Supreme Lord

Chapter 938

The three people sitting in the pavilion are not others, but Tang Manqing, Shui’er, and Gu Zhenyuan.

Exquisite Mountain Village is a paradise for men. Few women will come. Tang Manqing came here not for pleasure, but came to Sister Hong, but she is a woman after all. Princess Yanluo, due to his identity, had to disguise himself as a man.

Shui’er can’t understand the beautifully dressed maids at Fengyue Place, and even the men who come here to look for flowers and willows.


Tang Manqing doesn’t matter.

When she wanted to come, as long as she does not steal, snatch, abduct or cheat, make money with her own ability, not at all noble and low.

Even more how, she also believes that if there are other options, these maids will not be reduced to the land of fireworks.

Of course.

Not to rule out those lazy women.

The blame can only be blamed on this World for smiling at the poor but not on the prostitutes, and also can only be blamed on the current youngster’s comparability and love for vanity.

As for the man who came here to look for flowers and ask Liu, although she was a bit uncomfortable, she just couldn’t understand it, just like he couldn’t understand bullying men and women.

At this time.

An Elderly walked over.

Tang Manqing knows him and is the manager of Exquisite Mountain Village, Wei Old Senior.

Tang Manqing got up and saluted.

“The princess really broke the old man.” Wei Laocheng was frightened and said: “The princess is a body worth a thousand gold. How can you salute the old man? Don’t use it, don’t use it.”

“Old Senior is so polite.”

“Where and where.”

Knowing the purpose of the princess’s trip, Wei Lao said: “The owner When going out for business today, she told the old man, if the princess comes, let you wait a while, the princess will definitely come back before dark.”

“No problem.” Tang Manqing looked at the sky, it was already at this moment. It was the evening, and said: “I’ll wait for Sister Hong here.”

“After all, this is the land of fireworks, so let’s ask the princess inside.”


When Tang Manqing got up, he suddenly remembered someone and asked: “I heard that Xiang’er has been living here a few days ago. Is she still there?”

” Xianger Young Lady is still there.”

“She is very good, so I will go to Xianger to wait for Sister Hong.”


Lao Wei looked hesitant.

“What’s the matter? Is it inconvenient?”

“The princess misunderstood, it is not inconvenient, but…Xiang’er Young Lady just went to the hall to play.”

“Really?” Tang Manqing pondered for a moment, and said: “Then I will go too, I haven’t seen Xiang’er for a long time.”

“Princess, after all, there is a church hall, Three Sects, dragons and snakes mingle, everything is there, you still… don’t go?”

“I haven’t been, Sister Hong has taken me into the hall several times It will.” Tang Manqing lightly said with a smile: “Besides, today I have changed my appearance to dress up in men’s clothing. I don’t say, who knows who I am.”

“Princess, this is not very good. Right.”

Sister Hong took the county lord to the church. It was Sister Hong. Mr. Wei didn’t dare. After all, Tang Manqing was the lord of Yanluo Country. If it were passed out, the lord had entered the church of Exquisite Mountain Village , Is that okay? When the prince comes back, he can’t tear himself alive.

Wei Lao wanted to resign, but Tang Manqing insisted on going. In the end, in desperation, Wei Lao could only reluctantly lead Tang Manqing’s entire group to the church.

Tang Manqing and Lin Xianger are friends, and they are still very good ones.

The two met by Sister Hong.

At first, Tang Manqing couldn’t understand at all. Whether it was aptitude or immortal art talent, it was enough to be called Heaven’s Proud Daughter. Why did she like to be in the dust? She said she likes to live like this.

Does anyone like this kind of life?


Lin Xianger is one.

Sister Hong is also one.

What does it mean to live like this?

At the beginning, Tang Manqing didn’t understand too much. As she got older, her experience grew. It wasn’t until Tang Manqing began to feel tired and tired that she gradually began to understand what Lin Xianger’s life was. , Deep in one’s heart even began to yearn for such a life.

Every day I go to bed and wake up naturally.

Drink two cups when you are happy, and drink him a lot.

Those who are unhappy also use wine to dissipate their worries, drunken stupor.

No need to worry about sect, family affairs, no daily cultivation, and no need to think about To achieve the Dao and become Immortal.

Carefree and free.

Cry if you want to cry, laugh if you want to laugh.

Do whatever you want.

This is life.

It’s a pity.

Tang Manqing can’t live like this. She was born in Yanluo Imperial Family and was destined to live for Yanluo Imperial Family. She has no choice at all. Even if it is the immortal fate Dao Companion in the future, I am afraid she can’t help herself.

So, she can only envy.

The church meeting.

On the high platform.

Lin Xianger sat sideways on a soft chair with a charming smile on the front, playing the pipa. Under the red skirt, there are the beautiful legs stacked together, very attractive, while playing , Bare feet, still swaying there, every time they sway, the little bell on the ankle will ring with a crisp sound.

The sound of the melody makes people feel excited.

Everyone in the audience, there is each one, all invaded in the undulating rhythm, whether it is Mei Yuanhua from Mei Family or Xiao Ziying from Xiao Family’s side branch.

Lin Xianger likes this feeling.

I like the feeling of using rhythm to make all men intoxicated.

She doesn’t know why she likes this feeling.

I don’t even know when I started to like this feeling.

I only know that this feeling makes her very satisfied.

This kind of satisfaction also makes her seem familiar.

Like a long time ago, I lived this way, as if I could go back to my previous life.

Probably his previous life was also a drunk singer, right?

Perhaps it is.

Lin Xianger doesn’t know.

But she knows she is a samsara reincarnation.


But he is a samsara reincarnation who has no memories of previous lives.

Not even the slightest memory.

If there is anything related to the past life, then there is only this song.

She didn’t know what tune it was, as if she were born with it, she would play it.

And I don’t know why, every time I play this piece, I look at the intoxication of the people below, deep in one’s heart, there will be a feeling of deja vu.

Very ethereal and vague.

It’s like a touch of light in the endless darkness.

Very weak, very weak.

The faint can only feel the presence of light, but they don’t know where the light is, let alone touch it.

In order to find this light, Lin Xianger kept playing this piece.

The light seemed to be brighter and brighter, and the feeling of deja vu became stronger and stronger, but he still couldn’t notice anything.

The second floor.

In the private room.

A maid is massaging Gu Qingfeng’s shoulders, another is massaging his legs, and the other is serving wine.

Gu Qingfeng lay on his back in a chair, sinking into the rhythm of this song, enjoying the artistic conception of this song, but the more I appreciate it, the more strange it becomes. It’s the kind of unclear way. Feeling is also a feeling of deja vu.

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