Supreme Lord

Chapter 901

“Gu kid!”

Seeing that Gu Qingfeng meant to leave, Taohua Old Road called him, looked at the sky, choked his throat and said, “Do you really believe them?”

“I have my own measures.”

“Practices? What are your measures? If they really…will not let you go, then you brat…Isn’t it over? “

Old Taohua Dao has never left the Northwest in his life, and he has never had any explanation with Zhutian Dao. He does not believe in Zhutian Dao. He just feels that Gu Qingfeng has not received any substantive promise. , Just hand over the chips in his hand casually, it is too hasty.

Gu Qingfeng seems not at all to take this matter seriously, patted his shoulders, comforted: “See you later.”


The shout came from Su Hua. She stared at Gu Qingfeng, as if she had a lot to say, but she didn’t know where to start, and asked: “I… can I see you again?”

“Of course.”

“I have a lot to say to you, it’s just…”

“Then keep it, and wait until the next time I meet.”

” p>


Gu Qingfeng leaped up to the sky.

in the sky is still rising winds, scudding clouds, and the rain is falling.

Wind is still the wind of spiritual color.

The cloud is still the cloud of aura.

Rain is also the rain of spiritual color.

This seems to be a carnival.

A carnival belonging to nature.

The sky is full of colors, mountains and rivers, flowers and trees, everything in the world, and all living beings are mimicking incredible changes.

one after another Light of Destiny is like connecting Heaven and Earth, attracting countless people of creation.

Compared with this world.

It looks out of place above the void.

Here are also rising winds, scudding clouds, but it is not the wind of scudding, nor the clouds of scudding.

Wind is the wind that tears everything apart.

Cloud is a cloud that can swallow everything.


The brilliance refracted from nowhere envelops a square great cauldron slowly rising, and the people of Chaoyuan, Danqing, and Pudu are still guarding the side.

Xuanyuanwan also followed closely.

Looking at the great cauldron that kept rising, her heart felt more and more wrong, and she felt more and more uneasy and restless in her mind.

Because this is really going too smoothly, it makes her feel unbelievable.

Gu Qingfeng gave up the blood of original sin without saying it.

Why didn’t you wake up even without the setting sun?

This Sifang great cauldron is her magic weapon, and now the Sifang great cauldron is shrouded by the avenue of heavens, she is impossible to know.

Why are you still asleep?

Xuanyuanwan knows very well that the people in this world who belong to the era of innocence are not the only ones in the setting sun and Wuyou.

She doesn’t know how many there are, but she can feel these people staring here.

Just staring.

not at all do it yourself.


Gu Qingfeng gave up that’s all. It’s hard for these people who belong to the era of innocence to give up?


Absolutely impossible!

At least, Xuanyuanwan is sure that the setting sun will not give up.

But she…

Xuanyuanwan really can’t figure it out.

As the Sifang great cauldron gradually jumped beyond the topmost clouds, the people of Pudu, Chaoyuan, Danqing and other avenues also stopped escorting them, and the stones that had been hanging in their hearts finally fell.

Beyond the topmost clouds is the forbidden zone of the sky.

Even people like them dare not enter at will, let alone other people. In other words, the great cauldron carrying the blood of original sin is absolutely safe to enter the forbidden zone of the sky. There is no need to worry about other people. Snatch, just confess the rest of the matter to the Great Avenue of the Heavens. Now the great cauldron in the Quartet is shrouded in various avenues, and no one can monopolize it.

“Amitabha, the blood of original sin has entered the forbidden zone of the sky, and my Buddha will join hands with the Great Dao of Heaven to seal it.”

Xuanyuanwan raised her head slightly, staring into the sky The great Cauldron in the restricted area murmured: “I hope so.”

Kaluo of Wizard Road murmured: “Didn’t expect that he will really give up the blood of original sin.”

“Yeah…Who would have thought that he would really give up the blood of original sin, it is about his life and death… Didn’t expect to give up like this, it’s really surprising, unexpectedly let me now I can’t believe it is true.”

“More than an accident, I even doubt that he is the lonely and domineering, regardless of the law and of natural morality, the unbridled Youdi.”

“Perhaps he is really tired, and he really doesn’t want to toss about it anymore… Apart from this, I really can’t imagine it, there is any reason to make him give up.”

“hehe!” Dan Qing said disdainfully: “What is tired, I don’t want to toss, it’s nothing more than deliberately making excuses, the criminal is obviously afraid, he knows that if he takes the blood of the original sin this time, he will definitely die , So I gave up.”

“Afraid? I said Danqing Old Senior, Heaven Realm. Who does not know what kind of master Youdi is, who has he been afraid of all these years?”

“Youdi? It’s just before.” Chaoyuan also followed: “Don’t forget, his Nine Nether emperor seal has been tried and disappeared long after the catastrophe, and the same is true for Wushuang fairy Demon King seat. He was just an ordinary sinner. He was not afraid back then, which does not mean that he is not afraid now. Gu Tianlang without the Immortal Warriors Throne and Nine Nether Emperor Seal, like Old Hu with his teeth removed, is not to be feared. “

“Aiya! Danqing and Chaoyuan, two Old Seniors, are you really majestic now?” Hu Meiniang from the demon way mocked said with a smile: “When I was in Secret Realm just now, why were you here? Don’t even dare to put a fart in front of him?”

“When I was in Secret Realm, I waited for the sake of the overall situation before I had to bear it. Do you think I’m really afraid that he won’t make it?”



Chaoyuan and Danqing, who dominate this world Heavenly Dao and immortal dao, both have an inexplicable smile on their faces, and Danqing has recovered divine poise and sagelike. features, Chaoyuan has become aloof and remote again.

Looking at Chaoyuan and Danqing, Xuanyuanwan shook her head slightly, as if she was a little disgusted, and said, “I advise you to stay back a little bit. Don’t forget that he still has an endless amount of clothes. Tai Chi Golden Pill, and the incarnation of Da Ri Tathagata is also in his hands.”

“Miss Xuanyuan.” Nairot from demonic path asked: “You said he will really abolish Tai Chi Jin Dan, will you really hand over the great day Tathagata incarnation?”

“hehe, will you abolish the Taiji Golden Pill, and if you don’t hand over the great day Tathagata incarnation, now you can’t help the criminal “The Dan Qing of divine poise and sagelike features stroked the white beard of his chin, and said: “Now that the blood of original sin has entered the forbidden zone of the sky, I have no worries about it anymore. Today, he can pay it, or if he doesn’t. “

Xuanyuanwan secretly sighed the message and didn’t refute it because she knew it was a fact.

When Gu Qingfeng did not take the initiative to snatch the blood of the original sin and lost the first opportunity, he lost not only the initiative, but also the right to control his own life and death. As Dan Qing said, today Gu Qingfeng has a good relationship If you come out, maybe you can still live, if you don’t pay, I’m afraid…

Xuanyuanwan now only hopes that when Gu Qingfeng really abolishes the Taiji Golden Pill and also handed over the great day Tathagata incarnation, Heavenly Dao immortal dao will not go back on one’s word.

Just as she sighed, a silhouette of a person appeared in the void, and she looked over, it was Gu Qingfeng.

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