Supreme Lord

Chapter 941

After Wei Lao left, he returned shortly after.

It’s just a person who came back.

It seems that the person who knew Gu Qingfeng was not brought back.

“Do not worry about the princess, the old man has ordered someone to shout.”

“Lao Wei, your friend can really tell if he is Chi Young Master Yan ??”

“Don’t hide from the princess, this friend of old man not only met Chi Young Master Yan when he was in the Northwest, but also did some things for Chi Young Master Yan. Chi Young Master Yan stayed with him for a long time.”

While talking, Wei Lao slightly laughed and continued: “Moreover, the princess has also seen this old man friend.”



Tang Manqing was quite surprised, and asked: “Who is the friend Wei Lao said?”

“Fei Kui, Fei Big Boss.”

“Fei Kui?”

Tang Manqing whispered the name, a little familiar, suddenly thought, a silhouette appeared in his mind, and asked: “Is this man not tall? , Is very fat, with a character Hu? He is very sleek and manages the business for the black Buddha Lord?”

Shui’er also remembered, and blurted out, “Is it called a mouse? The squint short fatty?”

“Yes, it’s him.”

Tang Manqing has indeed seen the short fatty side, and he also knows that Fei Kui has been smoking in recent years. The territory of Luo is very easy to eat, and the large and small forces in the territory of Yanluo will give some face to the business for the black Buddha Lord.

Of course.

I just met one side.

The origin of Fei Kui is not clear.

It was the first time I heard that Fei Kui was from Northwest China, and asked: “Wei Lao, what do you mean that Fei Kui stayed with Chi Young Master Yan for a while?”


“The old man also heard Fei Kui by chance. He said he drove the car for Chi Young Master Yan.”

“Cross the car? What do you mean? He was in the Northwest It was the coachman next to Chi Young Master Yan at the time?”

“It should be, he said so, and his words seem to respect Chi Young Master Yan very much.”

hearing this.

Shui’er next to him seemed a little bit unbelievable, and was shocked: “Fei Kui is now the famous Big Boss in Yanluo. He manages business for the Black Buddha Lord. It is a large and small in Yanluo country. The forces have to fawn, even the Seven Great Families of the Four Great Families have to give a bit of face, and he used to… is the driver of Chi Young Master Yan? This is too…too…”

Shui’er really doesn’t know how to describe the mood at this moment, but she just finds it too unimaginable.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

“Old Wei, I heard you are looking for me?”

Only one person walked in.

A short fatty who is less than one meter tall and obese. This short fatty wears tailor-made black tight clothes. His hair is black and shiny, and his fat face is smiling. The word Hu is particularly eye-catching, with a beautiful enchanting maid in one hand, unscrupulously rubbing on the maid’s butt, and a Purple Gold pipe pot in one hand. When he walked in, fiercely took a sip.

Not someone else.

It is Fei Kui, Fei Big Boss.

After he walked in, he glanced at Wei Lao, then at Tang Manqing and Shui’er, said with a smile: “These two Little Brat are who.”

Wei Lao not at all responded, but let the maid Fei Kui side leave first, and then said: “Lao Fei can’t talk nonsense, this is the princess.”

“The princess?” Fei Kui was taken aback and asked: “Which princess?”

“How many princesses do we have in Splendid Domain?”


Fei Kui realized something, a little horrified and a little bit astonished. He stared at Tang Manqing carefully, trying to take out Divine Consciousness, but was afraid of being disrespectful to the monarch, his expression immediately became serious, and he bowed his hand and said in salute: , It’s really rude and rude, my dear Fei Kui, I have seen the princess.”

“Fei Boss is polite, no need to be polite. The reason why I am dressed in men’s clothes is not to reveal my identity.”

“Zaixia is just a businessman. Absolutely can’t afford the boss of the princess.”

Fei Kui is a smart man. Since the princess is here, Mr. Wei calls himself again. He must be What the princess meant, cautiously asked: “I wonder what can the princess look for?”

“I have one thing I need you to help.”

“the princess joked Now, if you have anything to order, you must spare no effort, go through water and tread on fire.”

“Listen to Wei Lao, you used to be in Chi Young when you were in the northwest. Master Yan stayed with him for a while?”

Perhaps he did not expect that the princess would ask Chi Young Master Yan. Fei Kui started his heart. He glanced at Wei Lao, thought for a moment, nodded, and responded: ” That’s right, I was lucky enough to drive the car for Young Master Ye.”


Young Master Ye?

These two words made Tang Manqing very surprised. With Fei Kui’s current status today, he still felt that it was an honor to drive the car for Chi Young Master Yan back then? And he also called Chi Young Master Yan Young Master Ye, which is often only used by servants for Young Master.

“If you see Chi Young Master Yan, can you still recognize him?”

“I wonder who the princess is asking? Is it Young Master Ye?” Seeing Tang Manqing nodded, Fei Kui asked doubtfully: “Young Master Ye passed away nine years ago.”

“Look at that person.”

Tang Manqing pointed. Refers to the elegant room on the second floor opposite.

Fei Kui was puzzled, but he still looked over. He just looked at him, and didn’t know what the princess would let himself see. Just when he was puzzled, he suddenly saw an unbelievable Man is also a person who excites his heart.

He wondered if he had read it wrong, he closed his eyes and opened them again, staring carefully, just staring.

On the opposite side, in the private room.

The white clothed man lay on his back on a chair, with Erlang’s legs upright, eyes closed, drinking, and enjoying the massage of the three enchanting maids, his expression was unbelievably leisurely, and the smile on his mouth also contained Countless ease.


A white clothed dress is better than snow

Three thousand long hair looks like ink.

Leisure and free, drunk and happy

do as one pleases laugh in life.

In the private room.

The more Fei Kui looked, the more excited his expression was, and his whole body was shaking with excitement. The more he looked, the more he couldn’t believe it. He who couldn’t believe it was like seeing Ghost God, and he muttered, “Gong… Young Master Ye? It turns out to be Young Master Ye…Young Master Ye is still alive…”

“no! impossible!”

“Young Master Ye is dead Now… Su Huaxian said that Young Master Ye is dead! How could Young Master Ye still be alive…”


Fei Kui looks like a monster Same, talking to himself there, shook his head, and said: “Old Master Huo De said, as long as…As long as Young Master Ye doesn’t want to die, no one can kill him between Heaven and Earth.”

This scene fell into Tang Manqing’s eyes. She and Wei Lao looked at each other, and they were surprised and shocked in each other’s eyes.

It is difficult to say that this person is really Chi Young Master Yan Gu Qingfeng?

Just when they were surprised, Fei Kui suddenly turned and left.

Tang Manqing did not hesitate, and quickly followed.

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