Supreme Lord

Chapter 2512

Chiba Immortal King faintly said: “Is there a difference? If the heart changes, so will the person. What is the difference between the two not at all.”


“If…” After hesitating for a while, Chiba Immortal King asked again: “If they really do something against Youdi this time, what about you…Will you do it?”

Gu Changfeng didn’t even think about it, and he responded directly: “Yes.”

Chiba Immortal King startedled in his heart, and hurriedly asked: “Will he help him or kill him?”

“Help him!”

“I knew it would be the answer.”

Gu Changfeng explained: “I said, I and Youdi There is only one possibility in the battlefield between, I have already determined to guard the avenue, and he also determined to aspire to Allah, apart from this, he is a friend of Gu Changfeng.”

Gu Changfeng’s meaning is very clear, don’t say He has not yet decided to guard the avenue, even if he has already decided, as long as Gu Qingfeng does not fight for the Allah of Original Sin, Gu Qingfeng is not his enemy.

“Husband, have you ever thought about the consequences.”

I want to come to Immortal King in Chiba, if this time the original sin overlord and the road overlord are really determined to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, then If Gu Changfeng came forward to help Gu Qingfeng, there would only be three results.


Gu Qingfeng died here, and Gu Changfeng was buried with him. If he died, he would be criticized by thousands of people and spit by thousands.


Gu Qingfeng is dead, Gu Changfeng is not dead, and Gu Changfeng will inevitably be ruined for helping Gu Qingfeng.


Gu Qingfeng did not die, nor did Gu Changfeng, Gu Changfeng would definitely be isolated by the avenue because of this incident. If in the end Gu Qingfeng aspired to the Lord of Original Sin and slaughtered the Three Thousand Great Daos, then Gu Changfeng, whether dead or alive, will bear the infamy of the criminals of the Great Dao.

These three results, no matter which one they are, whether it is life or death, are all harmful to Gu Changfeng but no benefit.

“Just for the so-called friendship between you and Youdi, is it worth it? Is the price too high?” Seeing Gu Changfeng remained silent, Chiba Immortal King continued. “The situation is so chaotic now. Every step we take is cautiously. Every step we take will plant cause and effect. These cause and effect may change the destiny of the future, and…”

As I said, Gu Changfeng Suddenly he interrupted Chiba Immortal King, turned to stare at her, and said, “Ye’er, I have listened to you for a lifetime. Since I met you, I will do whatever you say, you let me go east. I will never go west, if you let me retreat, I will retreat, you let me cultivation and I will cultivation, but this time, I want to be the master by myself, okay?”


The remark mentioned by Gu Changfeng made Chiba Immortal King stunned, a little embarrassed, a little angry, and a little funny. He opened his mouth, but didn’t know how to refute it.

After a while, Chiba Immortal King laughed and said: “I don’t want to be your master, I just feel… I feel that you have suddenly changed, and become very strange. I dare not recognize it.”

Qianba Immortal King lifts the head, staring at Gu Changfeng’s eyes seriously, and said solemnly: “Changfeng… tell me honestly, are you… already …Already…Already…”

Chiba Immortal King said several times in a row, but then he didn’t say anything.

It’s not that she doesn’t know what to say, and she doesn’t want to say it, but she is afraid to say it.

She is scared.

Fear is real.

Since the discovery of Gu Changfeng’s changes, Chiba Immortal King has always been frightened. She wondered if Gu Changfeng had awakened the previous life memory.

This kind of thing is not impossible. Awakening from the past life often requires an opportunity, and this opportunity can be someone or something. As long as the mood changes, perhaps the opportunity will appear, and you will be awakened from then on Past life.

If it’s just awakening the previous life memory, Chiba Immortal King can still accept it.

But if Gu Changfeng is not awakening the previous life memory, or another possibility, the Gu Changfeng that he loved before is just a causal incarnation of others, now the deity finds it and quietly takes Gu Changfeng’s self-consciousness swallowed.

If it’s just a slight change, Chiba Immortal King wouldn’t have any doubts, but Gu Changfeng’s change is so great, it’s almost like a different person. The hesitation of causal fate affects Gu Changfeng, so that his mood changes, and it will not change so much, right?

The most important thing is that the Immortal King of Chiba also knows very well that the ancient catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, endless samsara reincarnation. Now, the past lives and the present life see cause and effect, whoever fate depends on the sky. This sentence is not A simple legend.

If this sentence is just a legend, those avenues Old Ancestor will not test those avenue hegemons and the number of tribulations everywhere in the deserted nine palaces. If it is just a legend, the immortal dao of Xuantian will not be against the big sun. The emperor is so distrustful, Holy Land will not squeeze out a lonely war.

Because everyone knows that this sentence is not a legend, no one can guarantee that no one is the so-called causal incarnation.

Although Chiba Immortal King did not speak out bluntly, Gu Changfeng seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and raised his hand to scratch the nose of Chiba Immortal King, said with a slight smile: ” Ye Er, you think too much. I have neither awakened previous life memory nor swallowed my self-awareness by others. I am still me, or Gu Changfeng. I am still me, I am now, and I will not change in the future. As long as I live forever It’s all your Gu Changfeng. If I am someone else’s causal incarnation, if the deity comes to swallow my consciousness, I would rather die than do what he wants.”


“Of course it is true. When did I lie to you.”

“But…but why is your change so big? It’s really affected by me? Huh?”

“I don’t know the specific reason either. Maybe it’s or maybe it’s not. I only know that after you said that I was hesitating about causal fate, I had a strange feeling, just like enlightenment. , I understood a lot of things in an instant…”

Speaking of this, Gu Changfeng shook his head again and said: “It can’t be said to be enlightenment, it is more like suddenly discovering a door to the other world. I can’t tell you what it feels like. In short, I’m confused and unfathomable mystery becomes like this.”

Listening to Gu Changfeng’s words, Chiba Immortal King worriedly said: “Your situation is clearly Awakened to previous life memory.”

“I have also doubted it before, but I am very sure that I am not at all awakened to previous life memory. I have not the slightest impression of the various past lives. Maybe I really What did the awakening of, but it must not be the previous life memory.”

“If it weren’t for the previous life memory, what else could be awakened? Destiny? True destiny? As far as I know, whether it is destiny or true destiny , You have already awakened, you have already taken the destiny of the Great Dao, and the destiny of the great catastrophe, and so on…”

What did Xu realize, the originally worried Qian Ye Immortal King suddenly cried out in surprise: “God, shouldn’t your life of the sky be awakened?”

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