Supreme Lord

Chapter 839

Hong Old Master complexion is gloomy, eyes closed, fists clenched, took a deep breath, obviously suppressing the anger in the heart, beside the Old Master of the Black Flame Flag and the Old Master of the Black-Wind Flag Yellow Old Master , Both of them shook their heads, and signaled Dao Scarkui not to do anything, otherwise Xian Chao’s conspiracy would succeed.

It’s not that Dao Scarkui didn’t know that this was a conspiracy of Xian Chaowan, nor that once he did it, he would do all the harm to the deficit, but he really couldn’t swallow this bad breath.

“Let’s go.”

Hong Old Master chose to forbear, and finally left.

Although the other Chixiao people can’t swallow this bad breath, they are even more unwilling, but they all know that the deficit head without the Chixiao King is completely scattered. If you go to war with the fairy dynasty, it will not only hurt Relatives can also hurt the innocent.

So far, it can only be so.

Looking at the Chixiao people preparing to leave, Streaming Horned Eagle was also very unwilling, and asked: “Brother Qinghong, let them leave if you are embarrassed?”

Liuguang Qinghong laughed, did not respond, but said to the Chixiao people who had left one after another, “What? Did you just leave if you are stumped? I still have a good show for you. Of course, don’t get me wrong. I want these people to send you off.”

After that, Liu Guang Qinghong stretched out his hand and waved, and shouted: “Jin He, Ming Hui, Er etc. are still stunned, what are you doing? Kneel Down for me, I would like to send you Chixiao Senior!”

Jinhe, Minghui and others who have submitted to the immortal dynasty are all taken aback, some not knowing what to do.

Sir Xun from the side can see that today Liu Guang Qinghong is not only provoking the bottom line of the Chixiao people, but also trampling on the dignity of the Chixiao people, and at the same time, showing everyone the light of the fairy dynasty hegemony.

“Why? Don’t you understand what I’m stumped? But I need to repeat it again?”

Liu Guang Qinghong’s voice came again, Minghui and the others Knowing that I have no retreat at all, I can only obey Liu Guang Qinghong’s orders, and they all knelt down at the moment. In the end, only the seven Chixiao people including Jin He, whose faces were pale and pale, did not kneel. No, if they kneel down, they will lose face.

Not only do they have no face, the face dignity of the Scarlet Head Chixiao people will also be disappeared, because up to now they have the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant Spirit, and this represents the Chixiao people.

“Jinhe old thief! Today, if you dare to kneel down, the old man will kill you if he fights his life!”

Dao Scar Kui has a murderous-looking meal. .

“Jinhe, you must have a backbone, don’t let the old man look down on you!” Hong Old Master’s bloody evil spirits are also faintly discernible. Obviously, he who chooses to forbearance has begun to be unable to suppress his heart. anger.

“Let me say it again, knee down for me, to send you Chixiao Senior!”

Liu Guang Qinghong didn’t look at it and continued.

The seven people of Jinhe looked at each other, as if they had made any decision, and their hearts were stunned. When they were about to kneel down, a voice came.


The voice fell, and a group of two people appeared.

They are two women.

A woman who is three meters tall and looks like a mountain is Qianshan.

That is a white clothed, three thousand black hair, devastatingly beautiful, extraordinary and refined, beautiful woman, who is not Su Wei and who.

No one thought that Su Huaxian would suddenly come.

Liu Guang Qinghong also didn’t expect. He seemed to have a bad premonition, but he still greeted him with a smile, saying: “I don’t know if Fairy Fairy is coming, excuse me for not going out to meet you, I hope to forgive me for being rude.” Others also followed more salutes. After all, Su Hua is a Nine Angels, regardless of his status or background, which is beyond their reach.

She looked bad, and she was in a bad mood. She glanced at Jinhe, Minghui and the others, and looked towards Liuguang Qinghong and other Xianchao noble sons, and said, “That’s it. Right.”


Liuguang Qinghong pondered then said: “I don’t know what Fairy Fairy means?”

“Don’t you understand I said so far, give them back to the deficit head.”

“Fairy Hua, I’m afraid there is something wrong with it. They have accepted the canonization of our fairy dynasty, which is our fairy. People of Chaozhou, even more how this means Long Aozi.”

“I don’t care who it means.” Su Huaxian stared at him and said softly: “I’ll just ask you Hand in or not.”

Su Wei’s attitude is very tough.

Few people have seen her look like this. This is the first time. At least, people who are familiar with Su Wei know that she has always been approachable, kind and kind, has never done anything with anyone, and has never been angry. Before, it has always been graceful and moving, why is it so cold as ice and frost today.

“Fairy, you said personally that you would not intervene in any disputes, I don’t know why today…”

Liu Guang Qinghong was interrupted by Su Wei before he finished speaking. : “There is no why, and I can also tell you, I will take care of today’s affairs.”

“hehe, since Fairy Fairy said so, how dare I not wait? It’s just… …” Turning the conversation, Liu Guang Qinghong said with a smile: “I just hope Fairy Fairy understands one thing. It’s not that we are waiting to force them to return to the Xian Dynasty. At this moment, they are not stopped. All this is said to be voluntary. If you don’t believe me, Fairy Fairy can ask in person.”

The tone barely fell of Liuguang Qinghong, Jinhe and the others said: “Fairy Fairy, I am sincerely returning to the fairy dynasty. , And hope that Fairy Hua will be perfect.”

Su Hua looked at them, shook his head, very disappointed, and said: “You will not end well when you submit to the fairy dynasty, but will only cause unnecessary disputes. , If you look back now and everything is still too late, I promise in my own name that no one can hurt you.”

“If you don’t bother to fish the fairy, or that sentence, I will return to the fairy sincerely. Chao.”

“Hehe, Fairy Fairy, you should be clear now?” Come on, Liu Guang Qinghong said again: “Furthermore, you are the messenger of the nine days immortal dao, so you are so partial to those younger than that year The immortal dao sinner, I’m afraid it’s something wrong? I heard that before that, you also persuaded Xingyao and the others to hold Gu Qingfeng accountable, hehe… Fairy fairy, the criminal Gu Qingfeng openly Killing Xianchao Xianguan is even more contempt of my Xianzhao Zunwei… Fairy Fairy does this, and some people will inevitably say that Fairy is shielding criminals in the future… I am also waiting for the Fairy’s reputation, and I hope that Fairy will not interfere. It’s…”

Su Wei did not respond, but just looked at Jinhe and the others, as if thinking about how to deal with them to solve the matter.

“Qinghong Xianjue, there is one thing you made a mistake. My family’s lady did not persuade, but warned you not to provoke Gu Qingfeng.” Qianshan did not want Su Wei to be gossiped and explained. “You are not Gu Qingfeng’s opponents. If you provoke him, it will undoubtedly be equal to courting death. If my family’s lady protects you, it is also in the face of your parents. It protects you. I can’t bear to watch you die.”

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