Supreme Lord

Chapter 836

The visitor is a line of seventy-eighty people.

These people are all uncommon military might, imposing manner amazing, murderous-looking, bloody evil all over their bodies, dragon elephants circling around.

It is Chixiao people.

The leader Elderly is also the Hong Old Master who sits in the Changhong sub-rudder. He is not only the Master of the Branch Lord Minghui, but also one of the banner owners of the Black Ming Banner of the Chixiao Sect.

“If the old man remembers correctly, Jinhe, before you joined the Scarlet Heaven Sect, you were a dying grass bandit who was beaten up, right, it was Scarlet Heaven Sect who saved you, and it was also Scarlet Heaven. Zong took you in, and it was the Scarlet Heaven Sect that made you from a useless grass bandit to a man who can support both heaven and earth. Whether you admit it or deny it, this is an indisputable fact.”

Jin He and the seven Chixiao people looked at each other, then Jin He mustered up the courage, touched the blood from the corner of his mouth, and fiercely responded: “I didn’t deny it. How about the fact. After throwing my head and sprinkling blood on the saddle, I have been fighting around, and I have already returned to the Chixiao Sect!”

“Fate, can I pay it back like this?”

Hong Old Master looks like one Elderly, with white hair and beard, is also a deep Elderly who is not angry and prestigious. In a pair of muddy eyes, it seems unusually calm, and said: “What can you pay for it? Are you paying it back?”

“Back then, our brother of the Black Ming Banner was encircled and suppressed by the Immortal Dynasty in Qishan. The emperor singlehanded saved me. How can you pay for this life?”

“The emperor served us back then Brother Chixiao cut the spirit altar, let me wait to drink the spirit stream like a drink, what can you do?”

“The emperor fought against the nine heavens alone in the clouds for our Brother Chixiao, you again What can you pay back?”

“Back then, the emperor took all the guilt for us Brother Chixiao and suffered immortal dao endless trial. What can you pay back?”

“Return? Did you pay it back?”

In the words of Hong Old Master, Jinhe and the seven Chixiao people were blushing, Jinhe brace oneself said with a sneer: “People go high, water seeks its own level, I said, I don’t want to be an immortal dao sinner for a lifetime!”

Hong Old Master did not get angry, and continued: “Back then, when we first entered the Scarlet Heaven Sect, the king said The Chixiao Sect is always free to come and go, anyone, anytime, and in any situation.”

“Whether you submit to the Xian Dynasty or join the Xian Dynasty, it is to achieve the Dao and become Immortal, or for high position and great wealth, is your own business.”


Hong Old Master’s muddy and calm eyes stared at Jin Crane, s aid solemnly: “Since you have decided not to be a Chixiaoren or Brother, then please do not slander the three words Chixiaoren, let alone let the old man hear immortal dao four sinners from your mouth. Words, after all, before this, you yourself were once a red! Xiao! people! “

Jin He and the seven others breathed heavily and responded: “Yes, I was indeed a person from Chixiao before, but it was only before. From now on, I will be a dignified An upright immortal person. “

“Good! “

Hong Old Master’s voice is getting lower and lower, and people suddenly stop in the air, and say in a solid voice: “For the sake of shining each other’s heart and adversity, today the old man is To perfect you, it will not embarrass you, let alone kill you, leave you alive, let you be a dignified upright immortal person, but! “

The conversation turned, Hong Old Master said angrily: “But! You must hand over the blood evil spirits around you and the dragon elephant spirit within the body to me! “

hearing this.

Jin He and other seven people have changed their expressions. The blood evil spirit and their fleshy body have long been fuse together, and the dragon elephant spirit is also with the Primordial Spirit Dharma. Idol and even soul fusion, if they are handed over, even if they do not die, they will become a useless person from now on. Not to mention that the consequences are very serious. Even if they will not become a useless person, neither of them will surrender bloody evil spirits and dragon elephant spirits, as Chixiao People, they know how powerful the Blood Fiend Gang and the Dragon Elephant Spirit are. It’s no exaggeration to say that as long as the Blood Fiend Gang and Dragon Elephant Spirit are guarded, even immortals are not afraid.

“Old Master Hong, don’t push people too much…”

What Jin He was about to say, at this time, the peaceful Old Master Hong suddenly became angry and shouted: “Shut up! The old man is not your banner owner, and you are not worthy to call the old man banner owner, let alone have the blood evil dragon elephant spirit, tell you Jinhe, immediately give me the bleeding evil dragon elephant spirit. “


Jin He’s breathing became heavier and heavier, especially looking at the angry Old Master Hong, which made them retreat uncontrollably, and put their hearts to heart. Heng, shouted: “What if you don’t pay? “

“No? hahaha! “

Hong Old Master laughed up to the sky. After the laughter, he raised his hand to Jinhe and roared: “You will die if you don’t pay it!” “

ao wu!——

A dragon and elephant’s anger rose to the sky, deafening, and the golden cranes and the others trembled.

” From surnamed Hong, tell you, this is not the chaotic era of Ancient Era. The Chixiao Sect is long gone, and the Emperor Chixiao is long dead. You wake up. Even your discipline and your descendants know a wise man submits to circumstances, now is the ancient times. Today, the Ancient Immortal dynasty rules the world. There are thousands of immortal officials stationed in the Immortal Mansion in the Northwest this time. You think you can kill me? “

ao wu ——

The wrath of the dragon and elephant sounded.

“Cao Xian, the black liquid Lord under the seat of the black liquid Lord, is here. ! “

In the distance, a twenty people from Chixiao galloped in, headed by the incense owner of the Black Ming Banner, shouted angrily: “I wonder if adding old man and the others is enough!” “

“The black liquid Lord of the Red Cloud Sect is here! “

Immediately afterwards, another dragon and elephant’s anger sounded.

“The black liquid Lord under the seat of the Chi Xiaozong black liquid Lord is brilliant here! “

The wrath of the dragon elephant one after another,

the wrath of the dragon elephant one after another, from all directions, there are Chixiao people galloping in, wave after wave, sitting in town. The Chixiao people from the various rudders showed up one after another. In just a short time, nine old incense masters rushed over with two or three hundred Chixiao people murderous-looking.

ao wu ——

In an instant, the dragon roar in the western sky exploded, an angry elephant fell to the ground, looking at it, the sky seemed to be stained red by the blood evil, and the dragons roared baring fangs and brandishing claws in the blood sand. There are hundreds of them.

“The black liquid Lord of the Chixiao Sect, Tang Zhan is here! ! “

Good fellow!

The black liquid Lord sits under another banner, the banner owner of the Black Flame Banner, Tang Old Master, led nine incense masters and more than 300 Chixiao people from the west Kill it.

Follow it.

To the east, there is another wave of dragon elephant fury. The blood evil rises into the sky, and the dragon elephant roars and roars, there are hundreds of them.

“The Black-Wind Flag under the seat of the black liquid Lord of the Chi Xiaozong is here! ! ! Who dares to be impudent! “

Looking over, I saw the Black-Wind Flag flag owner, Huang Old Master, bringing nine old incense owners and hundreds of grandiose people to kill.

Next, the three black flags under the seat of the black liquid Lord are all in place.

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