Supreme Lord

Chapter 840

Qianshan’s words came, making many immortal officials present feel incredible.

Although they have never seen Gu Qingfeng, they all know that Gu Qingfeng killed dozens of immortal officials in the Northwest Immortal Mansion. Regarding Gu Qingfeng’s cultivation base strength, it seems to be the Golden Core cultivation base, nothing more The fleshy body is just a little tougher, and it’s just a nouveau riche who happens to be lucky.

This kind of person may be rare in the Great Northwest, but on the Divine State side, this kind of fortuitous encounter fleshy body plentiful and easily available is not uncommon at all.

How could it be Xianchao’s opponent?

Don’t say anything else.

You must know that every Xianchao nobleman possesses the Paragon image of Supreme like Da Ri Guangming, and besides the Da Ri Guangming image, every fairy prince also has With Immortal Root guardianship, one hundred major natural destinies, and other powerful destinies, how could it not be the opponent of the criminal nouveau riche?

even more how, this is not a fairy prince, but a full three of fourteen, and there are well-known figures in the fairy tales such as Liuguang Qinghong, Liuguang Horn Eagle, and Xing Yao. It would be ridiculous to say that they are not the opponents of the criminal upstart.

Previously, many fairy officials in the field still had doubts about Su Huaxian’s sheltering criminals. Now it seems that this matter is probably a pretty close. Fairy Huaxian may really be sheltering criminals.

Look again that Fairy Hua blatantly confronted Xianchao for the deficit head this time. Everyone knows that she always prefers King Chixiao, and the criminal Gu Qingfeng also claims to be the descendant of the King, Hua It is not impossible for the fairy to shelter him.

Just doing this, you really lose your identity as a fairy!

Many immortal officials in the field are disappointed.

Liu Guang Qinghong’s mouth was filled with a cold and arrogant smile, and said: “Fairy, if you really want to protect the sinner Gu Qingfeng, I have nothing to say, but you are protecting him. To make up such a funny excuse, it would look down on us a little too much.”

“It’s nothing more than a nouveau riche who accidentally mutated the fleshy body. What can I do?” Streaming Horned Eagle said with disdain: “Is he still the heir of the immortal dao sinner Gu Tianlang? He is Gu Tianlang himself, and this prince can definitely make him kneel and kowtow within three moves.”

tone barely fell, bang, slapped On the cheek of the streamer horned eagle.

The cheeks of the streamer horned eagle slapped like this suddenly swelled, and what is even more unexpected is that it was Su Huaxian who had never done anything with anyone before hitting him.

“Su Wei, you…”

The streamer horned eagle refused to accept, fly into a rage out of humiliation, and wanted to do something, but was stopped by streamer Qinghong.

Here, Su Wei is no longer the gentle and beautiful fairy fairy, but an imposing manner, as cold as ice and frost, a trembling woman, she stares at Streaming horned eagle, a pair of beautiful eyes gleaming with silent killing, coldly said: “If you dare to speak wild words again, I will kill you!”

See here.

Liu Guang Qinghong quickly apologized: “The horned eagle is young and ignorant, and offends the fairy. I hope that the fairy will not be with him lower oneself to somebody’s level.”

At this moment, together There was laughter: “Good fight, good fight, gu gu screamed, these act recklessly bastards, really have a good lesson.”

“Who is it!”

The streamer horned eagle was slapped by Su Huaxian, and he was burning with anger. Hearing such ridicule, he was extremely angry. He leaped up and roared: “Get out of here!!!”

“What are you shouting, I’m not here.”

I saw an Elderly walked out of the crowd. Elderly was wearing a shabby gray robe with a wine on her waist. Bottle gourd, the unshaven appearance is a bit shabby. Many people don’t know this Elderly, but it doesn’t mean that everyone does not know it. At least Qianshan knows it. It is a small Elder from the Yunxia Sect of the Quartet.

“what thing are you!!! courting death!”


The streamer horned eagle flashed away and wanted to kill Huode with a palm. His speed was very fast, but some people were faster than him. Just when he started, one silhouette appeared. In front of Huode.

Seeing this silhouette, the streamer horned eagle complexion greatly changed. At the same time, streamer Qinghong stopped it, because it was Su Huaxian who appeared in front of Huode.

“hehe, fairy fairy, in fact, you don’t need to protect us.” Huode laughed at the bottle gourd on the patted waist, and said: “We have the baby from the ancient boy in our hands. These little bastards can’t hurt us. “

Su Huaxian glanced at the bottle gourd on Huode’s waist, but only glanced at it. Compared with this bottle gourd, she wanted to know the whereabouts of Gu Qingfeng more, and asked again. “Old Master, are you with Gu Qingfeng? Where is he now?”

“Fairy, we just want to ask you this question.” Huo De also frowns and asked: “Aren’t you with Gu Xiaozi? Didn’t you see him?”

“No…” Su Wei shook his head: “After he left Xiaozheshanzhuang, I never saw him again. “

“You don’t know the whereabouts of the ancient boy…”

Huo De rubbed his chin, looked towards the group of Chi Xiaoren, and asked with his hands: ” How many Old Masters, have you ever seen the whereabouts of the ancient boy?”

The three major banner owners of the Chixiao Sect, including Dao Scarkui and other Chixiao people, all know the relationship between Huode and the king, so, They have always regarded him as their own person, not only as their own, but also respected Huo De, because they all remember that King Chixiao once said that Huo De and the king are both teacher and friend, they are the people of Chixiao Sect. Naturally, he was very kind to Huode.

“I am looking for Gu Qingfeng as well.”


Since the incident in Xiaozhe Villa broke out, I heard that the spirit of the dragon elephant was in awe of Gu Qingfeng. This incident not only alarmed the three major banner owners, but also alarmed the black liquid mountain. After discussion, they I was planning to find Gu Qingfeng personally to see if it was true, but I never thought about encountering Xianchao.

“You guys don’t know…”

Huode looked towards the crowd again, and asked: “Feiyan, dead wood, old men, how about you… see Have you passed the ancient boy?”

The Feiyan Palace Master of the Demon Moon Palace, the dead wood of Wu Se Mountain and the others are also here, but the battle between the Xian Dynasty and the Deficit Head is no longer within their reach. Therefore, I have never dared to say much.

Feiyan stood up and said: “I don’t know the whereabouts of Gu… Chi Young Master Yan.”

After that, Dead Wood also stood up and responded: “old man I don’t know…”

“Don’t know? Where can the kid go? Did you leave the Northwest?” Huo De muttered to himself, frowning deeply, and said “If Gu Xiaozi left the Northwest, it would be that’s all. If he didn’t leave… Then this thing would happen…” Next to him, Su Wei was puzzled and asked:” Old Master, what are you doing with Gu Qingfeng in such a hurry?”

“If such a big thing has happened, don’t you go in a hurry.”

Huo De glanced at Old Master Hong Waiting for the Chixiao people, looked at the immortal officials of Liuguang Qinghong and other immortal dynasties, and then said to Su Wei: “Fairy, while the ancient boy doesn’t know about this, you quickly let the immortal gang of bastard Leave the Northwest, the sooner the better.”

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