kui was just an Outer Deacon from the Northwest Yunxia School. Because he had no identity background and no aptitude, he was mixed with an Outer Deacon because of his old master’s support. My own cultivation base has never had any hope, and I have always thought that I will be muddleheaded in this life.

Until Gu Qingfeng enlightenment for him, his life has completely changed. Unbelievable changes have taken place in his muscles, bones, skin, and meridian. The foundation, Purple Mansion, and Fleshy body are also the same. He knows that he Today’s achievements are due to Gu Qingfeng, in his heart, he has long regarded Gu Qingfeng as his second parent.

“Get up and talk.”

Gu Qingfeng poured a glass of wine, took a sip, and asked: “Why did you brat here? If I remember correctly, Lord, if I remember correctly, back then Didn’t you stay at the Yunxia School for cultivation.”

Gu Qingfeng is not a good person, let alone a good person.

The reason why he was Fei Kui enlightenment back then was because he was busy driving for himself when he was in Sifang Dayu, and there was no complaint. Therefore, when he left Sifang Dayu, he also went smoothly. Helped him.

“It was the Old Master who made the little ones come here.”

Fei Kui stood up, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, ran over quickly, and picked up the glass to pour the wine for Gu Qingfeng .

“Old Master? Are you talking about the old fellow of Huode?”

“Yes, after the fate came nine years ago, Old Master found him in Yan Luo country It’s an errand for a while, and the young one has been in Yanluo country all these years.”

Back then.

After the destiny comes.

Huo De asked Fei Kui what his plans are in the future. Fei Kui didn’t know what his plans were. He thought for a long time and didn’t know what he wanted to do. To achieve the Dao and become Immortal? Fei Kui is not very interested. Compared with To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, high position and great wealth attracts him more. Therefore, Huo De wrote a letter and asked Fei Kui to bring this letter to Yan Luo Country. Looking for the black Buddha Lord, Huo De said, if you want high position and great wealth, there must be nothing wrong with finding the black Buddha Lord.

So, Fei Kui took Huode’s letter to Yanluo Kingdom to find the Black Buddha Lord.

Before leaving, Fei Kui asked Huo De if Young Master Ye died.

At that time, Huo De said something that he still remembers until now. Huo De said that if Old Boy doesn’t want to die, no one can kill him, God can’t, and Heavenly King Old Master can’t.

Fei Kui believes in Huo De, and believes in what Huo De said.

Furthermore, Huode once said a word that made him even more afraid to forget.

Huo De once asked him, do you want to be able to support both heaven and earth to live vigorously?

Fei Kui thought about it.

Huo De said that if you want to, if you see Gu boy in the future, then follow him. As long as he is by his side, even if he is just a small coachman, he won’t dare to gasp when he sees it. Coachman!

Fei Kui always remembered this sentence.

For this reason, he has not been idle for these years, asking about Gu Qingfeng’s news. However, in the past few years, there has been no news. It is really scattered ashes and dispersed smoke as Su Huaxian said. .

However, Fei Kui believes in Huo De’s words, and he also firmly believes that Young Master Ye club Huo De Old Master said, as long as Young Master Ye does not want to die, between Heaven and Earth, no one Can kill him.

What Fei Kui did not see anyway was that today he would actually see Young Master Ye in a place like Exquisite Mountain Village!

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