Supreme Lord

Chapter 857

One trick!


To be precise, it was not a trick at all, let alone Magical Powers. He waved his hand like that, and even the spirit strength never flashed. There were more than a thousand immortals in the audience, regardless of whether it was guarded by the nine-star immortal. The Great Venerable Faxiang, who has been cultivation for thousands of years, has each one, and all fell to the ground.

It is scrapped.

All are scrapped.

Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol was disappeared by the earthquake.

Purple Mansion was shattered and shattered.

Meridian is completely broken, bones and muscles shattered, and the foundation is destroyed.

Completely scrapped.

This is more terrifying than death. Death ends all one’s troubles. From now on, these immortal officials can only live like the living dead, unable to take care of themselves, and will always lie in bed.

No one has seen such a shocking scene, and no one has seen such a terrifying scene.

These more than a thousand people are not any cat or dog, but more than a thousand old people of the Great Dharma Sovereign Hundred Tribulations, and they are experts who have the guardianship of the immortal bestowed by the immortal dynasty, such an expert, You can definitely walk unhindered, no one dares provoke in the deserted area of ​​the northwest. No matter which Sect giant settles in, it is a guest.

And now, the effort of just a few seconds has been turned into a waste.

And that person just waved his hand.


When Su Wei came forward to stop these immortal officials from acting against Gu Qingfeng, everyone thought they were shielding them, saying that these immortal officials were not Gu Qingfeng’s opponents, and they were just tricking Profound Void. .

At this moment, they realized that Su Huaxian is indeed sheltering, but it is not Gu Qingfeng who is sheltering, but these immortal officials, because Su Huaxian has long known that in Gu Qingfeng In front of, these so-called immortal officials are like ants unable to withstand a single blow.

“He actually…he abolished all the fairy officials’ cultivation base…”

In the distance.

Su Hua looked at more than a thousand half-dead immortal officials on the ground, as if he could not believe his eyes, full of incredible.

It’s easy to kill.

It is not difficult to kill these immortal officials.

At least, with Su Wei’s ability, she has many ways to obliterate these immortal officials.

But it’s just obliterating. If you want to say that it’s just a move to abolish the cultivation base of these people, she can’t do it, because that requires the ultimate control of strength, this is not your cultivation base, high strength and strong creation It can be done at large, but it takes countless years of accumulation.

This is as easy as pinching an ant.

It is very difficult to get an ant internally injured.

Is it just that?


Su Wei discovered that these fairy officials were only the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol destroyed, the Purple Mansion foundation was destroyed, the meridian bones and muscles were broken, but the internal organs were intact.

Su Wei can’t imagine how much a person can control power to achieve such a terrifying degree.

It’s hard to say… Gu Qingfeng really possesses legendary power.

I don’t know.

Can’t imagine it.

She has always been suspicious of Gu Qingfeng’s spirit willpower fusion of King Chixiao, and now she is even more suspicious.

The spirit willpower of King Chixiao may be very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it is at best a great good fortune. It is absolutely impossible to allow Gu Qingfeng to control the power to the absolute extreme. This is not a good fortune at all. Success is not something spirit willpower can achieve, it can only be accumulated over a long period of time.

Who is he?

If it weren’t for the spirit willpower that was integrated with the king, it would be stumped… Is it really the King of Scarlet Cloud?

It is not the first time that Su Wei has such an idea.

But every time I dare not think about it.

This time is no exception.

Because the name of King Chixiao means too much to her, it is so big that she does not dare to speculate or believe it casually.

In addition to shock.

Su Wei’s heart was also greatly touched, and he blamed himself somewhat.

She could have stopped this fight.

Even if she knew that Gu Qingfeng was powerful, she would desperately stop it.

She stopped.

I am worried that these immortal officials will be killed, and Gu Qingfeng will completely offend the immortal court because of this. At the same time, it is a respect for life.

If she can, she doesn’t want anyone to lose her life.


Nalan Qianqiu’s appearance restrained her here, making her unable to move even a little bit, even if she wanted to make a move, she was powerless.

You can only blame yourself.

It’s just self-blame.

In addition to self-blame, he did not have any mercy for these immortal officials.

She respects life, but she is not the Holy Mother!

She knows better than anyone that these immortal officials attacked Gu Qingfeng. Now the cultivation base has been abolished. It is completely having only one self to blame. She can’t blame anyone, let alone Gu Qingfeng.

“Compared with before, he is really kinder…It seems that time can really smooth a person’s temperament…”

Besides, the mist is like a cloud of mist The ordinary Nalan Qianqiu looked at the scene in the field, muttered to himself, and looked at Gu Qingfeng here. When he touched Gu Qingfeng’s dark eyes, when he noticed the boredom in Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, She shook her head and let out a laugh, as if she was laughing at herself, faintly said: “I’m such an ignorant idiot, how can he be kind… how can his temper be flattened by the years, he is just tired of… I’m tired of killing…”



Gu Qingfeng is really tired of it.

He glanced at the more than a thousand Dharma Masters on the ground, without saying a word, but looked towards the pavilion.

Outside the pavilion.

There are thirty people still in the air.

It’s not someone else, it’s Liu Guang Qinghong, Xing Yao and other Xianchao nobles.

“Get down!”

Three words in one sentence.

Scroll down.


Liuguang Qinghong’s 30 immortal princes’ Da Ri Guangming Faxiang exploded in an instant.

The next word falls.

The natural and colorful spirits of the thirty immortal princes all collapsed.

From falling.

All the Purple Mansion of the thirty immortal princes broke, and all the meridian bones were broken.

“Kneel down.”

He fell down again.


Xianchao Juezi’s seven orifices are bleeding, and with a thud, one after another kneels in the pavilion all around.

It is scrapped.

It’s abolished again.

In one sentence, three words, dignified 30 princes of the immortal dynasty were so abolished by him, the vast and domineering great sun light method was destroyed, the hundred great natural color spirits were destroyed, even The foundation of the immortal that was born with it was disappeared by the three words Gu Qingfeng.

They are no longer the previous imposing, arrogant, arrogant and arrogant Xianchao noble son, one by one, unkempt and covered in blood, bowed to the ground, trembling, afraid, and horrified.

They are scared.

I’m completely scared.

When I am afraid of being in the bones, I am also afraid of being in the soul.

Especially the closest to the pavilion, and the first streamer horned eagle to be suppressed by Gu Qingfeng here. He bowed to the ground, already scared the soul flew away and scattered, and found Gu Qingfeng walking towards the pavilion , He trembled more severely, hissing desperately.

“I am a son of Xianchao, and also a child of the streamer family. Both my parents are famous immortals. If you dare to touch my hair today, I will…”

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