Supreme Lord

Chapter 906

Gu Qingfeng was shining with vigorous brilliance, holding Da Ri Thunder Dragon in one hand, and when his five fingers pressed hard, with a bang, Da Ri Thunder Dragon also collapsed and disappeared. I saw him jump up and attack Da Ri. Day light trial.

He took a punch and took it out, hitting the center of the Great Day Light Judgment, ka-cha! The void here is like glass, bursting open, and the Great Sun Light Judgment also collapsed and disappeared like a bubble.

One punch!

Just one punch not only destroyed the immortal dao’s great day light trial, but also the void was blown apart by the shock!

Oh heaven!

What terrifying power is this!

How powerful is his fleshy body?

Is difficulty really the absolute body of no stronghold one cannot overcome in the legend?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

When the void burst, it healed quickly.

The Great Void is endless, continuous, and endless, undying and inextinguishable, which are the characteristics of Space Law.


Xuanyuanwan also knows that the great sun of immortal dao is also endless, it is also endless, it is also Undying and Inextinguishable, continuously!

Sure enough, when the Great Sun Guangming Judgment was punched out by Gu Qingfeng, when the bursting void re-healed, another round of Sun Guangming Judgment appeared and enveloped Gu Qingfeng’s body.

“Sinner! The great sun of my immortal dao is endless and endless. It depends on how you die!”

The immortal dao Ruler of this world waved his hand, Wow! Nine great suns and bright judgments appeared in the void, looking around, like nine huge suns.


The nine great suns envelop Gu Qingfeng, and the trials are endless, one after the other, really continuously.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the Nine Great Suns and shook his head, his expression was a little helpless. He didn’t take any action again, but let the Nine Great Suns judge himself.


Dari light of purification.

The Thunder of Great Sun Purification.

Continuously the big day trial came down, Gu Qingfeng never took action, just standing in the void.

A bright sun cannot shake Gu Qingfeng.

Jiu Dao is no exception.

No matter how vast and endless the bright sun is, no matter how powerful and terrifying the judgment that comes down, it can never shake Gu Qingfeng any bit.

“I don’t believe in my immortal dao, the great sun can’t put you on trial!”

Dan Qing was full of anger, shouted, and suddenly, there was another Nine Dao Great The light of the sun appeared, Eighteen, twenty-seven, and 81, one after another, the great sun appeared in the void, countless as infinite.

The sky is full of sun.

The sky is full of light.

Heavenly trial.

This scene stunned Xuanyuanwan and the others, and also made their scalp numb.

Even if they are all people of the great avenue, at this moment, they can’t help being stunned by the scene in front of them, holding their breath, their faces changed and changed, but their hearts couldn’t stop shaking.

It is not this endless day of light trial that makes them tremble, but the endless day of light trial. Not only cannot Gu Qingfeng be tried, it is not even shaken.

That’s really not there.

He stood, standing with his hands behind his hands, his clothes fluttered slightly in the bright light of purification, black hair flying freely in the thunder of bright light, that cold face On, his expression remained unmoved, unemotional, no anger or worry, a pair of gloomy eyes closed at some unknown time, allowing countless bright light to judge him.

This scene is truly breathtaking.

What’s even more incredible is that as the sky is getting more and more crazy, the faintly discernible colorful brilliance of his body has become more and more powerful.


A colorful brilliance rushes straight into the sky, and then 2nd, Nine Dao, Eighteen, 27, 81 Dao, 108 Dao, Thousand Dao, Ten Thousand Dao…Almost countless, the sky is full of nature Cai Ling’s light.

Looking at this scene, Xuanyuanwan and the others in the distance couldn’t believe his eyes.

Although the way of nature has also been revived in modern and ancient times, none of them has ever seen a person who can achieve so many natural spirits.

Is this any good luck?

Is it natural fortune?

What kind of natural good fortune can have an endless number of natural spirits?


Where is the good fortune of nature’s color spirit, it is more like the source of nature’s color spirit! !

When Gu Qingfeng is in full bloom, the endless color spirit is like the flower of life in full bloom.


Endless vitality.

Infinite vitality.

At this moment, Xuanyuanwan finally understood why Gu Qingfeng was still fearless and dauntless after surrendering the Taiji Tathagata incarnation and abolishing the Taiji Golden Pill, and finally knew why when other avenues wanted to help him, Why would he refuse.


He doesn’t need help at all.

His fleshy body can be called no stronghold one cannot overcome. Even Da Ri Guangming can’t shake anything, and he was punched out by him. Who can kill him?


What kind of purification?

He has such a magical good fortune of nature, just like Life Origin Spring, it is endless vitality.

The great sun of immortal dao purifies everything in the world, but it cannot purify the endless vitality.

Having such a miraculous good fortune, it is no exaggeration to say that it is also equal to Undying and Inextinguishable, naturally not afraid of immortal dao’s bright judgment.

He doesn’t care at all.

From the very beginning, I didn’t put Three Thousand Great Daos in my eyes, so how could I care about the trial of immortal dao?

Xuanyuanwan shook her head, a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Laughing at myself is too naive and ignorant.

She naively thought that Gu Qingfeng did not have the Immortal Warriors Throne, and without the Nether Emperor Seal, like the toothless Old Hu, she was not afraid at all. She didn’t realize until now that it was just I just thought it, and never dreamed that Gu Qingfeng, who was taken away by Heaven and Earth during the catastrophe, turned out to be more terrifying than before.

Absolute body without urging.

No stronghold one cannot overcome the absolute force.

Nature’s endless colorful flower.

Kill him?

What to kill him?

The only thing that made Xuanyuanwan feel fortunate was that Gu Qingfeng himself had abolished that endless amount of Tai Chi Gold Pill, if not, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Only the Absolute Body can withstand the endless amount of Tai Chi Golden Pill.

Only the endless colorful flowers of nature can afford the endless amount of Tai Chi golden pills.

Xuanyuanwan tried to think about it.

If Gu Qingfeng did not abolish the Tai Chi Golden Pill today, as long as he wants, he can conceive an endless amount of Tai Chi Nascent Soul at any time, and turn it into an endless amount of Tai Chi Primordial Spirit, followed by There are so many Tai Chi methods…


Xuanyuanwan really dare not continue thinking about it because it is too terrifying.

At this moment, the enchanting Fox Mei Niang’s exclamation sounded: “God…Tai Chi…Tai Chi Golden Core…His Acupuncture Point…Tai Chi appeared in the Acupuncture Point again. Golden Core…”

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