Supreme Lord

Chapter 930

“The princess, does he still need to verify? This guy doesn’t even have the breath of reincarnation, how could he be the King of Scarlet Clouds.”

Tang Manqing stared at Gu Qingfeng and said softly: “Back then Although many people have witnessed King Chixiao being tried by immortal dao scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, what they saw with their own eyes does not mean that it is true, even more how this person is dead, alive and dead, King Chixiao, others People scattered ashes and dispersed smoke may really die, but it doesn’t mean that King Chixiao, who has experienced nine lives and nine deaths, is like this.”

“If the emperor did not die that year, he would naturally not samsara. Reincarnation, and… and most importantly, I believe that I am aunt. I am aunt. Maybe I am in love with the king, but I am not a person who loses his mind. If the king was really annihilated and extinct, I would never aunt. I’ll find him in the world.”

“I’m aunt like this, so is Fairy Fairy. If the emperor is really dead, I’m afraid that Fairy Fairy of Nine Heavens Profound Lady will not be so full. The world is looking for him.”

Tang Manqing is very sensible, she has always been. She sat opposite, sitting very upright, and said: “Since you claim to be the King of Chixiao, then I will not ask you why Why are you still alive if you are not dead.”

oh?” Gu Qingfeng was quite astonished, looked at Tang Manqing, and asked in confusion: “Why?”

“Ask these It doesn’t make any sense at all, and it’s impossible to verify the truth or falsehood. If you ask, it’s a question of nothing. Although King Chixiao has been in world cultivation for only two hundred years, he has created countless impossible miracles. He is unfathomable, and he is himself. A person who has repeatedly performed miracles, anything impossible can happen to him, so what’s the point of asking him about his life and death.”

Gu Qingfeng cast an admiring look in the past. : “Looking at your young age, I can’t think of your insights so deep.”

“It’s not that I have deep insights, but the facts are like this. If not, this world is also impossible to appear so many true and false. The indistinguishable Emperor Chixiao, because the existence of the king is mysterious and weird, so everyone can’t judge the truth from common sense at all.”

paused, Tang Manqing said: “even more how, this is between Heaven a There is no absolute in nd Earth from the beginning. Sometimes life is death, death is life, life, life and death, who can really tell. “

At this time, Gu Qingfeng looked at Tang Manqing’s eyes, no longer admiration, more amazement, and a little doubt. He looked at Tang Manqing up and down, and said after a while: “Sister, this is not Like something that should be said at your age. “

“This is indeed not what I should say, because it is not what I said at all. “

“Who said that? “

“I aunt. “

“Oh? Have you seen your aunt? “

“No, I have never seen my aunt, not even once. “

“Then how you say this is your aunt said. “

“I haven’t seen my aunt in reality, it doesn’t mean I haven’t seen my aunt in other places…”

“Other places? Where? “

“Sorry, this is my personal business. “


Gu Qingfeng laughed, thinking inside, if Tang Manqing said that she hadn’t seen her aunt in reality, but had seen her in other places… …It should be a kind of illusory spiritual world, just like a dreamlike kind, a mysterious painting infused with spirit, and a mysterious word infused with spirit may make people enter the illusory spiritual world.

“You don’t have the breath of reincarnation in your body, which means you are not a samsara reincarnation, right? “

“That’s right. “

“If this is the case, your memory will not use samsara reincarnation and incomplete memory as an excuse like other people who call themselves kings, right? “

“Are those masters who claim to be Gu Tianlang using samsara reincarnation memory as an excuse to fool you? “Gu Qingfeng sighed with a smile: “Don’t say, this is really an irrefutable reason.” “

samsara reincarnation is the reincarnation of the soul.

The process of reincarnation is very terrifying. The soul is inevitably affected. No one can make an exception. The soul is affected and consciousness is damaged. , The memory will naturally be incomplete.

Gu Qingfeng pondered that if he had samsara reincarnation, he would not guarantee that his memory would be complete.

“You can answer me positively. Problem? Your memory is complete, right? “

“That’s right. “

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng has almost guessed what Tang Manqing wants to do, said with a smile: “Sister, if you want to ask anything, even if you just speak, you don’t have to be oblivious, but before you ask , Can we make two pots of wine first, let’s drink and talk, how about? “

Shui’er believes that Gu Qingfeng is a liar, so he is not polite: “Dead liar, you think pretty beautiful, and you want to drink!” “

Tang Manqing didn’t say anything, just persuaded: “You are weak now, how can you drink.” “

“No problem. “

Seeing Tang Manqing hesitated, Gu Qingfeng again jokingly said: “Sister, why have you forgotten, I am Gu Tianlang, the famous Chixiao King, life and death are like commonplace meals for me,” I have been used to it for a long time, and you should have heard your aunt say that I am a person who likes to drink very much. “

It’s okay that he didn’t say this sentence. With this joke, Shui’er, who originally suspected that he was a liar, thought he was a liar in his heart, and yelled: “You dead liar, how can you say He is famous, and the emperor never claims to be the King of Chixiao. “

“I did not claim to be the King of Scarlet Clouds before, but it was just before, and it doesn’t mean I won’t now. “I have nothing to do, Gu Qingfeng’s old problem has committed again, so I want to tease these two girls, half true half false said with a smile: “There are fake Gu Tianlang everywhere these days, if I am true If Gu Tianlang doesn’t stand up anymore, it will be messed up. What if you aunt take the fake Gu Tianlang seriously by mistake? “

“I pooh! Empress will not be fooled! You die liar, dare to talk nonsense, and be careful of great aunt tear your mouth! “

Shui’er glared at Gu Qingfeng with extreme contempt, then turned to Tang Manqing and said: “Princess, this guy is obviously a liar, don’t waste your time, let’s assume that he has not been saved. , To drive him out and let him fend for himself. I hate liars the most, especially those who pretend to be kings. “

Tang Manqing has been staring at Gu Qingfeng, wanting to see something from Gu Qingfeng’s face, but it seems that she really can’t see anything, this guy neither seems to be lying, nor It seems to be true, true and false, ambiguous, making her unable to distinguish.

She thought for a while and said: “Since you mentioned wine, then I will ask you a few questions. If you can answer Come up, I will give you wine. “

“Okay, ask. “

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