Supreme Lord

Chapter 913

Jun Xuanji.

A Legendary woman.

Whether it is in the Heaven Realm or in this world, it is the same.

She was a mysterious girl of Nine Heavens, and a Demoness of Nine Nether. She broke into Nine Nether and killed immortals. She also broke into Nine Nether and slaughtered Demon. She had been into demons and became demoness. Buddha, she once represented the existence of light and the existence of darkness, was shrouded by the sacred, and was shrouded by evil.

She is the most mysterious woman between this Heaven and Earth. No one in the mysterious knows where she comes from, where she belongs, and where she is going.

She is also the most troublesome woman between Heaven and Earth and the least want to provoke. Gu Qingfeng has a headache and Zhu Tian Dadao does not want to provoke.

She is also the Lord.

The Paragon of this world.

In charge of the origin of this world, and also dominate the laws of this world.

In other words.

She is the biggest in this world.

Whether you are an immortal or a demon, even if you are a Buddha, you must obey her laws in this world.

Don’t say that the people of the great road of this world, even the people of the great road between Heaven and Earth come to this world, they can’t do anything to her.

Not only that.

As long as she wants.

immortal dao has to get out of this world immediately.

Without her nodded, even Heavenly Dao would not be able to infect this world.

What is the Blessed One.

This is the Lord.

This world has absolute dominance, and no one can violate it.

“Don’t…don’t blend it…okay?”

Jun Xuanji has the ability, qualification and strength to stop Gu Qingfeng, at least, in the face of Jun Xuanji, Gu Qingfeng Deep in one’s heart, there is always a deep sense of powerlessness. It used to be, and it still is, even if he has the absolute power of no stronghold one cannot overcome, even if he has the everlasting colorful spiritual blossom, even if he has the worship of all beings. Vientiane Buddha, and the most ancient taboo of terrifying, when facing Jun Xuanji, there is still an unfathomable mystery feeling of powerlessness.

Because Jun Xuanji is the Ruler of this world?


Absolutely not.

As for why.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t understand either, but felt unfathomable mystery.

He glanced at Jun Xuanji, and faintly responded: “Do you think I have a choice?”

“But…if you merge with it, you will…will Tried…”

“Just a trial, not the first time.”

“But…this time is different…”

“For me It’s all the same, there is no difference.”

Jun Xuanji was lost, hesitating, dazed, worried, and entangled.

No one knows what she is missing, what she wanders about, what she is worried about, what she is struggling with.

She looked at Gu Qingfeng so faintly, and said intermittently: “You will die…”

“It’s just dead, not the first time.”

“This time…really different…”

“For me, it’s all the same, no different.”

A very simple conversation.

Very weird conversation.

It is also an elusive dialogue.

Jun Xuanji was full of worries, but Gu Qingfeng looked very indifferent, as if trial and death were as easy as everyday food for him, so simple, he didn’t care, and he never cared. , Not to mention it.

After the silence, Jun Xuanji seemed to sense something. She looked at the endlessly changing Vientiane Buddha Temple and looked at the ancient taboos hung in the void, as if she had understood something, staring at Gu Qingfeng, muttering. “You know… you really… know… you belong to it, how can you not know…”

“You don’t want to merge it, don’t want it from the very beginning, even if you don’t have it now Choose, you still don’t want to…and will not merge…”

“You originally…originally placed your hope on three thousand…Three Thousand Great Daos…I hope…I hope they can seal… …Seal it, right?”

“But…Three Thousand Great Daos can’t…They…They can’t even…take it away from this world…”

“You can’t count on…Three Thousand Great Daos, you can only…you can only rely on yourself…”

“But…you face…face it, and there is nothing you can do… …Right? You…don’t know if it can be sealed, and you don’t want to know…because…because you can’t do anything with it…right? You belong to it…you can’t do anything with it… “

“So…so…in desperation, you…you have to…infertility Tai Chi golden pill…”

“You know… from the very beginning ……you know, at least, you feel it…you must be able to feel its existence, so…you conceived Tai Chi Jindan…from the very beginning, you are not threatening…threatening Three Thousand Great Daos…but…but for today…right?”

“You know…you know…the ancient taboo of the Vientiane Buddha statue, must be…Heaven and Earth must not be allowed ……”

“You have no choice, so…you are ready to…are ready to gamble…right?”

“Are you betting on whether it is your fate or …It’s hard life, right?”

“No, you are not only gambling, but also testing…”

“You are testing cause and effect? ​​Right? “

The lost Jun Xuanji talked intermittently, as if asking Gu Qingfeng, but also whispering to herself.

Her words came, shocking Xuanyuanwan and the others in the distance.

Even though Jun Xuanji’s words made them very confused and didn’t know what it meant, they understood one thing.

Gu Qingfeng really does not want to fuse the blood of original sin, but also really wants Three Thousand Great Daos to seal the blood of original sin.

Even if Jun Xuanji didn’t say this, they all knew it, but the words below Jun Xuanji made them a little confused.

What is Gu Qingfeng’s achievement of a Tai Chi Golden Pill? From the very beginning, is it not threatening Three Thousand Great Daos, but for the blood of original sin?

Also, he conceived the ancient taboo of the Vientiane Buddha, not to deal with Three Thousand Great Daos, but also to deal with the blood of original sin?


When the four-way cauldron unfathomable mystery carrying the blood of original sin came back from the forbidden zone of heaven, Gu Qingfeng was very angry and angrily cursed Three Thousand Great Daos as a bunch of waste.

At that time, Xuanyuanwan and the others didn’t understand, but now they finally understand.


They understand.

Understand that Gu Qingfeng did not pay attention to Three Thousand Great Daos from the beginning to the end, not even a little bit, not only did not pay attention to it, he even was interested in working with Three Thousand Great Daos No, from start to finish his only goal is the blood of original sin.


Xuanyuanwan wanted to laugh at this moment, smiling at Three Thousand Great Daos, and also at herself.

Laughing at Three Thousand Great Daos’ ignorance, and laughing at my own ignorance even more.

It is sad to laugh at Three Thousand Great Daos, and sad to laugh at myself.

Three Thousand Great Daos always thought that they wanted to integrate the blood of original sin, but they didn’t want it.

Three Thousand Great Daos has always thought that people are a threat. As a result, people didn’t put Three Thousand Great Daos in their eyes at all, so how could they threaten you?

Does one person threaten three thousand ants?

The answer is also yes.

People don’t threaten ants. If you are happy, you can play with the ants. If you are upset, you don’t even have any interest in playing.

And obviously, this person is Gu Qingfeng.

Three Thousand Great Daos is the ant in his eyes, nothing more.

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