Supreme Lord

Chapter 2513

There are nine days above and Nine Nether below.

Nine days have their own inheritance, and Nine Nether has their own inheritance.

Since ancient times, nine days have always represented sacredness and light, while Nine Nether represented evil and darkness.

Nine Nether and Nine Nether are like water, fire, yin and yang, ancient and modern are opposites.

In the legend.

The nine days have been ruled by the gods, Holy Spirit, and so on. For example, the Western Heaven represents Buddhism, Xuantian represents immortal Dao, Shang Qingtian represents Heavenly Dao, and Huang Tian represents humanity.

According to reports, Nine Nether was also ruled by demons and ghosts a long time ago, but then a remarkable figure appeared, who defeated the demons and ghosts and dominated Nether in one fell swoop, thus Become the first emperor in history. Since then, Nine Nether has no more distinctions between demons and ghosts, because neither Demon nor ghost wants to be the emperor of Nine Nether.

This is also the only difference between Nine Nether and Jiutian.

Nine Heavens has never been absolutely dominated by anyone, it has always been an immortal dao dominating Xuantian, and Buddhism dominating Xitian, even if the humanity is down and so humble, no one has ever dominated the yellow sky.

The reason why Gu Qingfeng’s name is so big is also closely related to his aspiration to the Great Emperor of Nether.

In the minds of many people, the four words Nine Nether the Great are irreplaceable in terms of status and status, and they are not what the so-called Dao Di Yin Destiny can mention on equal terms. , Even the destiny of Emperor Dao’s power is not comparable to Emperor Nether.


Nine Nether represents the darkness and evil, and it is also the Holy Land in the hearts of demons and ghosts. Therefore, in a sense, whoever aspires to the Great Emperor of Nine is almost equal to the Lord of Nether , Darkness Lord, the Lord of Evil, and even the Lord of Demons and Ghosts.

Although it is only a false name, this false name is enough to deter the great fright.

The Holy Land of Immortal Buddha in mind is Nine Nether, and the Holy Land of Demon in mind is Nine Nether.

In those Demon in mind, the Lord of Nine Nether is also the Lord of Nine Heavens. If the Lord of Nine Nether is the Lord of Heaven, then the Lord of Nine Nether is the Lord of Earth.

Actually, since ancient times, there is still no conclusion as to whether Emperor Nether is the fate or the fate.

Some people say that Nine Nether also inherited the destiny.

After all, Heavenly Dao dominates Heaven and Earth Source and is the real hegemon of Heaven and Earth. Since it dominates Heaven and Earth Source, and Nine Nether is also in Heaven and Earth, the natural inheritance is Fate.

Some people say that what the Great Emperor Nether has inherited is not fate, but true fate.

It is not the order of Heavenly Dao, but the hand-picked by fate. It can also be understood as a cause and effect. The previous life has planted many causes of Nether, and this life can aspire to the effect of Nine Nether.

Some people say.

Emperor Nine Nether is neither a destiny, nor a true destiny. Perhaps the Great Nether has no destiny at all. As long as who can dominate the origin of Nether, whoever is the emperor of Nether, Who is the overlord of Nine Nether.

Whether Emperor Nine Nether is destiny or true fate, or is not fate at all, no one has been able to say clearly so far, even if the existence of Emperor Nine Nether who once asked for the existence of Nine Nether does not know this thing is True fate or fate or not fate at all.

Nine Nether is like this.

Nine days is no exception.

Although since ancient times, the Lord of Nine Heavens has never been born in Nine Heavens, the Lord of Nine Heavens has never been born in Nine Heavens, but the Lord of Nine Heavens has always been dominated by various great roads.

It can’t be said to be birth, because since ancient times, as long as the lord of immortal dao must be the lord of Xuantian, as long as the lord of Buddhism and Taoism is also the lord of Xitian.

No one knows whether the Lord of Nine Nether is destiny or not at all.

Similarly, no one knows whether these so-called Xuantian Lords and Western Heaven Lords are destiny or true destiny or not.

