Supreme Lord

Chapter 2536

“Gu boy, it’s not that Lao Na deliberately attacked your self-confidence. Don’t say that your fleshy body has just recovered, even if your fleshy body is in full bloom, even if your fighting spirit and nature have never disappeared. You may not be able to survive either.”

“no! Not necessarily, but most likely to be difficult. Although the revival of Fleshy body can make your winning side more or less, it is only bigger. I hope that it is still Very slim…”


This time is not trivial.

Whether it is the Great Way or the original sin, whether it is destiny or true destiny, whether it is definite or variable, everything that should or should not come is here.

There is a wonderful Tathagata on the original sin, such as Black Mountain old monster, Cyan Deng Old Ancestor, and L’Er Old Ancestor, who have been plotting the original sin for so many years.

There are not only the Fusheng Emperor, Changfeng Emperor, and the Peacock Emperor” on the road. There are also the great road overlords represented by the Great Sun Emperor, as well as the legendary Holy Land nine Holy Son and Heavenly Dao. Nine Emperor Sons, there are even more Heaven-supporting Pillars such as Xuanyuan Wuji and Du Gu Qi Zhan.

It is no exaggeration to say that each of these existences can be called the best of Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times, whether it is aptitude or good fortune, and whether it is cultivation base or strength, it is better than Gu Qingfeng. Not in time.

If they join forces to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, even if Gu Qingfeng has the ability of Heavenspan, it will be impossible to escape.

The most important thing is that now, whether the weather is good, the geography, the people, even if it is fate, it is not good for Gu Qingfeng. Not only is it bad, but all the signs indicate that this time Gu Qingfeng Certainly death.

At least.

Daxing monk thinks so.

Although he learned that Gu Qingfeng fleshy body had recovered, returned from fighting spirit, and found his true self, Daxing Monk was very excited and excited, but after the excitement, he quickly realized that this so-called excitement Excitement is meaningless and may not even change anything at all.

It is like a person who is about to die suddenly glowing.

In many cases, this kind of radiance is not a good thing, because it may be a kind of reflection.

Now all the signs indicate that Gu Qingfeng hard to avoid calamity, at this time fleshy body recovery and recovery of the self are similar to Huiguangfanzhao.

It is Gu Qingfeng who doesn’t seem to care at all, still sitting on the ground with a big stone and drinking a little wine leisurely.

He didn’t care when he lost his fighting spirit, lost his own self, and let the flow go.

Now that the fighting spirit has returned, he has found the self, no longer let it go, no longer let his fate, he still doesn’t care.

Before he didn’t care, he didn’t care about life and death.

I don’t care now, and I don’t care about life or death.

The only difference is.

I didn’t care about life and death before, because he looked down on life and death.

Now I don’t care about life and death, because he has the confidence to control his own life and death.

As long as he wants to live, no one wants him to die.

As long as he doesn’t want to die, no one can help him.

Gu Qingfeng, who has returned from fighting spirit, is so aloof!

Gu Qingfeng who regained my self is so domineering!

“Don’t worry, Daxing! If you don’t say anything else, I will go bankrupt and bet all the bets on me. Lord, I can’t just die casually, otherwise I’m sorry you more. “

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Although you can put your heart in your stomach, just wait for small and all-you-can-eat. If you want to say you will win, I can’t guarantee you, but there is a point, I can guarantee that I will never let you lose.”

“You brat don’t feel contradictory when you say this? You can’t guarantee winning, but you can guarantee that Lao Na will not lose? Doesn’t it mean winning if you don’t lose? “

“Master doesn’t even know what you bet on, how can you guarantee that you win?”

“Hey!” Daxing monk said with a smile: “Good you Brat, I was waiting for Lao Na, then Lao Na would like to ask, how do you guarantee that Lao Na will not lose?”

“As long as the Lord is alive, won’t you be unable to lose?”

hearing this.

The daxing monk looked startled, opened his mouth, and stopped talking, then shook his head and laughed blankly. Thinking about it carefully, what Gu Qingfeng said is not unreasonable.


The big monk put all his bets on Gu Qingfeng, as long as Gu Qingfeng does not die, let alone whether he wins or not, at least he will not lose.

The monk Daxing asked: “You are so confident that you can survive?”

“Of course.”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said: “If you want to talk about destiny, you may not be able to dominate now, but if you want to talk about life and death, you can still dominate with certainty. Other life and death cannot dominate. Is it possible that you can’t dominate your own life and death?”

is back.

The lonely and arrogant Gu Tianlang really came back.

For some reason, I know all the signs that Gu Qingfeng will undoubtedly die this time, but looking at Gu Qingfeng, who is both familiar and unfamiliar here, the desperate heart of the Daxing Monk has rekindled hope. the fire.


As for the deduction that the changes in the palace will affect the catastrophe of the original sin, he thought of another possibility.

Previously, he thought that the so-called divorce change may be due to Gu Qingfeng’s scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the right time, the place, and the fate, etc., which are also indicative of various signs.


Does the so-called change of the palace really mean that Gu Qingfeng scattered ashes and smoke dispersed?

Does the so-called dysfunction refer to the disease not Gu Qingfeng scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but other reasons?

As for the reason.

The Daxing Monk couldn’t think of it for a while.

It’s just that I suddenly felt a different feeling in my heart.

I don’t know if it’s been sitting on the ground for too long, or maybe it’s because the fleshy body has become more and more vigorous after the recovery, so that Gu Qingfeng feels upset!

This kind of discomfort is not uncomfortable, on the contrary, it is too comfortable. Just because it is too comfortable, Gu Qingfeng has a feeling of panic, hunger and thirst, and can’t help but want to have fun. Fight against him and kill him murky heavens dark earth.

“By the way, Daxing, there is one thing I don’t understand. You just said that the original sin and the avenue are all rushing to me, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Since I am here, why don’t they do it?”

“You think you live too long?” Da The monk looked at Gu Qingfeng and said: “Look at your appearance, what’s the matter, they don’t do anything, are you still going to take the initiative to send it to the door?”

“Yes!” Gu Qingfeng twisted his neck. He said: “Master, I really can’t help it anymore. If they don’t move anymore, Master will be very welcome.”

Look at Gu Qingfeng’s appearance not like a joke. The muscles couldn’t help twitching twice again, and said, “Lao Na advises you not to act blindly without thinking for the time being. They haven’t done it to you now. That’s because the time hasn’t arrived. As long as the time comes, even if you don’t want to do it, I can’t help you.”

“The timing? What timing? Motherfucker is this time, what timing are you waiting for? Is it possible that they are still waiting for the birth of Limiyamoto?”

“This time you are right, they are really waiting for the birth of Li Miyamoto.”

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