Supreme Lord

Chapter 905

Xuanyuanwan always felt that something was wrong with this incident from beginning to end.

As for what’s wrong, she can’t tell.

Until now, after listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, she realized that her previous guess was good.

Gu Qingfeng really knew that immortal dao would not let him go.

But he still did.

Is it only because of a glimmer of hope in my heart?

Now hope is dashed.

What about him?

Have you watched the immortal dao’s great day light trial come?

He said that since immortal dao has to be tossed, let’s toss!

If it is before this, he may still have the qualifications to toss.

But now…

Xuanyuanwan can see that, at this moment, Gu Qingfeng, after handing over the great day Tathagata incarnation, abolished an endless Tai Chi golden pill, not only the whole body All the acupoints collapsed, even within the body meridian broke, and there was no spiritual aura on her body anymore. What’s important is that she can also feel that Gu Qingfeng here is very weak, which can be said to be very weak.

What is he doing with immortal dao?

Why do you bother with immortal dao?


Xuanyuanwan took out Divine Consciousness again, and she could still clearly feel Gu Qingfeng’s weakness, but there was one thing she could not confirm, and that was whether Gu Qingfeng had Purple Mansion.

I don’t know.

She couldn’t detect it.

In her thoughts, there shouldn’t be any. If there is Purple Mansion, who would hide the endless amount of Tai Chi gold pills in the acupoints.

But it is just a guess.

What it is, she is not quite clear.

A little bit Xuanyuanwan is very certain. She thinks Gu Qingfeng must have other abilities. Otherwise, it is impossible to refuse the help of other avenues, and it is also impossible to put immortal dao in his eyes.

I really didn’t care about it, even if Gu Qingfeng was shrouded by immortal dao’s bright judgment at this moment, he didn’t take it seriously, as if it was not him, but someone else. same.

It’s just that Xuanyuanwan really can’t imagine that Gu Qingfeng has no Nine Nether emperor seal, immortal and demon kingly throne, and abolished an endless Tai Chi golden core, what kind of abilities can he have? Can make him ignore the trial of immortal dao.



Ruler Danqing of this world immortal dao once again shouted: “I say it again, kneel down and accept my immortal dao’s bright day trial, if you dare to resist, kill it on the spot!”

No one paid any attention to him, Gu Qingfeng never even glanced at him, just standing in the void, looking at the direction of the restricted area of ​​the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

“This is your own courting death, don’t blame my immortal dao ruthless!”

Dan Qing raised his hand!

The big sun light above the sky revolves in an instant, and a vast brilliance blooms within it. This brilliance is like the sun shining, and like Light Power, it seems to be able to purify everything, this is the judgment Light!

Everyone present knows how terrifying the immortal dao’s great day light trial is, even those of them who dare to face immortal dao’s great day light trial, even if they resist it with all their strength , It is of no avail, because Da Ri Light Power is vast and endless, and it can purify everything. When it is shrouded in it, it will instantly turn to ashes.


When the great day of light judgment came down and enveloped Gu Qingfeng’s body, an incredible scene happened.

Gu Qingfeng not at all turned to ashes.

He still stands here with his hands under his shoulders, looking at the restricted area of ​​the sky, as if talking with who.

Don’t say it turned into ashes, when the bright judgment of the day came to cover him, the fleshy body was not even blurred, even the hair was not raised, the clothes were not moved, as if at all Did not cause any impact on it.

Really not.

Not a single bit.

How could this happen!

He has no Nine Nether emperor seal, no throne of immortals and warriors, and no cultivation base, no acupuncture points, meridian is broken, people are even weaker, why Fleshy body Still so powerful.

Treasure body?

immortal physique?

Respect the body?

Saint Physique?



It’s just a very ordinary and pure flesh and blood body.

How can it not be affected by the Great Sun Judgment?



No one knows.

The people in the Dao Dao in the field looked at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other’s eyes. Suddenly, Jia Luo from the witchcraft said: “You really have achieved the absolute body?”

She has been dormant in the Northwest, and she also knows that Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is very powerful, although she doesn’t know why, but when she thinks about it, even if Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is strong, it is impossible to not be immortal dao bright. The influence of the trial!


He achieved the legendary absolute body that no stronghold one cannot overcome!



Because no one has ever seen it before, even Xuanyuanwan from Holy Land has only seen the record of the Absolute in ancient books.


It’s just a record.

There are only four words recorded, no stronghold one cannot overcome.

Apart from this, nothing else.

Xuanyuanwan doesn’t know what the so-called no stronghold one cannot overcome is, and can’t judge whether Gu Qingfeng has achieved a legendary absolute body or not. She only knows that Gu Qingfeng also had the Throne of Immortal Demon Warriors. , And at the time of the Nine Nether Emperor Seal, although he was not afraid of immortal dao’s trial, he was just not afraid of it, which did not mean that he was not affected.

Why did Heaven and Earth take away his immortal Demon King seat of the Nine Nether Emperor Seal, instead of weakening, his fleshy body is… more powerful.

She doesn’t know, and can’t figure it out.

The Danqing of immortal dao and the others are even more horrified. He has never seen anyone who is not affected by the immortal dao Da Riguang Judgment. He has never heard of it.

In an instant!

Gu Qingfeng’s whole body is gleaming with unfathomable mystery.

Guanghua is shining with brilliance, and Yin-Yang Joined Together and Five Elements change, just like Source of Life, full of vitality.

This is Cailing?

That’s right!

It is the color spirit of nature!

Stupefied Gu Qingfeng and has also achieved the colorful spirit of nature?

How much weight? How many is it?

I don’t know.

I only know that this vibrant color spirit is nurturing Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body, the originally broken meridian is miraculously recovered, and the originally collapsed acupuncture point is magically condensed and bloomed again, and At the same time, Gu Qingfeng, who was originally weak, became more and more vigorous.

“His fleshy body is recovering, and it is back to life! Hurry up and kill him!”

The Danqing shout fell, and seven or eight immortal dao people also started to do it. , Using Magical Powers to kill Gu Qingfeng, at the same time, Dan Qing raised his hand again, wow! Rising winds, scudding clouds, thunder and lightning, ka-cha in the bright judgment of the day! A thunder and lightning thunderbolt down like a Flood Dragon.


Gu Qingfeng moved.

I saw him stretch out his hand to block the Thunder Dragon. When seven or eight Magical Powers struck, he shook his body, and the surrounding space was distorted. There was a crackle. Eight Magical Powers disappeared instantly.

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