Supreme Lord

Chapter 830

At the same time.

Five-color mountain.

At this moment, nine lonely old men such as withered feathers and dead trees, five-color eighteen swords such as Xuanxin and Liu Qingyan, and twenty-four Young Heroes such as Qingxi and Qinglian are all gathered in the great hall. .

The situation in Wise Mountain and Demon Moon Palace is the same.

Because Gu Qingfeng is Feng Lie Elder enlightenment, Yaoyue Palace belongs to acquaintances.

Because of Gu Qingfeng’s shot to recast the Primordial Spirit for the deadwood Elder, Wusei Mountain is also an acquaintance.

The difference is.

Faced with the mighty immortal dynasty, one hundred Elder headed by Zihao from the Demon Moon Palace chose to go to Immortal Mansion for interrogation.

And Wuseishan not at all do it.

Although they still don’t know who Gu Qingfeng is and what identity it is, it’s also true that Gu Qingfeng recast the Primordial Spirit for the deadwood Elder. If the immortal dynasty is so, it will destroy Wuseshan. If they do, they will resist to the end.

There are gentlemen on the five-color mountains. This sentence is not that simple.

But now there is a question before them, that is, withered wood Elder is going to go to Immortal Mansion alone to admit it.

“Junior Brother, we won’t allow you to go to Immortal Mansion alone!”

“Yes, Chi Young Master Yan will recast the Primordial Spirit for you. This is our five-color mountain My benefactor, now that Xianchao wants to catch him, our Wuseshan would not choose to stand by.” Next, Liu Qingyan and Qingxi are also prepared to die, if Immortal Mansion is really because of Gu Qingfeng To recast the Primordial Spirit for Uncle Imperial Tutor with dead wood, it is necessary to hold Wuse Mountain to their responsibility, and they will desperately guard Wuse Mountain.

“Uncle Imperial Tutor, don’t go to Immortal Mansion, okay, they will kill you…”

Qing Lian threw herself into the arms of the dead wood and cried in fear, said “Wu wu wu, I blame the Chi Young Master Yan. He killed the immortal official of the Xian Dynasty. Now he hides, but he is tired of our five-color mountain……wu wu wu……”

“Girl! Don’t say that!”

Withered Wood stroked Azure Lotus’s hair, looked in the direction of Immortal Mansion, and said, “He…if he really hides, then it will be fine… I’m afraid he didn’t hide…”

Withered Wood’s words made everyone present a little embarrassed.

What does it mean to really hide?

What does it mean to be afraid of him not hiding?

Why is it good for Gu Qingfeng to hide? Why are you afraid that he didn’t hide?

What do you mean?

“He…if he didn’t hide, it would be a terrifying disaster, and ancient history may repeat itself in the present and ancient times!”



What ancient history repeats itself in modern times?

The imperfect uncle Imperial Tutor meant that Gu Qingfeng would overthrow the immortal dynasty like King Chixiao?


Gu Qingfeng is mysterious and powerful, but after all, he is not King Chixiao himself, and the ancient immortal dynasty is not comparable to the Ancient Immortal dynasty.

Even if King Chixiao himself re-appears, he may not be able to overthrow the immortal dynasty in this ancient era.

What exactly does Uncle Imperial Tutor mean?

I don’t understand.

At least Liu Qingyan and Qingxi can’t understand.

And Dead Wood did not explain, but sighed: “Xianchao is really healed. Scars are forgotten to hurt… I thought that the ancient fairy dynasties would learn the lessons of the ancients, change their hearts, and stop repeating the same mistakes. Now it seems that the old man is too naive.”

With another sigh, the dead wood said: “It’s only a hundred years since the present and ancient times. You can’t stand it anymore. Actually, you will act recklessly in the Northwest. Deficit head do it? Who do you show it to? Do you want to show it to the world? Still want to test the attitude of the deficit head? The attitude of the deficit head may be tempted, but the attitude of the Chixiao Sect, but you can test it? even more how , This time you are testing not only the attitude of the Scarlet Head and even the Chixiao Sect… but also his attitude… no one in the world knows that his attitude has always been like the reverse scale of the dragon, so you can’t test it!”

