Supreme Lord

Chapter 2561

Normally, I don’t come out, but now all of them come out.

A monster overlord Black Mountain old monster, a ghost overlord Cyan Lantern ghost king, and a monster overlord L’Er old monster.

The most important thing is that these three appear as External Body Incarnation, and the External Body Incarnation are all the sons of original sin who have been integrated into the original sin True Blood. Perhaps more than that. No one knows their true deity. How terrifying the body is.

The only thing I know is that the three overlords are plotting the Allah of Original Sin, and in order to plot the Allah of Original Sin, they have already laid out secretly, perhaps much earlier than the original sin Old Ancestor of the ancient era in the field.

After all, all three of them have aspired the fate of the emperor’s power in the Great Ancient Era.

as everyone knows, Dao Destiny is not something that anyone can aspire to. This thing is not about aptitude perception or cultivation base strength. Even if you are aptitude perception, no matter how high you are, the cultivation base strength No matter how powerful you are, you can’t claim the fate of the Great Dao, even if you grab the heart of the fate, even if you force it into it, you may not be able to successfully aspire.


What is destiny!

It is an order from heaven.

What determines fate, the answer is cause and effect.

In other words, whether a person can claim the destiny of the Great Dao depends on various causes and effects.

Cause and effect determine fate, as has been the case since ancient times.

Many big powers are rushing forward and backward, samsara reincarnation, for what?

In order to arrange various causes and effects, defying heaven changing fate.

By arranging cause and effect, to aspire to the fate of the Great Dao, this is defying heaven changing fate!

Although many failed since ancient times defying heaven changing fate, many succeeded.

The power of the Great Dao is the destiny of the Great Ancient Era.

Furthermore, not long after the Great Ancient Era was opened, the destiny of the Dao began to descend. If it was just a person born from the Great Ancient Era, there is no such ability, no ability, and no time to arrange cause and effect.

If you want to aspire to the destiny of the Great Dao that came at the beginning of the ancient times, you can only start to arrange it from the ancient times.

This means that the power of the great power of Heaven and Earth today, most likely past lives are the existence of the ancient era, Black Mountain old monster, the blue lantern ghost emperor, the old monster of Ha’e, including Langya Dongtian is known as the immortal and the unparalleled The blue face of the emperor, as well as the emperor of the sun, may have been laid out since the ancient times.

Only when the Great Ancient Era’s imperial power destiny was promoted in the ancient times, and then the layout was started, samsara reincarnation was eligible to aspire to the imperial power destiny of the great ancient era.

Are you exaggerating?

No exaggeration at all.

In the ancient times, some people only promoted that the era of innocence will surely start, but if they did not promote the era of innocence, it would collapse in an instant. Therefore, neither the original sin True Blood nor the original sin The essence of original sin.

For example, Heiyan Old Demon, Old Monster Feng, Huangpizi, including Huli Daxian, Aoki immortal, and so on, most of the original sin Old Ancestor in the field are like this.

Some can deduce that the era of innocence will be disintegrated in an instant. Therefore, they have already started the layout and immediately snatched the original sin True Blood when the era of innocence began. Unfortunately, they failed to promote the integration. The original sin True Blood is bound to be unpredictable. Therefore, many Old Ancestors who merged into the original sin True Blood were scattered ashes and smoke because of this. There is no death, and they can only give up the original sin True Blood that they grabbed.

For example, the old beggar on the black liquid mountain is like this. Since Lord and Divine Predictor can steal plot against a drop of True Blood, it should be the same.

If it can be predicted that the original sin True Blood will be unpredictable in the past, it can be laid out in advance, such as green robe Old Ancestor, black liquid Empress, maybe the eight-armed Yama is no exception, and the layout will be integrated after the ancient times. The original sin True Blood can escape.

There is another kind of existence.

In the Desolate Age, they may not only deduced that the era of innocence will be broken in an instant, but also deduced that the integration of the original sin True Blood would be unpredictable, and even after the desolation of the Great Ancient Era, the fate of the Great Ancient Era Will come.

Through the layout in advance, grab the original sin True Blood or the essence of the original sin, and then merge into the original sin True Blood in the Great Ancient Era samsara reincarnation, so that you can not only escape the ancient catastrophe, but also aspire to the imperial power and destiny. .

Perhaps Black Mountain old monster, Cyan Lantern Ghost Emperor, and L’Er old monster are all.

If this is the case, then the existence of these three Old Guys would be too terrifying.

To be honest.

When the cultivation base reaches their level, it is difficult to improve by aptitude perception alone. Those who are cultivation are cultivation, and those who should be comprehended are also comprehended, and those who shouldn’t be cultivation should not be comprehended. Both are cultivation comprehended. If you want to improve, you can only rely on chance, luck, and destiny.

Whether it is chance or good fortune, or causal destiny, it depends on deduction and layout.

Since these three Old Guys can deduce the fate of the Great Ancient Era from the innocence of the ancient times, they must have more changes in the deduction than others. They were able to pass the layout back then. Integrating into True Blood of the original sin, and still able to escape the calamity of the ancients, and to aspire to the destiny of the emperor, then this time must be laid out, but I don’t know who can have the last laugh.

In the field.

After the appearance of the Black Mountain old monster, the blue light ghost emperor, and the old monster, they all jumped over the Old Ancestor and came to the vicinity of the vortex.

To say that these three really deserve to be the overlords of the great magnates, after they appeared one after another, the original sin dharma bodies who carried the divine might and endured the pain and did not want to live close to the vortex of the palace all stopped, even The magic weapons that originally began to stir in the void seemed to calm down.

The situation in the Ligong space that was almost disrupted by the green robe Old Ancestor also calmed down with the emergence of the Black Mountain old monster and other three avenue overlords.

Before instigated by the green robe Old Ancestor, the original sin Old Ancestor in the field was afraid of being dominated by the original sin and became the puppet of the original sin. Therefore, they were all ready to go out for a gamble and want to fight for the original sin. The spirit of original sin implied.


The abrupt appearance of the three avenue overlords of Black Mountain old monster has gradually extinguished the desire to re-burn the original sin Old Ancestor in the field, especially at this moment, the three avenue overlords of Black Mountain old monster are in a triangle Each standing next to the vortex of the ligu, guarding the vortex of the ligu like three Guardian Gods, and as unattainable as three insurmountable mountains.

“tsk tsk! Black Mountain Lord, the ghost king of the blue lantern, the old monster of Liao.” The mouse Lord stared at the three avenue overlords with his eyes and said: “Looking up to the name for a long time, it is really bad See, awesome! Amazing!”


Mouse Lord looked towards the Divine Predictor next to it, said with a sneer: “Divine Predictor, I think you will change your name in the future, on deduction, on layout, on the ability of plot against, even if you Divine Predictor In front of these three Lords, I’m afraid it’s beyond reach.”

“It’s true. Compared with the three Lords, my Divine Predictor is neither god, nor is it counted, nor is it a child.”


Whether it’s the Mouse Lord or Divine Predictor, they also guessed that the past lives of the three avenue overlords such as Black Mountain old monster were definitely deep and unmeasurable in the ancient era. If not, it is impossible to escape the ancient disaster. It can also aspire to the destiny of the Great Dao, and it is even more impossible to integrate the External Body Incarnation into True Blood.

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