Supreme Lord

Chapter 2520

“Although I don’t have much lofty dreams and desires and ambitions, it does not mean that I have no bottom line, nor does it mean that I have no dignity.”

“I can accept boring I live, but I am never allowed to live my life for others.”

“I can accept the death of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but I will never allow the death of a rash.”

” This is my last bottom line and my ultimate dignity.”

“To live a lifetime, I must be worthy of this lifetime. At least, no matter what I do, I have to give this lifetime an explanation. Otherwise, then this Isn’t my life in vain?”

“My master, in this life, I don’t want to live a wonderful life.”

“I don’t want to be vigorous.”

” Don’t ask for achievements to be higher than the sky.”

“Just hope and leave no regrets.”

“Just hope for this life.”

” Life.”

“Old monk, do you think this is the reason?”

Say it.

After a while, the voice of the old monk came, with only four words: “Ah! Mi! Dha! Buddha!”

Such four-character Buddhist language is more than before. Heaviness is more verbose, and it is more like the one passed through the ages. It is like the word Ruoa, which stands for Great Ancient Era, the word Mi stands for Ancient Era, the word Tua stands for Ancient Era, and the word Buddha stands for modern and ancient times.

“Okay, let’s stop here for today, Lord, there is still something important to do, so I won’t be here with you nonsense.”

Gu Qingfeng is about to leave. At that time, suddenly stopped, looking at the chaos-like nirvana space, at the moment when the old nirvana monk was talking about Amitabha, for some reason, suddenly there was a feeling of deja vu, as if I had heard it somewhere.

To be precise, it is not where I heard the words Amitabha, but the feeling that the old monk of Nirvana gave him when he chanted Amitabha.

Gu Qingfeng tried to sense.

It’s a pity.

Neither can I sense the Silence Mountain, nor the Silence Temple, nor the existence of the old monk.

It’s true as falsehood.

“Old monk, have we met in other places besides seeing here?”

“Why did the ancient layman say this? Since Lao Na entered this solitude The space of destruction has never left.”

“I did not enter the space of nirvana.”

“Lao Na did not enter the space of nirvana. Born.”

“The current me may not have been born, but what about the original me, the real me? Maybe I have not experienced the ancient times, right?”

Since I have annihilation After the space, Gu Qingfeng will come in every three to five to find the old monk to solve his doubts. Listening to the old monks chanting Amitabha is even more numerous. Before, I only felt uncomfortable and harsh, such as through the ages. I have never felt familiar with each other. Why awaken the self After that, I felt familiar with the old monk chanting Amitabha.

“Ancient layman, the self does not represent the present life, the self does not represent the past life, and the true self does not represent the next life. Reincarnation can be reincarnation, endless, and there is no end, but the vain me has an end If not, after the ancient layman awakened the self, did he awaken the previous life memory?”

“That is true.”

Gu Qingfeng meditated for a moment and said: “But why Just now when you were chanting the four words Amitabha, I suddenly felt familiar.”

Speaking, Gu Qingfeng thought of another possibility and said: “Old monk, you are sure Haven’t I ever left the void of nirvana?”

“Lao Na is very sure.”

Gu Qingfeng’s taste: “The deity has not left, does not mean that incarnation has not left, right? It’s not difficult to conceive an External Body Incarnation outside, right?” Gu Qingfeng wondered if the old monk could conceive an External Body Incarnation and dealt with himself outside. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the feeling of deja vu just now.

In response, the old monk not at all responded, only to say another Amitabha.

I don’t know if it was the old monk deliberately, or the déjà vu just now was just an illusion. This time, the four words Amitabha came, Gu Qingfeng not at all, it feels like deja vu.

“Okay, let’s stop here for today, talk about it later, of course, if there is more to come…”

The voice falls, Gu Qingfeng thoughts move, directly Disappeared from the dead space.

Not long after Gu Qingfeng left, a voice rang in the space of silence.

“I thought he would be willing to fall forever, choosing the so-called letting it go and letting one’s fate go. I never thought that this guy would awaken the self at this time, hehe.”

The voice is not the silence of the old monk, but another person, like the voice of a woman.

Mysterious woman’s voice was filled with surprise and joy, she said to herself: “I’m so happy, I thought I was defeated this time, and now there seems to be hope “

As soon as the conversation turned, the mysterious woman asked again: “Old monk, tell me, did you know that this guy will awaken the self?”

The monk responded: “Donor, you look too high at Lao Na, Lao Na doesn’t know.”

“A joke! You don’t know?” Mysterious woman shouted with uncomfortable words: “Really, this palace is three Is this a young child? This guy has been resigned to depravity and resignation. My palace has asked you to come forward more than once, and you have been indifferent. If you hadn’t expected him to awaken the self, how could he be indifferent?”

I wonder if the existence of Gu Qingfeng is too special, so special that it will affect the fate of Heaven and Earth, the fate of original sin and innocence, and even the fate of cause and effect, and even the fate of fate.

A lot of unfathomable existences in Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times have placed their bets on Gu Qingfeng.

Daxing monk is.

Old beggar is, black liquid Empress is.

Ancestor of the Blood River, Langya Empress, and even Eternal Unknown is no exception.

The mysterious woman who has been lurking in the space of nirvana also placed the bet on Gu Qingfeng, although the old monk of nirvana never admitted that he placed the bet on Gu Qingfeng, but The mysterious woman is sure that the old monk must be the same as herself and bet on Gu Qingfeng.

Because the bet is placed on Gu Qingfeng, the mysterious woman has been paying close attention to Gu Qingfeng.

Since the end of ancient times, Gu Qingfeng has been taken away from everything, fighting spirit has been lost, and since she was willing to fall, the mysterious woman has been very worried, worried that Gu Qingfeng will be devastated. If Gu Qingfeng has been so willing to fall, Then her bet on Gu Qingfeng will be lost, which is the last thing she wants to see.

However, when Gu Qingfeng was willing to fall, she did not do anything at all, she did not dare to do anything at will, for fear that it would affect Gu Qingfeng and be self-defeating, and she was also afraid that she would talk with Gu Qingfeng What cause and effect.

Fortunately, the old monk Nimie has been indifferent. The mysterious woman feels that since the old monk Nimie is not in a hurry, she does not need to worry.

Maybe there is any way to kill the old monk, or Gu Qingfeng has long been deduced that Gu Qingfeng will not be willing to fall forever.

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