Supreme Lord

Chapter 2539

The reason why the old beggar yearns for the era of innocence is to get rid of the shackles of cause and effect and dominate his own destiny. Many of the original sins who yearn for the era of innocence are the same as him.

Of course.

Do not rule out some original sins. Old Ancestor yearning for the era of innocence is purely trying to get rid of the shackles of morality, thus act wilfully.

If the person who finally aspires to Allah of Sin, really wants to be the overlord of World’s All Living Things, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

In order to consolidate his hegemony, the hegemon will inevitably formulate some so-called rules, and these rules will gradually become so-called rules, and these rules will gradually become so-called roads.

The avenue will gradually evolve to resemble the so-called Three Thousand Great Daos as it is today. When the time comes, the causal destiny may return in a swirl of dust.

At first, Heaven and Earth had no roads.

It’s chaos.

Later, the avenue emerged.

Old beggar believes that Heaven and Earth’s original meaning of the avenue may be kind, but it gradually became more and more corrupt. Today, the so-called avenue has already become Some people use the means of layout and sanctions.

So, what is the significance of the so-called era of innocence?

This is also the reason why the old beggar fancy Gu Qingfeng’s questioning of Allah of Original Sin, because according to his many years of observation, Gu Qingfeng is a man without ambition, even if he doesn’t even have a little bit, it is very pure and pure. It’s as if you are born with no concept of ambition.

There is.

Old beggar believes that if Gu Qingfeng died here, then other people, whether it is the original sin itself or the original sin itself, Old Ancestor, or the son of the original sin, whatever the original sin variables. , It is difficult to ask the original sin Allah again.

Even if the original sin cannot only choose other people, there is only one result. Whoever the original sin chooses to be Allah will die.

“No need to worry, just wait.”

The black liquid Empress came from a cold voice, and the old beggar went crazy and said: “Wait for what? It’s hard for us to watch Is that kid dying here? Or do we wait until the critical moment? Empress! The question now is not when we do it, but even if we do it, I’m afraid we won’t be able to save that kid.”

Old Beggar knows in his heart that before that, there may be many Old Ancestors like him who supported Gu Qingfeng’s aspiration to Allah of Original Sin. But as the situation changes, you know that Gu Qingfeng hard to avoid calamity this time, those who originally supported Gu Qingfeng’s Old Ancestors, I am afraid they will also remain silent.

“Who told you that the changes in the Li Palace must refer to the life and death of Emperor You?”

“If the changes in the Li Palace do not refer to the life and death of the kid, what else can it be?” Hearing what the black liquid Empress said, old beggar felt a little funny, and said, “You mean, that kid won’t die this time?”

Shakingly said, old beggar continued: “I believe You must also predict that the changes in the Li Palace will affect the catastrophe of the original sin. If the kid does not die, it means that the Li Palace will not change, and the catastrophe of the original sin will not be affected. Do you think this may be the case? If the kid does not die If you do, Lao Tzu will not predict the changes in the palace, and you will do it, and no one will be able to do it.”

As he was talking, old Beggar startedled in his heart and thought of a kind of probability.

He believes that the change of the palace must refer to the life and death of Gu Qingfeng, but there is a very important premise, that is, Gu Qingfeng is the God chosen by original sin.

If Gu Qingfeng is not the God chosen by original sin at all, then his life and death will not have any impact on the catastrophe of original sin at all.

Old beggar carefully tasted what the black liquid Empress said, and asked: “What do you mean, that kid from the very beginning is not the God chosen by original sin? He is considered to be the biggest original sin variable, the most I hope to aspire to Allah of Original Sin, all of this is false? The real Allah of Original Sin is someone else? That kid is just a pawn to cover Allah of Original Sin?”

Old beggar also suspected that Gu Qingfeng might It is the causal incarnation of someone.

Either they are unknown in the past, or the godless.

If it is the ancient nameless cause and effect incarnation, then the ancient namelessness must be used to deal with Wudaozun.

But if Gu Qingfeng is not the ancient and unknown cause and effect incarnation, but the causal incarnation on Wudaozun, then the meaning of Gu Qingfeng’s existence is probably a pawn on Wudaozun to cover the true God.

Seeing the black liquid Empress, staying silent, the old beggar cup hand to hold fist, and sincerely said: “I hope Empress will give me some guidance.”

The old beggar has been angrily and whitely following. Black liquid Empress, a large part of the reason is because he knows that black liquid Empress is more capable than his own. He knows a lot of things he doesn’t know, and he can infer fate that he can’t.

It’s a pity.

Black liquid Empress rarely says much to him.

This time is no exception.

No matter how old beggar pleaded, black liquid Empress was silent from beginning to end.

Just then.

At this moment, there was a burst of weird laughter in the void. The laughter was sharp and gloomy. It passed into the ears and made people shudder, like midnight. Third watch crouched on the head of the grave, like a crow calling.

“jié jié jié jié.”

A sharp and weird laugh came again: “It’s really lively!”

With weirdness One silhouette of laughter, just like dropping from the sky, appeared directly above the vortex of the palace.

This silhouette looks distorted and vague, erratic, like fuse together with the breath of original sin in the sky, regardless of each other, it is more like he is the original sin, and the original sin is him.

Everyone with a discerning eye can see that this silhouette is not only a person of original sin, but also an Old Guy who has repaired original sin itself!

At this moment.

Although there are countless original sin dharmakayas in the field, they are only original sin dharmakayas. There are not at all the original sin dharma bodies that are stronger than the original sin dharma body. As for the original sin itself, there are very few.

Such an Old Guy who is a cultivation base of original sin itself suddenly appears, which is particularly eye-catching among the many original sin law bodies.

Everyone also wants to see who is so bold and dare to show the limelight at this moment.

We must know that the original sin itself and the original sin itself are repaired in the field. Although there are very few Old Ancestors, it does not mean that there is no. It is more likely to be hidden in the crowd, or like old beggar , Black liquid Empress is so hidden in the magic weapon of good fortune.

Don’t say that the Old Ancestor who repaired the original sin itself and the original sin itself are the sons of original sin, and even the original sin variable has not been seen now.

After all, I don’t know how many avenues are hidden in the magic weapons above the void. Old Ancestor is rumored to be Emperor Peacock, Emperor Changfeng, Emperor Fusheng, Emperor Tairi, Holy Land nine Holy Son, Heavenly Dao The nine heavenly sons, including Xuanyuan Wuji of one hand shrouding the heavens, and the lonely warriors who are in harmony with the heavens have also entered.

Under this situation, looking at the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth’s original sin Old Ancestor, there is each one. Who dares to show the limelight in this festival?

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