Supreme Lord

Chapter 2535

This twitch is a twitch of excitement, and this tremor is a tremor of excitement.

This kind of excitement is like the dream that until now chased is finally realized one day.

To say that Gu Qingfeng’s fighting spirit is returning, to find the self is the dream that the monk has been chasing. This sounds like an exaggeration.

But the facts are almost the same.

Did not know that Gu Qingfeng has long lost his fighting spirit, lost Essence, Qi, and Spirit, and lost his original nature.

He knows.

Always know.

Not only knows, but also knows that Gu Qingfeng lost his nature after being taken away from the end of the ancient times.

Is it just that?


The monk once suspected that Gu Qingfeng was robbed of everything at the end of the ancient times. It was not accidental, but was set up deliberately. The purpose was to take everything from Gu Qingfeng. Let him lose his nature.

Who set up the bureau is currently unknown.

This is not important either.

The important thing is that Gu Qingfeng, who has lost his nature, has neither lost himself nor his consciousness, but like a walking corpse, he has looked down on life and death, has seen through the world, and has no desires and desires.

To say that it sounds good is to let the flow go, and to say that it sounds bad is to let it happen.

Gu Qingfeng has always been like this since he lost his nature, and the deeper he sinks, the deeper he sinks, the more confused and hesitated.

Such Gu Qingfeng is the best control.

Regardless of whose causal incarnation Gu Qingfeng is, whether it is the ancient nameless representing the destiny of cause and effect, or the innocent supreme representing the original sin and innocence, when the time comes, they want to swallow Gu Qingfeng, it’s easy. .

After all, Gu Qingfeng has lost his nature and has no fighting spirit at all, just like the meat on the blade of a knife.


Gu Qingfeng has always suspected that the Daxing Monk was brainwashing him.

Actually, this is true. The Daxing Monk did brainwash Gu Qingfeng intentionally or unintentionally.


The Daxing Epilogue has only one purpose of brainwashing Gu Qingfeng, and that is to awaken Gu Qingfeng’s lost fighting spirit and awaken his lost nature.

For this reason, what the Daxing Epilogue did not only brainwash Gu Qingfeng secretly, but also deliberately arranged several causal situations.

Since the beginning of the ancient times, Gu Qingfeng discovered that Jun Xuanji was suppressed in the Secret Realm by the incarnation of Heavenly Buddha Dao in the northwest after the Nirvana Rebirth in the secular world.

In fact, this is one of the causal situations arranged by the Da Xing Monk. He tried to reawaken Gu Qingfeng’s fighting spirit. Unfortunately, no matter how he was laid out, no matter how he brainwashed, there was never Inspire Gu Qingfeng’s fighting spirit.

Not only did it fail to stimulate, but it also made Gu Qingfeng sink deeper and deeper.

Originally, the Daxing Monk had more or less hope for Gu Qingfeng.

But when Gu Qingfeng was besieged by many Old Ancestors in Original Sin and Dao again and again in this ridiculous black hole, but he had no response, and the monk had almost no hope.

Especially not long ago, in the Void of Li Palace, Gu Qingfeng said in front of the many Old Ancestors of Original Sin and Dadao that he just wanted to end it as soon as possible, when the Da Xing Monk finally realized that Gu Qingfeng The lost fighting spirit impossible is back, and the lost nature is even more impossible.


When he deduced that the changes in the exile would affect the catastrophe of the original sin and change the fate of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, this time Gu Qingfeng promised to hard to avoid calamity.

Come on.

Gu Qingfeng just wants to end all this as soon as possible. It is life or death. He doesn’t care at all, let alone what original sin is innocent, what Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is.


If Gu Qingfeng is the biggest original sin variable, it may also be that the God chosen by original sin died here, then this original sin catastrophe will naturally change, the original sin catastrophe has changed, Heaven and Earth Grand Dao His fate also changed.

The Daxing Monk not only prepared for this, but also prepared for the worst.


What made the Daxing monk dream of a dream is that just before the birth of the palace, Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body awakened, let alone the return of fighting spirit, even my nature came back .

How can this make the Daxing monk not excited.

How can we not get excited!

His eyes are red with excitement. If he can, he really wants to rush into the air now, telling the original sin Old Ancestor, and telling the old Ancestor on the avenue, so that they all know Gu Qingfeng’s The fleshy body has recovered, the fighting spirit has returned, and the lonely and arrogant You Emperor Gu Tianlang has returned in a swirl of dust!

This moment.

The breeze is no longer a breeze.

Heavenly Wolf is still Heavenly Wolf!

“Very good! Really very good!”

The big monk lowered his head, wiped away the tears of excitement from the corner of his eyes, and said in a complicated way: “motherfucker! Old Na… …After all, you read you brat correctly! Lao Na knew that you brat…will definitely not admit it!”

Back then.

Obviously knowing that Gu Qingfeng has lost his instinct, the monk still chooses to do his best to gamble on Gu Qingfeng.

What he likes is Gu Qingfeng’s wolfish in the bones!

It is also expected that even if someone laid out Gu Qingfeng to take everything and lose his nature, Gu Qingfeng will one day rekindle his fighting spirit and regain his nature.

Time after time layout, time after time violent generals, time after time brainwashing, after all failures, the Daxing Monk once doubted whether he had gone wrong.

Until now, until this moment, the Daxing Monk realized that he hadn’t looked away, Gu Qingfeng was still the same Gu Qingfeng, no! To be precise, Gu Tianlang is still the same Gu Tianlang back then!

“I said… Daxing, as for.” Gu Qingfeng raised his head and took a sip of wine, said with a smile: “Lord finds me, what excitement is your old bald donkey? Er?”

The Daxing monk wiped a tear from the corner of his eye again, shouted out of anger, “Old Na is happy for you brat, can’t you?”

“True or false Yeah, why do you think you are happy for yourself.”

“You brat find your self, why is Lao Na happy for yourself? It is not Lao Na who finds your self.”


“Isn’t it difficult? Your old bald donkey seems to be betting a big bet on me. Seeing that the situation is getting more and more unfavorable for me, my winning side is getting smaller and smaller, maybe there is no more Whatever wins, but loses more and more.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Although I don’t know what you bet on or what you bet on, but I know if I die Now, your old bald donkey will definitely lose your fortune.”

“Now that I have returned from fighting and regaining my self, although the winning side is still not great, it is at least better than no winning side. In other words In other words, as long as your master’s winning side is greater, your old bald donkey will be happier. If you can get the last laugh, your old bald donkey’s bet on him can be increased by 108,000 times.”

Already at this juncture, the Daxing Monk did not continue to hide and tuck him, and generously admitted: “Yes, it is true.”

Hua Fengyi Turning, he gave Gu Qingfeng a white look, and then said: “However, I said you brat is too awkward, do you think your fleshy body recovers, fighting spirit returns, and you can have the last laugh by retrieving the self?”

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