Supreme Lord

Chapter 931

“Back then, I aunt and the king met in an ancient Cave Mansion.”

Tang Manqing sat on the opposite side, with his hands on the stone table, his fingers interlocking, and his beautiful face, with a serious expression. Staring at Gu Qingfeng again, lightly saying: “Since you claim to be a king and your memory is not incomplete, you should remember what you said when you first met with my aunt. Don’t tell me to forget, Sea of ​​the people of cultivation Consciousness will never forget any memory.”

Facts are as Tang Manqing said, the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the people of cultivation will not forget, and everyone’s lifetime memory will be in it, even a single thought , A touch of thought, all kinds of distracting thoughts, etc. can be found in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Meeting for the first time…”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and remembered. He still remembers many things. Naturally, there is no need to use Sea of ​​Consciousness to find and remember for a while , Responded: “When I first met you aunt, she didn’t say anything, she didn’t say it, and I didn’t say it.”

hearing this.

Tang Manqing’s eyes changed slightly in surprise, and then asked: “Are you sure you didn’t say anything?”

“I’m pretty sure.”

Tang Manqing did not speak, was silent for a while, and then continued to ask: “I aunt entered Cave Mansion and fell into a Formation not long after. If you are a king, you should remember how to rescue me from the aunt.”


“What’s not there?”

“When you aunt fell into the Formation mechanism, I didn’t save it at all.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: ” When I was young, although I had the problem of teasing girls, but also not who did it all the time, even though your aunt’s face was shocking, but at first glance, it’s not easy to provoke, plus it’s in ancient times. Cave Mansion, who knows what will happen, so I will not save anyone, at least, when I was young, what Gu Qingfeng said was very realistic, and Tang Manqing couldn’t agree with the reality. , But she knew it was true.

When aunt fell into the Formation trap, King Chixiao not only did not help, but stood there and watched the excitement for a while. To be precise, when the aunt cracked the Formation, King Chixiao took advantage of it. Learn about the structure of Cave Mansion.

Previously, Tang Manqing said that he could not identify whether Gu Qingfeng had the remnant knowledge of the king, but he had a way to identify whether Gu Qingfeng was the King of Chixiao.

Because she knows the whole process of her aunt from meeting and owing to the king to getting to know each other.

Although it is said that the deeds of King Chixiao have been spread all over the world, the matter with aunt has become a good story among the storytellers.


For many details, Tang Manqing believes that apart from King Chixiao himself and Aunt, only he knows the world.

The two questions she asked just now are the so-called details, which outsiders don’t know.

But she didn’t expect this person to answer, and the answer was not bad.

How could this be?

She stared at Gu Qingfeng, with bright light glittering in her eyes, trying to see through Gu Qingfeng’s heart, and also wanted to tell the truth from the subtle expressions on her face. She just looked at it, she did nothing. can not tell.

After silence, I continued to inquire, but just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Gu Qingfeng, saying: “Sister, you don’t have to ask one sentence at a time. Bring two pots of wine. I will take the whole thing. I will tell you the whole sequence of events in detail.”


Tang Manqing was shocked immediately, staring at Gu Qingfeng with a look of amazement, his small mouth opened slightly, he was hesitant to speak, and did not think too much, so Shuier brought two jars of fine wine from the palace.

Gu Qingfeng saw the wine, just like the nympho saw a beauty, opened an altar, raised his head, and started to pour it.

The opposite.

Whether it’s Tang Manqing or Shui’er, Earth Immortal Fengbo and Gu Zhenyuan, the four of them stared at Gu Qingfeng like a monster. For the time being, this guy is a liar. He just picked up In return, he was even weaker. In this case, he even drank a jar of wine in one breath.

He doesn’t want to live anymore?

Still dying?

Or is he really the King of Scarlet Heaven?

None of the four people, including Tang Manqing, stared in surprise.

What makes them even more incredible is that this guy was still listless just now. After drinking a jar of alcohol, he suddenly became energetic. Although he was still weak, his spirit was like The flame that was about to go out suddenly burned, and the whole person seemed to become a lively dragon and animated tiger.

“Not bad! If you want to talk about Soul Nurturing, you have to rely on good wine!”

Gu Qingfeng stood up, fiercely stretched his waist, and then sat down again After finishing the addiction, I took the wine jug, poured myself a glass of wine, and drank three glasses in a row, and said: “Although the wine is good, it is too weak, it’s not very exciting, but it can still make do, girl , Let’s go to the whole two altars, it’s not enough to drink…”

Shui’er froze there, blinked, as if he hadn’t reacted yet, numb, nodded, and went to mention two altars.

“It’s like this… Back then, your aunt fell into the Formation. I didn’t save it. I wanted to see your aunt’s strength and also wanted to take this opportunity to learn about Cave Mansion. The structure of which.”

“Speaking of which you aunt is really amazing. He fell into the traps of Formation, and was finally broken open by her forcibly.”

” It’s better to say that this person is kind, God always loves kind people, so you aunt quickly found the treasure in Cave Mansion, and I, very bad luck, also fell into a Formation trap.”

Gu Qingfeng drank, recalled, and sighed, saying: “Back then, I did not study Formation too deeply. I fell into the trap of Formation. The more I tossed, the deeper I fell, and I almost died. Fortunately, your aunt shot and rescued me.”

“At that time, I was touched, and it was almost a kowtow to you. This is the gap, the gap in life.”

” p>

“But, your aunt also has a weakness, that is, you like to find out about everything. In Cave Mansion, because of studying a Formation, the ominous beast was released, and the ominous beast was very powerful. , Your aunt is not an opponent, but I tried my best to rescue your aunt from the ominous beast’s hands. For this reason, I vomited a lot of blood, which is considered to have saved your aunt life, and also considered to save the previous her. My kindness was paid back.”

“Later, we found the Eye of Cave Mansion. There were many good treasures in it, and it was accompanied by endless danger. As for me, I always ask for money. You aunt, so I jumped in directly, and then you aunt didn’t know why you jumped in.”

“There is no cave in the eye of Cave Mansion. You and I were trapped in the aunt. For a long time, it was from that time that I really knew you aunt.”

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