Supreme Lord

Chapter 858

The streamed horned eagle has always been tyrannize depending on his identity, even if he stabbed a big basket, he is not afraid, as long as he carries out his family and reports the name of his parents, whether it is the powerful sect or the ancient Cave Mansion No one dared to do anything to him, this move was unsuccessful in Divine State.

Unfortunately, he met Gu Qingfeng today.

A king of Chixiao who was world running amuck throughout the world, overthrew the immortal dynasty, cut off the immortal river, and mastered the situation.

Is also a Nine Nether who has been in Heaven Realm for nine days, competing with Three Thousand Great Daos, and fighting with God.


When the streamer horned eagle was shouting how powerful his family is and threatening, Gu Qingfeng appeared in the pavilion and kicked it over.


The shout stopped.

The streamer horned eagle didn’t even hum. It was crushed by this kick, and there was no scum left. A wisp of blue smoke floating in the sky was the soul of the streamer horned eagle. Gu Qingfeng stretched out his hand With a grasp, a pinch of both hands, a crackle made a crackle, and the soul of the streamer horned eagle disappeared.


It’s gone.

The streamer horned eagle was kicked to death by him, even the soul was gone, completely dead.

The remaining 30 Xianchao nobles saw this scene, and they were scared and struggling desperately. It was useless at all. Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol was destroyed, Purple Mansion’s mind was destroyed, Xian The foundation is gone, even the Meridian’s bones and muscles are broken, and they are completely useless. No matter how they struggle, they can’t talk about it.

“Fairy Fa…Save me!”

“Fairy Fa, please, save me, I don’t want to die…”

They asked for help, but they could only ask Su Huaxian for help, because the other fairy officials were dead.

1000 meters away.

Su Wei wanted to rush to stop Gu Qingfeng, but unfortunately, she couldn’t break through Nalan Qianqiu’s prohibition, and said: “Nalan elder sister, can you unlock the prohibition? Don’t worry, Gu Qingfeng will kill It’s not mine.”

“That’s just what you think.” Nalan Qianqiu said coldly and ruthlessly: “I said, this endless life, there are only people he wants to kill, without him dare not dare There is no one who can kill him.”

“But…Nalan elder sister.”

“No but…” Nalan Qianqiu beat him Judging, he said: “even more how these immensity lords don’t knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth to provoke him, they really deserve to die, what do you save them for.”

“My family elder with them I know how many things, if I don’t save my life today…”

Su Wei still didn’t finish speaking, and was interrupted again.

“Don’t worry, you won’t know each other in the future.”


“Not why.” Nalan Qianqiu turned around, very serious Said to her: “Because when these Xianchao noble sons start their hands, their family’s fate is already destined to disappear in this world.”

Su Wei dumbfounded, as if didn’t Expect this kind of words will come out of his Nalan elder sister.

“Wu’er, I solemnly warn you, don’t provoke him, never provoke him, whatever he wants, just let him do what he does, never mind, don’t say he just kills today I have several fairy princes, even if you slaughter the fairy prince tomorrow, you don’t know that the elder sister does not want you to die, and at the same time the elder sister does not want to die…not only me, you Master, they also don’t want to die. ……”

“Nalan elder sister, you……”

Su Wei’s mind went blank for a while, she couldn’t understand, and couldn’t imagine how far Gu Qingfeng had terrifying. Let Nalan elder sister say such words that make her have one’s hair stand on end.

In the field.

The son of more than thirty Xianchao headed by Liu Guang Qinghong is still pulling his throat and shouting desperately.

Gu Qingfeng stepped out and appeared in front of a Xianjue. He didn’t look at it. He raised his palms and made a bang. This Xianjue was crushed on the spot, and his soul collapsed.

“no! No-don’t!”

The scared witless of a fairy next to him, when Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, he forcibly tugged his head After coming down, he was still in front of other Xianjue.

This time.

No one dared to shout again.


Gu Qingfeng is like Death God, judging the lives of these fairy lords.

“I only asked what I said once. Who knows how to deal with deficit heads today?”

“Chi Young Master Yan…I…I don’t know.”

“Red Young Master Yan, they acted on the deficit head, I didn’t know it, and… and they also persuaded, but they have Long Aozi’s talisman in their hands…”

Xing Yao, Ying Nian and several other Xian Chao Juezi responded tremblingly.

They were only ordered to come here only for the destiny, and they didn’t know that Liu Guang Qinghong wanted to deal with the deficit head, and Xing Yao also said it was true. When the streamer Horned Eagle announced that the deficit head was arrested, they did persuade them. Over.

“Get out.”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand, Xingyao, Yingnian and other seven princes of Xianchao who didn’t know the matter flew out.

“Red Young Master Yan, I…I don’t know…”

“I don’t know…”

There are two or three immortals Shouted the prince.

Just as soon as they spoke, Gu Qingfeng kicked the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“I only asked what I said once.”

peng~ peng~!

The other two impersonating Xianchao Juezi were also scattered in an instant. ashes and dispersed smoke.

“Chi Young Master Yan, I am wrong…I am wrong…”

“I dare not! Never dare anymore! Please let me go , You can let me do anything! My parents are immortals…”

The two immortal lords begged for mercy. Similarly, the voice fell and Gu Qingfeng slapped scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. .

The remaining ten noble princes of Xianchao, one by one, knelt down on the ground in an extremely embarrassing manner, with their faces as gray as death, trembling all over, opening their mouths, and no one dared to say anything.


The streamer horned eagle threatened and died.


Some Xianjue Juezi asked Su Huaxian for help and died.


Xianchao Juezi deceived and died.

Pray for mercy?

The two Xianchao nobles who just begged for mercy are dead.

What should I do?

No one knows what to do.

The only thing waiting for them is death.

It’s just that none of them want to die, and Liu Guang Qinghong said: “Chi Young Master Yan, please forgive me, I’ll wait…I’m just following orders, everything is what Long Aozi means, it’s him… …He asked me to wait until I came to the Northwest, deliberately provoke the deficit head, with the help of Jinhe and other Chixiao people, humiliating the deficit head, while testing…the attitude of the deficit head, and also…testing the deficit head. The bottom line of… also said… also said…”

Swallowed, Liu Guang Qinghong said intermittently: “It is also said that the deficit head of the Northwest Territories is not worth mentioning. The rudder’s Chixiao people are like a plate of scattered sand, and the Chixiao people without the Chixiao King are like Old Hu without the teeth…The deficit head in the northwestern land without the black liquid Lord, even Old Hu is not as good as…

“Then you are now trying to figure out the attitude of the deficit head, can you also test the bottom line of the deficit head? “


Liu Guang Qinghong seemed to feel the coming of Death God, and he was scared to say no more.

“Since you want a deficit attitude, I will give you an attitude today. “

Gu Qingfeng stretched out his hand and waved, peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~, Liu Guang Qinghong and more than ten immortal kings’ fleshy bodies, all scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, only a dozen heads floating on In the midair, he waved his hand, and more than a dozen heads fell under the monument of Immortal Mansion.

“This is the attitude of the deficit head,”

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