Supreme Lord

Chapter 2560

After hearing the word “blue lantern”, the original sin Old Ancestor present was startled in my heart, and the name “blue lantern ghost king” immediately came to mind.

is it possible that legendary Has the Blue Light Ghost Emperor also appeared?

Everyone followed the gaze of the old monster L’E and looked over, and as expected, they saw a person in the distance.

Is a man.

A young man in a linen robe.

The man looks handsome and extraordinary, but he has no trace of blood. He feels like a weak, white-faced scholar.


This is such a weak, white-faced scholar, like the old monster, is an External Body Incarnation, has been integrated into the original sin True Blood, and appeared like the old monster, just like There is no distinction between the original sin of Mantian, but every word, action, breath and breath seem to affect Mantian’s original sin.

Old Ancestor, the original sin after the desolation in the field, knows him, no one else, but the legendary blue lantern ghost king, the current ghost overlord of Heaven and Earth.

The Blue Lantern Ghost Emperor is a Legendary.

It is reported that in the Great Ancient Era, after the imperial power of the Avenue, wherever the ghost emperor of the blue lantern went, all black, no daylight, the parade of ghosts, created a “no light in the sky, blue light The Legendary of Dark Night Walk.

It’s just surprising that no one thought that the prestigious ghost overlord, the Blue Lantern Ghost Sovereign, would turn out to be a white-faced scholar who seemed to be weak, even if it was only his External Body Incarnation, too, can’t match his fame, it’s simply the difference between Heaven and Earth.


To say that this blue lantern ghost emperor really deserves to be a ghost emperor. When he appeared, the entire palace space seemed to have lost its vitality, and it became lifeless and extremely gloomy, like a ghost, really shuddering, you must know This is just an External Body Incarnation of the Blue Lantern Ghost Emperor. It is so terrifying, it is impossible to imagine how terrifying his real body should be.

“I’m not the only one who can’t bear loneliness.”

The green lantern ghost emperor’s mouth has a faint smile and whispered back a sentence, the voice is just like his With External Body Incarnation, it feels the same, light and soft, very weak, but extremely gloomy and desolate.

It’s just what the Green Lantern Ghost Sovereign means when he said this, and he is not the only one who can’t stand loneliness.

Who else?

Just when everyone was surprised, suddenly, there was an ominous premonition in my heart, this feeling was like something terrifying is about to be born, and then everyone looked up and looked towards the same one direction.

Is a person.

A man.

A middle-aged man in a purple robe.

The man has white hair, a handsome face, a tall stature and a smile on his face, giving people a very cordial feeling, just like a gentleman.

What’s amazing is that this person is also an External Body Incarnation, he has also been involved in the original sin True Blood, and, like the old monster Liao and the blue lantern ghost king, he is indistinguishable from the original sin of Man Tian. , Every word and deed, every breath and breath all affect the original sin of the sky.

The difference is.

When the old monster L’E appeared, it shook the entire palace space.

When the blue lantern ghost emperor appeared, the space of the palace seemed to lose its vitality and it was extremely gloomy.

Now when this elegant man with white hair and youthful face appears, the ligu space suddenly becomes very calm, it looks like a peaceful atmosphere, which makes people feel very comfortable, as if the rain passed the day. .

Seeing the appearance of this elegant man, many Old Ancestors in the field couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath.

They all recognized this man, it was the legendary Black Mountain old monster.

Speaking of the Black Mountain old monster, Heaven and Earth is absolutely known to everyone in ancient and modern times. It is so prestigious that it has been running through since the ancient times, and no one can compare it. For the Fairy Buddha Avenue, The existence of the Black Mountain old monster is like a nightmare, everyone is scared, and all become terror-stricken at the news.

Of course, for the demon, the Black Mountain old monster is like a god.


This is not only true for the Demon Dao, but among the Four Avenues of Demons and Ghosts, the existence of Black Mountain old monsters is Supreme.

Whoever meets the Black Mountain old monster must respectfully call the Black Mountain Lord, even on the Avenue of the Immortal Buddha, including those Old Ancestors in the 36 Cave Heaven Seventy Two Blessed Land.

“My friends, I trust you have been well since we last met!”

Not seeing the Black Mountain old monster moving, but its silhouette quietly approaching the vortex of the palace His voice is just like his own, and it also gives people a very refined and cordial feeling.

If the Blue Lantern Ghost Emperor looks like a weak scholar who is unbelievable, then Black Mountain old monster looks like a gentleman, even more unbelievable.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who can believe that there is no light in the legendary sky, and the ghost emperor who walks in the blue light in the dark night turns out to be a weak scholar. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who dares to believe that Megatron spreads across the wilderness? The Black Mountain old monster turned out to be motherfucker as an elegant and kind gentleman.

Above the lonely mountain.

Gu Qingfeng stood up directly, stopped drinking the wine, squinted his eyes, looked at the blue lantern ghost emperor, and looked at the Black Mountain old monster, and asked: “Daxing, you are sure that one of them is The blue lantern ghost emperor is Black Mountain old monster?”

“What did Lao Na lie to you.”

“It’s really a motherfucker. If you live for a long time, you can come across any rare things. Lord, I thought for a long time and never thought that the Black Mountain old monster turned out to be this kind of virtue. It looks even more upright gentleman than the motherfucker upright gentleman.”

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng wanted to meet the legendary Black Mountain old monster when he was young.

Because in the secular world, Black Mountain old monster is almost evil incarnation. In many legends, Black Mountain old monster is definitely the worst and most evil one. If the child is not obedient, the adults will use Black. The Mountain old monster came to scare them, and let the Black Mountain old monster eat them if they were disobedient, so that how many years they joined sect cultivation, and the slogans they shouted are the future after successfully cultivating it, must kill Black Mountain old Monster kills harm for the people.

Gu Qingfeng has heard about the legendary story of Black Mountain old monster when he was a child. After he grew up, he always wanted to see Black Mountain old monster. Is it as evil as those in the legendary stories? S.

It’s a pity that I have never had a chance to see it.

Today, I finally got my wish and saw the legendary Black Mountain old monster. Gu Qingfeng was really surprised. It was completely different from the Black Mountain old monster he had imagined. From head to toe, regardless of his temperament Still the power is very different.

A white hair and youthful face, plus an elegant temperament, with a smile like a spring breeze on the corners of his mouth, even if there is a kind of kindness in the eyes, even the motherfucker appears After that, the entire ligu space became peaceful, as if it had rained and cleared.

Who can believe that he is the legendary Black Mountain old monster.

Those who didn’t know thought it was a god of nine heavens and earth.

Don’t say those gods are immortal dao, those destined people, what Star Monarch, what throne, even the Great Emperor Changfeng who has inherited the blue sky, and the floating emperor known as the hero of the ancient times, I’m afraid No Black Mountain old monster looks like an upright gentleman.

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