“Junior Brother, do you mean Gu Qingfeng or…”

The Jiujue elders such as Ku Yu have always had a doubt in their hearts, that is, they don’t understand why Wither Mu Gu Qingfeng bowed and bowed and saluted, when they thought about it, even if Gu Qingfeng is really the descendant of King Chixiao, they don’t have to bow, but withered wood did so, and in their words and deeds, it seems that Gu Qingfeng is not only regarded as King Chixiao’s. The successor is so simple, it seems more like the Emperor Chixiao himself.

It is difficult because Gu Qingfeng said that he can represent King Chixiao. Does Withered Wood really think he can represent? It is still said that Withered Wood really regards Gu Qingfeng as the incarnation of King Chixiao.

“Junior Brother, did you misunderstand something?”

Kuyu asked suspiciously.

Withered Wood shook his head slightly and responded: “Misunderstanding? To be honest, I really would rather this be a misunderstanding.”


Withered Feather and the others glanced at each other, no one could understand what the deadwood said.

“Let’s go.” Withered Wood sighed: “Let’s go to Immortal Mansion together.”


Liu Qingyan, Xuanxin, and the others are getting more and more confused, and some even wonder if the dead wood is due to the recasting of Primordial Spirit, and the spirit has been affected. If not, how could they say such nonsense? , And said to visit Immortal Mansion? That gang of Xianchao noble sons killing without blinking an eye, this time I am afraid that they will never returned.

Uncle Withered Wood Imperial Tutor’s tone was full of sighs. What he sighed was the ignorance of Xianchao, and felt sad for Xianchao, just like Xianchao’s arrest of Gu Qingfeng was a very wrong decision. It may make Xian Chao repeat the mistakes of Ancient Era, and hope that Gu Qingfeng will not appear, just as terrifying things will happen when he appears.


is it possible that Uncle Imperial Tutor in Deadwood wants to come, Gu Qingfeng’s strength is really strong enough to startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping, can it be comparable to the King of Chixiao?

Liu Qingyan and Qingxi became more confused as they listened, and became more confused as they listened.


Above the Immortal Mansion, the light of Immortal Mansion still hangs in the sky like a big sun, blooming with holy light, covering the northwest, proclaiming The hegemony of Xian Dynasty.

The streamer horned eagle wearing a white jade crown stands proudly in the light of Immortal Mansion, with a frantic smile on the corners of its mouth, holding its arms, and looking down at the northwest.

Looking at nearly a thousand nine-star immortal officials, the Faxiang Grandmaster ordered the grandiose to leave at the streamer horned eagle, and the bloody nebula fairy official white deacon that was hit by the streamer horned eagle before, suddenly Paralyzed on the ground, completely desperate, he didn’t know, nor could he imagine the terrifying consequences of the Regardless of the Law and of Natural Morality, the Regardless of the Law and of Natural Morality.

Beside, Yingnian and Ruolan’s fairy lords also some not knowing what to do. They panicked and asked: “Xingyao, what should we do?”

What should I do? ?

If this matter is the order of the streamer horned eagle to issue a call without permission, then he can stand by and watch, but the streamer horned eagle just said that this is what Long Aozi meant. If this is the case, Xingyao really doesn’t Know what to do.

Get involved?

Who will bear the consequences?

If you choose to stand on the sidelines, you will undoubtedly offend Long Aozi, and Long Aozi is an existence that he can’t afford to offend and dare not offend. After thinking about it, Xing Yao responded: “It depends on the situation later. Determined.”

At this moment, a vigorous anger exploded in the air!

“Without the order of the old man, no one of the fairy officials can act rashly!”

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