Supreme Lord

Chapter 2538

“So…Lord, am I the God chosen by the original sin? I will know this time?”

Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment, and said: “Or should I say Whose pawn and whose causal incarnation is, this time most likely can be known clearly?”

“Yes, it is true.” Nodded, a monk, said : “It can also be said that if you brat is not the Allah chosen by original sin, then Allah who really chooses by original sin will also surface and become known to the world.”

speaking of which.

Whether Gu Qingfeng is the God chosen by the original sin.

The heart of the Daxing Monk is extremely contradictory. Since he hopes it is, he hopes it is not.

The reason for hope is very simple. He put all his money on Gu Qingfeng to bet a future on Gu Qingfeng. If Gu Qingfeng is not the God chosen by original sin, he may survive, but he will be miserable if he is a monk. Because of this, it also means that he bet on the wrong person this time, and he has made a mistake. He will definitely lose, let alone talk about the future.

But if Gu Qingfeng is really the Allah chosen by the original sin, then this time must be hard to avoid calamity. It doesn’t matter whether Gu Qingfeng is gambled or not, the important thing is whether Gu Qingfeng can survive .

This is also the source of the contradiction between the monk.

In the field.

The rotation speed of the vortex belonging to the source of the ligu has been significantly accelerated. At the same time, the breath of original sin in the entire ligu space has become more and more concentrated and pure.

And the all around of the original vortex is full of all kinds of original sinners, densely packed, there are innumerable and innumerable, and there are all kinds of floating in the distant mid-air The magic weapon of good fortune is faintly discernible like a mirage.

No one knows how many original sinners have come in this ligu space, and no one knows how many people who have come again.

Countless people of original sins are all staring at the rotating vortex of Li Gong, not daring to neglect, and are anxiously waiting for the birth of Li Gong.

Although none of them can detect the existence of the vortex in the ligu, this does not prevent them from observing with naked eye.

Although naked eye can’t observe the reason, it is not that important to them.

The important thing is when Riyamoto was born.

The changes in the palace will affect the catastrophe of the original sin. Some original sins can be deduced from Old Ancestor, but those that cannot be deduced are also heard.

Because of this, they gathered here one after another.

As for what the so-called changes in the palace mean, most of them think that Gu Qingfeng must have died here, and it is no exaggeration to say that many of them came for this.

Because there is only God who has obliterated Gu Qingfeng, who has chosen the original sin, these people of original sin hope to aspire to the God of original sin.

Although hope is very slim, there is always hope. What if Gu Qingfeng died, the original sin chose to be God?

Everyone wants to come and try one’s luck.

In the void.

Among the many magic weapons, there is a faintly discernible black liquid mountain floating.

There are two people on the black liquid mountain.

A woman dressed in a black robe, with her arms frowning, is staring at the vortex of the revolving Rikiya.

There is another Elderly next to it, Elderly dishevelled hair, sit cross-legged on the ground, constantly pinching his fingers, as if he is deducing something, he keeps pinching, the more he pinches his face The more ugly and the more calculating, the more frustrated and helpless.

Not someone else.

It is black liquid Empress and old beggar.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The old beggar finally stopped counting, stood up, first glanced at the people of original sin gathered in the vortex all around densely packed in the ligu, shook his head deeply sighed, and looked up again in the sky like a star With the same many magic weapons, he lamented: “It seems that this time, the kid surnamed Gu is really bode ill rather than well.”

The old beggar kept calculating and deducing, hoping for things. He was able to make a turn for the better, but what disappointed him was that, instead of saying anything about it, the signs and symptoms became stronger and stronger, and the situation became clearer and clearer. Everything showed that Gu Qingfeng could not escape. To die.

Old beggar also tried to deduce whether the so-called change in the palace refers to the life and death of Gu Qingfeng. Unfortunately, no matter how he deduces it, the change in the palace will eventually point to the life and death of Gu Qingfeng.

“Folded, this time completely folded.”

Although since ancient times, some people say that the situation can be reversed and fate can be changed.

But this is okay, don’t take it seriously.

Sometimes the situation can indeed be reversed, but fate is really difficult to change.

The fundamental reason that the situation can be reversed is that life should not be broken.

Therefore, reversing the situation does not mean changing fate.

Now it is deduced that the changes in the imperial palace will affect the catastrophe of original sin. This is fate.

What is destiny?

It is the result formed by infinite causes, and this result is destiny.

In other words.

The Shadow Transformation and the catastrophe of the original sin are not accidental, nor coincidental, but the inevitable result of many factors.

What kind of changes will affect the original sin catastrophe? There is only one answer, and that is the life and death of Gu Qingfeng, apart from this, old beggar can’t think of what kind of changes will affect the original sin catastrophe.

Looking at the black liquid Empress who has been silently staring at the vortex of Li Gong next to him, the old beggar said anxiously: “I said Empress, it’s all here at this juncture, can you Senior just stare at it? You can’t detect it. Even if you see the flowers, it’s useless. Now it’s a top priority. Let’s think of a solution as soon as possible.”

black liquid Empress is not salty, not indifferent, and coldly replied. : “What are you in a hurry?”

“What?” Old beggar said: “What is Lao Tzu’s anxious? Now that kid is dead, what do you say I’m anxious?”

“Does he die or not, does it have anything to do with you?”

“Why doesn’t it matter? I still expect this kid to start the era of innocence.”

“He is not only There is one original sin variable. Even if he dies here, there will be other original sin variables that aspire to Allah of Original Sin. Does it matter to you who aspires to Allah of Original Sin? No! It is not important at all, what is important is whether the era of innocence can be opened.

“It’s true that I’m saying that, and I’ve never denied it. I’m going to say that I like that kid, not only because he is the biggest variable of original sin, but also because of him. He is a person, and I think that kid is good. If he is finally asked by others, the ghost knows what the era of innocence will be like. “

The old beggar knows very well that those Old Guys who conspired with the Allah of Original Sin are all the same, saying that they are plotting the Allah of Original Sin in order to open the era of innocence, and open the era of innocence, saying that it is to dominate themselves. Fate.

In fact, all motherfuckers want to dominate Heaven and Earth and be the overlord of World’s All Living Things.

If such a person really asks the Lord of Original Sin, Then the so-called era of innocence may be hell on earth when the time comes.

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