Supreme Lord

Chapter 937

Elderly boarded the high platform and took out a brocade box. After opening it, there was a spar with the size of a thumb. The spar was glowing with a faint cyan ray, and the brilliance was burning like a flame. Kind of special spiritual breath.

The people who knew the goods in the field immediately recognized the history of this spar as a blue-eyed spar.

This stuff belongs to a kind of Profound Level resource, which is extremely valuable.

Be aware that in the wild areas of the Northwest, many of the so-called inheritance hearts of a poor, humble sect are nothing but Profound Level spar.

Although this is a rich Yanluo country, a Profound Level spar is still a valuable treasure in the eyes of many people.

Everyone in the field couldn’t help wondering, whose Young Master was so arrogant and extravagant that he even gave out a blue eye spar.

Just when everyone was puzzled, a window in the private room on the second floor opened, and a young man appeared in the sight of everyone.

Although this young man is not handsome and suave, he is out of the ordinary.

Look at the robe on her body again, it is a Profound Level treasure.

Whether it is the belt around the waist or the folding fan on the hand, whether it is the pendant on the waist or the finger on the finger, they are all refined from valuable Profound Level resources. A Profound Level Spirit Treasure.

This kind of person is often called Hyungui Young Master.

Either from Great Clans or Great Sect.

This is indeed the case.

Many people in the venue know this expensive Young Master. It is Mei Family Young Master, Mei Yuanhua.

Mei Family is a noble family in Yanluo Country, and it is also the first family known as the Fairyland.

Although the title is not as loud as Four Great Families, its existence cannot be provoked by ordinary persons.

Don’t say anything else, just such a blue-eyed spar sent by Mei Yuanhua is enough to make many guys known as the second generation ancestors in the field beyond the dust, even more how this Mei Yuanhua is still a Mei Family The well-known genius of good fortune, with the help of the spiritual transformation of nature nine years ago, the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol has become a Great Perfection. This kind of cultivation base is also called not just in name only, but also in reality. When the cultivation base has already stepped into Immortal Sect with one foot, it is also called half immortal.

“Xiang’er Young Lady, meet again.”

Mei Yuanhua held a jade fan and greeted with a slight smile.

On the high platform, Xianger Young Lady sits sideways on a soft chair, holding a wine glass in one hand, admiring the blue spar in the other, and a charming face with a charming smile, softly Said: “Mei Young Master is so polite.”

“Little bauble, that’s all.”

Mei Yuanhua’s meaning is no longer obvious, a blue eye Spar is nothing to him, said with a smile: “I wonder if Xianger Young Lady still likes it?”


Xianger Young Lady laughed , And then put the blue eye spar back into the brocade box.

“Why?” Mei Yuanhua was obviously a little displeased, and said: “Doesn’t Xianger Young Lady like it?”

“Mei Yuanhua, you have too little eyesight, right? , Xianger Young Lady, what Spirit Treasure hasn’t seen before, do you think you can get Xiang’er Young Lady’s heart by sending one after another little blue spar? Hehe…isn’t it too naive?”

It is not Xianger Young Lady who speaks, but someone else?

Who is it?

Dare to challenge people with backgrounds like Mei Yuanhua in the public?

Another young Young Master appeared in response.

See this person.

There was also an uproar in the venue.

They all know this young Young Master, surnamed Xiao, and the name Ziying.

And Xiao Family is one of the Four Great Families in Yanluo Country.

Although everyone knows that Xiao Ziying is not a direct line of Xiao Family, but just a side branch, even if it is just a side branch of Xiao Family, its status is extremely noble in Yanluo country. If it were not, Xiao Ziying would not dare to be in the public Next, he challenged Mei Yuanhua.

“Oh? Who am I? It turned out to be Xiao Family!”

In Yanluo, no matter whether it is power or influence, Mei Family is not as good as Four Great Xiao Family of Families, if this is the Young Master of Xiao Family, he may only be able to submit to humiliation. As for Xiao Ziying, a subsidiary of Xiao Family, he is not afraid.

“Since Xiao Dashao doesn’t like this Young Master’s blue eye spar, there must be some valuable gift for Xianger Young Lady, right? Let me wait to open my eyes?”


Xiao Ziying smiled faintly and said: “Even though the most beautiful spar in the world, it is not as good as the 1/10000th of Xianger Young Lady’s face, it would be too much to give a spar. Cheesy is even more an insult to Xianger Young Lady, because in my mind, Xianger Young Lady is not Le Ji, but Goddess. If Xianger Young Lady speaks, I will give my life to Xianger Young Lady. What’s wrong.”

It’s still Xiao Ziying who can speak well.

The words went on, not only humiliated Mei Yuanhua, but also elevated himself, secretly praised Xianger Young Lady.

Compared with this remark, the blue-eyed spar that Mei Yuanhua sent earlier has become a vulgarity and a humiliation to Xianger Young Lady.

Mei Yuanhua quickly explained: “Xiang’er Young Lady, I didn’t mean that, but…”

He hasn’t finished his words yet, sitting on the platform Xianger Young Lady interrupted, looking at Xiao Ziying, said with a smile: “Thank you Young Master Xiao for your appreciation, but I am afraid I will disappoint Young Master Xiao. I, Lin Xianger, is a music girl, and… …And also a very, very tacky person.”


Xiao Ziying didn’t seem to expect Xianger Young Lady to answer like this, but she was shocked for a moment and responded: ” Xianger Young Lady has humbled herself.”

The words of Xianger Young Lady immediately relieved Mei Yuanhua who was in embarrassment. He glared at Xiao Ziying, sneered, and was about to say something, but the rhythm suddenly When it sounded, she looked up and saw Xianger Young Lady holding the pipa in her hand, already beginning to play.


Exquisite Mountain Village, people coming, people going, in an endless stream.

In a pavilion in the villa, three people are sitting at the moment.

Two handsome looking men, and a powerful man with a back of a tiger and waist of a bear.

One of the handsome men in white clothed sits upright, and there seems to be some trouble between his eyebrows.

And the handsome man in Tsing Yi looked at the endless stream of men in the villa, while rolling his eyes, as if he was very despised.

As for the mighty man who back of a tiger and waist of a bear, he seems to be the first time he has come to this Fengyue place. Since he entered, he has been confused by the enchanting maid of the villa. Ben As for the dark complexion, his face was flushed with shame.

“I said Gu Zhenyuan, a big guy, today is to take you out to meet the world, but not to show you these fairies.” The handsome man in Qingyi despised: “I usually see you Honest and timid, didn’t expect to come to this place and immediately reveal the truth, hmph! Men really don’t have a good thing!”

“Shui’er girl, I…I…I am not… I don’t have…I…”

I don’t know if it is a guilty conscience or what, Gu Zhenyuan stutters a bit, and even dare not look at Shuier’s eyes again.

“Shui’er, you should not blame Zhenyuan, the love of men and women, the nature of food and color, since ancient times, it is not dirty, it has nothing to do with character.”

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