Supreme Lord

Chapter 829

Demon Moon Palace.

Several Supreme Elders such as Fenghua and Feng Lie, as well as some cabinet Elders such as Zihao, gathered in the great hall.

The streamer horned eagle uses the light of Immortal Mansion to inform the Northwest. Everyone can hear clearly, and the Demon Moon Palace is no exception, especially the sentence that knows Gu Qingfeng, the sinner, must go to Immortal Mansion accepts interrogation, if otherwise kill without mercy, this will put everyone in the Demon Moon Palace at risk.

In normal times, they did not dare to offend Immortal Mansion, even more how there are thousands of nine-star immortal officials in the current Immortal Mansion, hundreds of elders from one hundred robbers, and dozens immortals. Chao Juezi.

While the Demon Moon Palace doesn’t even have a great Faxiang, how can you not be afraid? Not afraid? Not at risk?

Feng Hua, Feng Lie and several Supreme Elders are okay, and they are silent without saying a word.

But Zihao and other Elders were as scared as ants on a hot pot, pacing back and forth in the great hall, and even started to complain.

“The old man warned you a long time ago, that Gu Qingfeng’s origin is unknown, his identity is unclear, and he may be a liar. We’d better not go too close to him, but you don’t listen. , Okay now? He killed the immortal official of Immortal Mansion, and now the son of Xianchao at all costs will also find him, and our Demon Moon Palace can be harmed by him this time!”

“That Although Gu Qingfeng is Fenglie Elder enlightenment, he killed that many immortal officials of Immortal Mansion after all. After all, he is a sinner. If our Demon Moon Palace is implicated because of him, it would be really innocent.”

“Yes! Now everyone in the Northwest knows that Bitter Winter and that Gu Qingfeng is Dao Companion. Although it is fake, how can we explain it clearly?”

The group headed by Zihao Elders are more traditional people. When the Second Elder flying deer was still there, although they remained neutral and did not support Second Elder, they never refuted it. To this day, Zihao and the others regretted it a little. Did not support Second Elder, if you support Second Elder to accept the canonization of the Immortal Dynasty, the Demon Moon Palace will not be a disaster.

“Palace Master Feiyan, you Old Ancestor, now the plan is to take advantage of the fact that the people on the Immortal Mansion side have not been killed yet, I am obediently and honestly going to Immortal Mansion to explain this. Clearly, it’s really not possible. I only have to accept the canonization of the Immortal Dynasty.”

“Do you let Laozi take refuge in the Immortal Dynasty?”

Fenghua, Fenglie and the others Supreme Elder are all Cultivation Old Guy for thousands of years, in other words, they also suffered from the oppression of the Xian Dynasty in Ancient Era for thousands of years, speaking of which is a history of blood and tears that cannot bear to remember, deep in one’s heart can be described as hating the Xian Dynasty To the bone, would rather die than take refuge in the immortal dynasty.

“In order to preserve the Demon Moon Palace, we can only do this, otherwise… If we wait for the immortal officials of the Faxiang Great Venerable to kill, we…our Demon Moon Palace will be completely finished!”


Feng Lie coldly snorted and said: “At worst, a real man, a real man, how can I drag out an ignoble existence to survive? I can’t afford to lose this person. If you are afraid of death, you brat Go by yourself.”

“I’m afraid of death? I also want to keep our Demon Moon Palace!”

At this time, Feiyan, who had been silent, suddenly sighed:” If our Demon Moon Palace is really destroyed by the Immortal Dynasty because of Gu… Ancient Young Master, it may be God’s will.”

No one knows why Feiyan is so emotional, just as no one knows him. Why would you bow down respectfully to Gu Qingfeng?


Now Zihao waits for Elder to think about this problem, he shouts angrily: “Feiyan! Since Gu Qingfeng appeared, you have become nagging and respectful to him. Kneel down, I don’t care if Gu Qingfeng is a descendant of the emperor, but it’s a fact that he killed many immortal officials. If you expect Gu Qingfeng to stand up by himself, I advise you to be more sober. Gu Qingfeng never showed up again. He must have hid in fear and stood up at all.”

“Afraid? Hehe……”

Feiyan is like listening When it came to a ridiculous joke, he shook his head and laughed, and then said: “It is not the ancient Young Master who should be afraid of it, but the immortal officials who act recklessly.”

If you said that Zihao Elder just now Gu Qingfeng is afraid, which is a joke for Feiyan, then at the moment Feiyan said that it is the immortal official who should be afraid, which is also a joke for Zihao and other Elder.

“Feiyan, are you crazy or stupid? Let’s not say whether Gu Qingfeng is a true descendant of the emperor, even if it is true? Now the immortal dynasty has come to more than a thousand nine stars The official Dharma Master! There are more than a hundred old people of Hundred Tribulations, and more dozens, the princes of the Immortal Dynasty, and even the reincarnation powers of True Immortal in the previous life were killed by them!”

Zihao flushed, and aggressively roared: “Now, in order to hunt Gu Qingfeng, Xianchao has already begun to work with the more than 80 sub-helms of the Northwest Deficit Head, and you are still talking nonsense here, what should you say? Is the immortal official who is afraid of? Who do you think that Gu Qingfeng is? Don’t say that he is just a descendant of the emperor whose true or false is unknown. Even the reincarnation of the true Emperor Chixiao is of no avail!”

” Working on the Northwest Deficit Head can only show that they are ignorant, apart from this, nothing can be explained.”

Feiyan closed her eyes and murmured: “They can’t move the deficit head, as long as he is there, this No one in the world can move a deficit head, no one can move…”

“It’s crazy! It’s crazy…” Zihao Elder yelled in panic: “You want to die, but the old man doesn’t want to die. If you don’t want to die, follow me to Immortal Mansion!”

Zi didn’t dare to stay any longer, he was afraid to stay any longer. When the time comes, don’t say accepting the immortal dynasty’s canonization, I’m afraid he would even have the opportunity to explain No.

No one is not afraid of death.

The Zihao Elder is afraid, and the other Elders are also afraid, so they all follow Zihao Elder to Immortal Mansion.

Soon, Feiyan, Fenghua, Fenglie and other Old Ancestors were left on the great hall.

Feng Hua and Feng Lie are also afraid of death, but if they live in Xian Dynasty, they would rather die. There is another problem, they have been wondering, that is Gu Qingfeng’s identity. Wait for Zihao to wait for Elder After leaving, Feng Lie asked: “Feiyan, can you tell us who Gu Qingfeng is and why are you treating him…”

“Feng Lie, you should not ask me this question, you should Ask yourself, he enlightenment for you, who is he, who again…You are stumped… really can’t think of it? Still dare not to think?”


Feng Lie was stunned. He heard Feiyan’s The words mean more than they say. He thought of what Feiyan said when he met Gu Qingfeng for the first time in Swamp Land and what Feiyan said to Gu Qingfeng. The attitude… and the awe of the dragon elephant spirit of the Chixiao people… Everything made Feng Lie think of a person. Just like Feiyan said, he didn’t think of it, but he didn’t dare. miss you.

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