Supreme Lord

Chapter 835

“Scar Kui! Old man urge you to be smart. King Chixiao is dead, Chixiao Sect has long since passed away. The era of Chixiao has long passed away, and the ancient times are the light of the immortal dynasty. In times, the old man doesn’t want to carry the crime of immortal dao sinners all his life!”

Although Jinhe was beaten back again and again, he was guarded by the blood evil spirit, and he was not seriously injured. Fiercely said: “A wise man submits to circumstances, it is the right way to submit to the fairy dynasty. If you regret it now and you still have time, the old man can say something for you in front of the sage officials!”

“Beast! Do it! People! Want! Yes! Bone! Anger!”

Under Kakui’s anger, a domineering and mighty roar exploded, dragon roar’s fury, domineering, and rushing straight In the sky, the trembling white cloud collapses, the anger of the elephant roar, the extreme mighty, destroying the earth, the trembling earth trembling fiercely, the anger of the dragon elephant, running through Heaven and Earth, it makes people fearful, and the soul trembles!


A huge monster suddenly sprang out from within the body and hovered around his body. This huge monster is nine meters huge, like Azure Dragon and The anger elephant, when hovering in the bloody evil spirits, shakes the dragon elephant’s head and sends out waves of dragon elephant anger, wanting to fight against the sky, violent murderous aura, overbearing power, violent power, all people Fearful, terrified!

Red Heaven Dragon Elephant!

“Today I killed you to forget favors and violate justice!”

At the same time!

The spirit of the dragon elephant of the golden crane also condensed out in an instant, and the two spirits of the red dragon elephant were shaking their heads in the air and roaring,

“You have blood Sha Gang, old man also has it, you have dragon elephant spirit, old man also has it, why do you kill old man!”

“Only a meaning, enough! No! Enough!”

Sword Scar Kui brandished the Crescent Blade as if fuse together with the spirit of the Chixiao Dragon Elephant, bursts of anger from the Dragon Elephant continued to come, slashing with a knife, and the void of nature exploded.

Jin He knew that Scar Kui was strong, so he didn’t dare to be negligent. He ran the blood evil spirit and the dragon elephant spirit with all his strength, but he was still sprayed with blood from the nose and mouth cut by Scar Kui this blade, and his body stopped. Unstoppable falling.

ao ao ao!

The anger of the six dragon elephants exploded, and the other six Chixiao people of Jin Ling’s rudder also started to take action. They were all guarded by the blood evil spirits, and the dragon elephant spirit roared.

Although the blood evil spirits of the seven of them are burning like blood, the same mighty, the same baleful qi is compelling, but the blood evil of Scar Kui is even more powerful and even more compelling!

Although their dragon elephant spirit also possesses a violent murderous aura, domineering power, and violent power, but Dao Kui’s dragon elephant spirit murderous aura is more violent, more powerful, and powerful. More brutal.

To say that Dao Scar Kui is indeed the eight mad ghosts of Hei Ming Qi. When he moved his hands, his eyes were red, murderous-looking, the dragon roared, and he waved Crescent Blade to kill the Quartet, even if the golden crane Seven people joined forces and were beaten back again and again by him.

In the distance.

The old man of Hundred Tribulations and the Nine Star Immortal Officials are all watching the battle attentively. The princes of the Immortal Dynasty standing in the light of Immortal Mansion look at the Chixiao people who are fighting each other, each one is more contemptuous.

“Blood Fiend Immortal Path? The dragon elephant shakes the sky? Hehe…It’s ridiculous.”

“I said, how about the blood fiend dragon elephant spirit, I saw it today. But that’s the case.”

“That is, in front of our great sun, the so-called bloody dragon elephant spirit is probably scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in an instant.”

next to it.

Master Xun was also looking at the Chixiao people who were fighting each other. Hearing the ridicule of these arrogant and ignorant immortals, he couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing. He had been with the Chixiao people when he was in Ancient Era. After playing against each other, it is clear that the blood evil spirits of the Chixiao people and the dragon elephant spirit complement each other, and the bloody evil changes, the dragon elephant spirit will become more violent, and the Chixiao people will become more and more crazy.

This is how the Chixiao people are fighting each other. If you change to anyone else, you may have long been the souls of the dead under the sword of Yanyue. The great sun of the fairy dynasty may be very powerful, but you must know The dragon-like spirit of the Chixiao people is not afraid of any mighty existence.

“You traitors who submit to the immortal dynasty are not worthy of the guardianship of the blood evil spirit, let alone the dragon elephant spirit, die!”

Roar towards the sky , The blood of the whole body burns like a flame, the spirit of the dragon elephant becomes more and more violent, and people are reborn in blood, angrily roared: “You don’t do it, you just want to be the fairy dog. Today, Lao Tzu will slaughter you beasts who have forgotten their ancestors on behalf of the king!”

Blood and bloody changes.

The expressions of the seven Jinhe seven people changed drastically. When they retreated, the whole body of the seven people shone with a holy brilliance, and the nine stars bloomed around them like a halo.

Guardian of the Nine Stars!

“I killed even immortals back then, do you think that with the guardianship of this little immortal, you can protect you from death?”

The bloody scar Kui burst out The power of horror, the incarnation of the spirit of the dragon elephant, the dragon of blood and sand, roared, hovering around his body, shaking the dragon head, baring fangs and brandishing claws, a dragon roar, like roaring through Heaven and Earth , The trembling Jinhe Seven, the guardian of the nine-star immortal crackle, made a crisp sound, blurred, and the seven Jinhe seven spurted blood from their mouths and noses and flew out.

Perhaps seeing the guardian of the nine-star immortal of the Golden Crane seven people was blurred by the dragon elephant spirit angry roar, which made Xian Chao Zunwei a little unbearable, and the streamer horned eagle suddenly waved his hand. , Proudly shouted: “act recklessly! Give this prince to annihilate him!”


Master Xun immediately came out to stop him, Chixiaoren and Chixiaoren Fighting against each other, he can’t control it, but if these immortal officials of Xianchao act with the Chixiao people, the consequences will be disastrous. He waved his hand and shouted: “Without the order of the old man, all immortal officials, no one can do it!”

“The old fart thing! This prince has Long Aozi’s talisman, what thing are you, get out of my sight!”

The streamer horned eagle points angrily at Master Xun, and his eyes are murderous intention flashes.

“Horned Eagle, stop, don’t be rude to Master Xun.”

A indifferent voice came, and the flamboyant angled eagle looked startled. I looked up and saw a line of more than ten. The person is flying here, headed by a white clothed man, handsome like a jade tree, holding a white jade fan, like a young Master.

Seeing this man, the expressions of the immortal officials in the field changed slightly. They all knew this man, he was a Qinghong immortal, a member of the streamer family, and the cousin of streamer Horned Eagle Not only that, Qinghong Immortal Jue is also one of the main leaders of this trip to the northwest, and he is also a powerful fighter beside Long Aozi, regardless of his status and status, he is not comparable to other Immortal Jue.

“Brother Qinghong!”

When he saw Liu Guang Qinghong, Liu Guangjiao Ying looked happy, and immediately rushed over, about to scold Master Xun for blocking him in every possible way. Before speaking, Liu Guang Qinghong said with a smile: “Master Xun is the master, you should listen to him.”

It seems that if Liu Guang Qinghong would say that didn’t expect, I couldn’t help being there. , Was about to speak, but Liu Guang Qinghong stretched out his hand to interrupt it, standing in the sky, looking at the fierce Scar Kui, at this moment, in the sky, there was another shout.

“Scars, enough!”

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