Supreme Lord

Chapter 900

Xuanyuanwan looked at the sky, then at Chaoyuan and Danqing, and then his eyes fell on Gu Qingfeng again.

Don’t know why, she always feels something is wrong.

In her thoughts, the relationship between Gu Qingfeng and the blood of original sin is not just a causal relationship. Gu Qingfeng comes from the blood of original sin, and it also belongs to the blood of original sin. In other words, they belong to one body, and they are not divided at all. each other.

Although she doesn’t want to, she has to admit that if Gu Qingfeng takes the blood of the original sin, even if he is covered by the murderous intention of the Great Dao of Heaven at this moment, the probability of success is very large. It is impossible to obliterate him in an instant. Once he gets the blood of original sin, it can be said that if the Great Dao of Heaven wants to stop it, it will be much more difficult.


He didn’t do it at all, he just gave up.


Stupefied him to correct evil and return to righteousness, knowing that the blood of original sin is very threatening, so he didn’t want to merge, so he gave up?

What a joke.

This guy is arrogant by nature and has always acted unscrupulously. Regardless of the law and of natural morality, just now he killed an immortal dao edict in front of the Great Dao of Heaven. How could he Change the evil and return to the righteousness, if you really change the evil and return to the righteousness, how can you kidnap the incarnation of Da Ri Tathagata

Afraid to stump him?

Afraid of being obliterated by the Great Avenue of Heavens after fusing the blood of original sin?


This is more impossible.

This person has never known what he is afraid of, so how can he be afraid? If you are afraid, how can you gather an endless amount of Tai Chi Jin Dan to threaten Three Thousand Great Daos?


With his current ability, it is still unknown whether the Great Dao of Heaven can obliterate it, let alone Gu Qingfeng after fusing the blood of original sin.

why on earth?

It’s really as hard as he said, is he tired? Don’t want to toss?

So just give up?

However, the blood of original sin is related to his life and death after all. If he gives up, he will probably lose his life.

He said he was willing to take a gamble?


Leave aside whether the blood of original sin really concerns his life and death, in Xuanyuan’s view, once the blood of original sin falls into the hands of the Great Dao of Heaven, Gu Qingfeng will be completely passive. When the time comes, whether the blood of original sin is related to his life and death is no longer important, because his life and death will be completely controlled by the heavens, Great Dao Palm.

Even so.

Not only did he say that he would surrender the incarnation of the big day Tathagata, but even the endless amount of Tai Chi gold pill will be abolished.

What does this mean?

It means that his existence is no longer a threat to the Dao of Heavens. By then, the Dao of Heavens can kill him at will.

Even though the Great Dao of Heavens stated just now that as long as he is willing to give up the blood of original sin, return the Great Sun Tathagata Incarnation, and abolish an endless amount of Tai Chi Golden Pills, Dao Dao of Heavens will not act on him.

Other avenues such as the demon road, demonic path, etc. may not really be, as for Heavenly Dao and immortal dao…that is hard to say.

The current Gu Qingfeng is like a general holding military power. When he has military power, he is a threat to everyone, but no one dares to take him. Once he takes the initiative to hand over military power, he He will be slaughtered. At this time, Heavenly Dao immortal dao will really let him go?

Not sure.

Xuanyuanwan didn’t know whether Heavenly Dao immortal dao would really let him go, nor whether Gu Qingfeng would really give up everything.

The reason why she feels that something is wrong is because Gu Qingfeng’s behavior today is too abnormal. She is obviously in an advantage, but she chose to give up. Not only did she give up, but she also gave up her own life and death. From Holy Land Xuanyuanwan didn’t dare to fully confirm whether Zhutian Dao would let him go, so he really believed that? Don’t worry at all about the Great Avenue of Heavens go back on one’s word?

This is neither like the style of the arrogant Emperor Chixiao, nor the style of the domineering Emperor Nether.

But he did just that.


What’s wrong?

What makes Xuanyuanwan even more puzzled is the sentence Gu Qingfeng said just now. He said that he has given enough face to the Dao of Heavens today, as if the Dao of Heavens gave the face to have no shame, then He had no choice but to admit it.

Xuanyuanwan tasted this sentence repeatedly, and felt that this guy didn’t seem to believe in the Great Dao of Heaven very much.

But if he doesn’t believe it, why would he do this?

What tricks he is playing to stump?

I don’t know.

Xuanyuanwan wanted to break his head but didn’t think of a reason.

And just then.

The light of destiny that flickered at the mouth of the well was no longer faintly discernible, and became weaker and weaker. Xuanyuanwan could also see that the blood of original sin was no longer boiling, and almost stabilized.

What makes Xuanyuanwan unable to understand is that the setting sun hidden inside Wuyou has been indifferent, as if she didn’t know what was happening here.

How could this be?

Xuanyuanwan was a little confused.

At the same time, she didn’t have time to think about this issue, because at this moment, the light of destiny completely disappeared.

At the moment when the light of destiny disappeared, wow! A sacred brilliance shrouded from above the sky, covering the blood of original sin within it, and then, a ray of magnificent light, whiz whiz whiz! In the blink of an eye, countless brilliance dropping from the sky, all shrouded in the blood of original sin.

Xuanyuanwan knows that these brilliances are the brilliance of the avenue of heavens, and they also have brilliance from their Holy Land.


The Great Avenues of all heavens are worried that the blood of original sin will fall into the hands of other people, all of which will be covered in the first time.

Is anyone robbed?


Xuanyuanwan turned around and looked over, and found that Gu Qingfeng was still standing there quietly. He didn’t at all take a shot, but the murderous intention that hung over him has not diminished, nor is it weakened, on the contrary Becoming more and stronger, it seems that all the heavens are guarding him.

“Don’t be so nervous.” Gu Qingfeng raised his head to take a sip of wine, looked at the sky, said with a smile: “Lord speaks for words. Once you give up, you will definitely give up. “

Gu Qingfeng’s words were meant for Zhutian Dadao, but they were passed into Xuanyuanwan’s ears, which gave her a very complicated feeling in her heart.

If you suspected that Gu Qingfeng was playing any tricks before, then she no longer doubted it.

If Gu Qingfeng really intends to play any tricks, he will do it before the light of destiny disappears. Only if he seizes the opportunity, he will benefit him.

At the moment when the Light of Destiny disappeared, the Great Avenue of Heavens had already seized the opportunity. Even if Gu Qingfeng really used any tricks, it would be of no avail.

It seems that he really gave up.

In the well.

A great cauldron is slowly rising.

It is a great cauldron in a square mouth, looks very shabby, without any brilliance, and the blood of original sin is inside the great cauldron in this square.

The Sifang great cauldron rose in the brilliance of the Great Dao of Heaven, and quickly flew towards the sky. The people of Chaoyuan, Danqing and other Dadaos guarded the Sifang great cauldron tightly beside the great cauldron, Xuanyuanwan is also like this.

When they left Secret Realm, Gu Qingfeng not at all chased it, but looked at the setting sun in the well.

“Big Brother.”

Little Jin’er shouted.

Gu Qingfeng turned around and looked at her, said with a smile: “Hey, go back and wait for me.”

“en! Big Brother, Jin’er will always be waiting for you.”

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