As everyone knows, the Immemorial Sovereign power, the ancient emperor’s seal, the ancient throne, the modern and ancient Star Monarch, apart from this is nothing else. It stands to reason that the so-called Xuantian Lord and the Western Heaven The Lord is unlikely to be the destiny of heaven. After all, Xuantian represents immortal dao, and Western heaven represents the Tao of Buddhism. If Heavenly Dao grants orders, it means Heavenly Dao can select other masters of the Dao, so how can Three Thousand Great Daos be willing? .

If it is true, it seems that the probability is not big.

As everyone knows, the thing of true fate does not appear under normal circumstances, only when the catastrophe of Heaven and Earth occurs, will the true fate of the catastrophe appear.

Now Heaven and Earth is facing a catastrophe.

If the so-called Lords of the Western Heavens and the Lords of Xuantian Really inherit their true destiny, they should all be born in modern and ancient times.

The problem is that it has not been born yet.

No immortal dao, no holy way, and no humanity. Although the wonderful Tathagata of Buddhism is known as the Buddha Emperor and governs the Eight Sects of Western Heaven, it is only known as the Buddha Emperor and governs Buddhism. Eight Sects Since learning that Miao Tathagata plots the original sin of Allah, the Buddhist Eight Sects has long ceased to follow Miao Tathagata.

even more how Miao Tathagata is neither the lord of Buddhism and Taoism, nor has it ever ruled the origin of Buddhism and Taoism, let alone the lord of the West Heaven.

Don’t say the wonderful Tathagata.

Gu Changfeng, who is guarded by Azure Dragon, is not the true lord of the sky, even if he is holding the Duke’s Judgment Knife.

Although Azure Dragon is the guardian dragon of the blue sky, one of the nine heavens, even though the Dagong Judgment Knife represents justice, the trial is bright, and the judgment is dark, it can cut Heaven and Earth all injustice, but as long as Gu Changfeng doesn’t have one day Dominating the origin of the blue sky, he is not the real master of the blue sky.

How can we dominate the origin of the blue sky?

Others don’t know, and Gu Changfeng doesn’t know it, and Chiba Immortal King doesn’t even know it.

They don’t even know whether the Lord of the Blue Sky has inherited destiny, true destiny, or not destiny at all.

At this moment, I heard what Gu Changfeng said, and Chiba Immortal King felt that Gu Changfeng’s awakening should be related to the fairness of the sky.

Because Gu Changfeng’s imperial seal destiny and Ying Jie’s true destiny have been awakened, impossible will be awakened again, and Gu Changfeng has no other destiny to awaken, so there is only one possibility left , Qingtian is fair.

“Yes! It must be! Husband, your awakening must be the blue sky and justice! It must be!”

The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible for the Immortal King of Chiba. Her sorrow, the whole person became excited, and couldn’t help but kiss Gu Changfeng on the neck. After all, Gu Changfeng is her beloved man, and her beloved man is about to become the real lord of the sky to host between Heaven and Earth’s justice, how could she not be excited, how could she not be excited.

“Very good! I finally waited until this day! Really very good!”

Chiba Immortal King is so happy, and even a little bit of tears of joy.

It’s not because she wants her man to achieve high, how strong she is. She is not a vain woman. She doesn’t care about the so-called achievement and the so-called strength. Only Gu Changfeng really cares. this person.

She cried with joy because Gu Changfeng was both the Immortal Emperor who inherited the fate of God, and the destiny of the true fate. In other words, Gu Changfeng is destined to be involved in this catastrophe, no matter how you hide it Can’t escape, even more how. Now the situation is so chaotic, everything is like a carefully arranged game.

In this catastrophe, the more cards in your hand, the stronger you will be, and you will survive to the end.

And if Gu Changfeng can really awaken Qingtian justice, he will undoubtedly have an extremely powerful hole card in his hand.

Relying on this hole card, even if it is really a pawn in this catastrophe game, it may be able to beat the half son, defying heaven changing fate!

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