Supreme Lord

Chapter 912

Gu Qingfeng stands on the great cauldron in the four directions, raises his hand and points directly at the sky.


angry roar, murderous intention skyrocketing.

Vientiane Buddha statue moved immediately.

It’s just that it is no longer a god and Buddha in the sky, nor is it a fairy demon, but Asura in the sky.


A sea of ​​blood!

The fire sea of ​​boiling blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, the sky full of Asura, swept away hiding the sky and covering the earth, swept away the sky like a ruin.


A bright day collapsed and disappeared.

Bang peng~ peng~!

One after another, in the blink of an eye, all the bright rays of the sun above the sky collapsed, leaving no one behind.

It’s gone.

All are gone.

It is not only the immortal dao’s great day light trial, but also the many spiritual meanings that hold these great day light.

Although it is only the spiritual meaning, it is the spiritual meaning of immortal dao power. Each has the ability to be wiped out. Now it is wiped out. In an instant, all are wiped out. Not even one stayed.

The terrifying thing is that Gu Qingfeng didn’t make a move at all, it just moved with murderous intention, nothing more.

It was the Vientiane Buddha statue that made the shot, which turned into a sky full of Asura.

Before, no one knew how terrifying Gu Qingfeng’s Vientiane Pagoda is, or even what the profound mystery of Vientiane Pagoda is. Now they finally know the terrifying of Vientiane Pagoda and finally know the profound mystery of Vientiane Pagoda. .

This is just the Vientiane Buddha statue.

You must know that at this moment, there is still an ancient taboo that Gu Qingfeng impregnates on the sky and did not take action, and this ancient taboo has eyes like an abyss and a body like a void , A sound of power, the void burst, no one can imagine its existence, how terrifying it is.

“Who else is not convinced?”


Gu Qingfeng stands on the great cauldron.

Clothes are flying.

Black hair is dancing wildly.

On the arrogant face, a pair of gray eyes swept away, and the staring eyes seemed to be able to clearly understand World’s All Living Things, crossing the void, penetrating the barriers of the world, gazing at the avenue of heavens, dominating His words echoed in the void: “Who wants the contents of the tripod again?”

In the face of Gu Qingfeng, whose murderous intention soared into the sky.

Many people feel as if they have returned to Ancient Era.

Because of the murderous intention revealed by Gu Qingfeng at this moment, he is really familiar with Zhutian Dadao.

That year.

When he stepped on Nine Nether, this murderous intention was all over the sky.

When he burned for nine days, it was also the murderous intention that filled the sky.

When he cut the sky, the murderous intention was still all over the sky.

When he one hand shrouding the heavens, the same murderous intention was all over the sky.

Back then, when he fought against the Great Dao of Heaven, it was the Asura murderous intention of this bloody sea.

So below.

How can the Avenue of the Heavens be unfamiliar?

They are too familiar.

Especially immortal dao, the familiar can no longer be familiar, and the familiar has shadows.


He once again revealed the solemn meaning of such bloody Asura.

Who dares to refuse?

Who would dare to ask for the blood of original sin?

The answer is yes.

No one is dissatisfied.

No one dares to ask for the blood of original sin.

The avenue is still the Three Thousand Great Daos back then.

Gu Qingfeng is also Gu Qingfeng back then.

The only difference is.

At that time, Gu Qingfeng had the Throne of Immortal Demon Warriors and the Nine Nether Emperor Seal.

Although Gu Qingfeng now has no throne and imperial seal, it has the absolute power of no stronghold one cannot overcome. The Vientiane Buddha statue where all living beings worship is the most ancient taboo of terrifying.


In an instant.

A solemn, sacred Buddhist language came from the sky.

It is not from Pudu, but from the western sky. With the words of the Buddha, there is also the vast sacred Buddha breath. When the golden-yellow brilliance above the sky flickers, it is like a mountain, no! It is not a mountain, but more like an awesome ancient Buddha.

“West Heavenly Buddha Dao, don’t give motherfucker your face to have no shame!” Gu Qingfeng stared at the golden-yellow ancient Buddha above the sky, shouted angrily: “Although Lao Tzu respects the Buddha, he only respects That’s all, don’t motherfucker taking Lao Tzu’s respect for the Buddha and challenging Lao Tzu’s bottom line. There are one or two absolutely nothing to do with Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu will kill you in the West, killing your so-called pure land!”

The ancient Buddha statue that was flashing in the western sky stopped flashing for some reason, and there was no response from the pure land of the western sky. Even the sacred Buddha’s breath stopped, as if hesitating.

“Don’t show me embarrassment in front of Lao Tzu with this broken thing! Get me back!”

An angry shout.

The sea of ​​blood that had been still boiled again.

The originally static murderous intention also rose into the sky again.

The originally still Vientiane Buddha statue once again filled the sky.

The ancient taboo, which was originally still, also issued angry roar.

ao wu ——

Like a god screaming, like a devil screaming, like a dragon raging, like a phoenix screaming, like the sky collapses, like the ground cracking, more like from Great The ancient beast of Desolate!

In an instant of rush, the ancient Buddha statue that appeared in the western firmament collapsed and disappeared.



Absolute silence, endless silence, boundless silence.

Gu Qingfeng wiped out the spirit of immortal dao in many great daylights in one move, and immortal dao didn’t even dare to let it go anymore, immortal dao didn’t dare, and even other avenues did not dare to interfere. , I just typed a Buddhist language, and nothing more. I didn’t even say anything, so I was scared by Gu Qingfeng’s words and didn’t dare to say more.


I don’t know how long it has been.

The murderous intention on Gu Qingfeng’s body no longer soars to the sky, but gradually disappears and passes away.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, seemed to be suppressing something, looked at the Vientiane Buddha Temple, then looked at the ancient taboo dormant in the void, shook his head slightly, and passed In a moment, he looked towards the great cauldron at his feet.

“Don’t…don’t blend it, okay…”


A misty voice came from the sky, seeming to beg Gu Qingfeng.

The sound was intermittent, as if lost, and then a round of brilliance rose slowly in the endless sky.

Guanghua is like a cloudy moon and like a sun.

Like the light, but also the darkness, the light is changing, and the darkness is melting.

Seems holy, but also evil.

That round of brilliance was like a bloody sun and moon. When it appeared, half of the sky was stained with blood. The blood was boiling, and it seemed to be burning, accompanied by a terrifying power. , A power that seemed to melt Heaven and Earth.

Among the bloody sun and the moon, a woman just flashed from here.

Three thousand white hair.

Worn in blood.

A peerless grace and elegance, beautiful and alluring, and Unparalleled woman, is also a woman who looks extremely poignant.

Its beauty, if it dares to compete with the sun and the moon, it also makes everything in the world dim before her.

Blood stains the sun and the moon.

The sky is everywhere.

World Zun Empress, Jun Xuanji.

She appeared, a beautiful and alluring beauty that seemed to be not part of Human World seemed to be throbbing. Looking at Gu Qingfeng, she seemed to be missing, tangled, and resentful. , And seem to be angry…A lot of emotions are chaotic and complicated, and they are more hesitant, at a loss, and also lost.

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