Supreme Lord

Chapter 2499

Original sin!

Original sin is everywhere.

The sky full of original sin filled the entire palace like a cloud.

The ancient vestige that floats like a mountain in the palace shimmers like stars.

The void seems to be spinning like the turbulence of an ancient black hole before.

As the breath of original sin becomes more and more intense, the ancient vestige flickers brighter, blurred, and distorted. At the same time, the entire void rotates more and more. It’s getting stronger and more crazy.

Looking around, the entire Ligong Void is like a boundless Black Hole Vortex, which involves everything inside the Void of Ligong. The ancient vestiges of the ancient vestiges are twisting and blurring each other at the same time. Fusion.

Gu Qingfeng and the Daxing monk not at all continued to chat. When they found that the whole palace gradually transformed into a huge vortex, the two did not resist, letting the palace vortex involve them Within.

Looking at the changes in the palace, they all knew in their hearts that the prelude to the catastrophe of original sin was finally about to begin.

The breath of original sin is getting stronger and stronger, and the stronger it is, the purer it is.

The ancient vestige is getting more and more fuzzy, the more fuzzy the faster it merges. It doesn’t look like a lot of ancient vestige, but more like an endless mountain range.

I don’t know how many original sin retribution bodies that have lost their self-consciousness have been involved. These involved original sin retribution bodies were fine at first, but as the void vortex rotates more and more intensely, one by one The original sin retribution body is beginning to be a little unbearable, and all are crushed scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“Good fellow! This motherfucker is much more vortex terrifying than the turbulent flow of the ancient black hole!”

Gradually, the monk can’t hold it anymore. Not dare to hold it big, he immediately sacrificed his immovable golden body, and saw both of his hands folded together, and the whole body was blooming with ten thousand zhang golden Buddha’s radiance. The whole person looked like a living Buddha statue.

Even if you take out without touching the golden body, the Daxing Monk still feels a lot of pressure.

Especially as the Ligong Void spins more and more crazily, the Daxing Monk feels like he is falling into a fire sea, neither sitting nor standing, unstoppable, no escape To escape, you can only carry it hard.

And the golden Buddha’s radiance blooming all over his body is also swaying in this vortex, twisted and blurred, as if it would collapse at any time.

It is said that he does not move the golden body. However, at this moment, the monk dare not to move at all. He wonders if he really stands still, most likely to be vortexed from the palace. Torn to pieces.

Even if the vortex is spinning now, his immovable golden body is still squeezed and uncomfortable, like being burned by fire, like ice and bone, more like a knife.

Is it just that?

Of course not.

In addition to the immobile golden body under great pressure, his heart, his spirit, and his will seem to be under a certain pressure.

If the pressure of the immovable golden body comes from the vortex, then the pressure on his inner spirit willpower comes from the increasingly strong breath of original sin.

This kind of breath of original sin makes the monk feel unspeakable in his heart, and feel scared in his heart.



As for what I am afraid of, and why I am afraid, I can’t tell you what a monk is. It feels like I suddenly fell into an endless abyss. There is no way to survive, impossible to ask for death,

Furthermore, as the breath of original sin becomes stronger and purer, the fear in the monk’s heart becomes stronger and stronger.

On this occasion, the Daxing Monk glanced at Gu Qingfeng next to him, and it didn’t matter if he looked at it, he almost died of anger.

In this terrifying vortex, Gu Qingfeng seems not at all affected.

It was really unaffected, and not at all.

His figure rotates with the rotation of the vortex, just like a flat boat drifting in the sea, no matter how crazy the waves of the sea are, he will never be able to overturn this flat boat.

It feels as if this guy is not involved in the vortex of the ligu, more like sitting on a flat boat, drinking small wine and enjoying the beautiful scenery.

That’s true. Gu Qingfeng is holding a jar of fine wine in his hand, while rotating with the vortex of the palace, while drinking a small wine.

This has to be called envy, jealousy and hatred by Daxing Dian Seng!

After I was involved in the vortex of the ligu, even if I took out the golden body, it seemed useless. The fleshy body was like a knife, and I was afraid to die.

And this guy, like a okay person, returned motherfucker and drank a little wine leisurely, which is really annoying!

This guy must comprehended the profound mystery of Li Gong!

It must be!

The Daxing Monk clearly remembers that not long ago, he and Gu Qingfeng discovered a wild ancient vestige glowing with the light of original sin. This wild ancient vestige seems to be close at hand. When jumping over, people are getting farther and farther away from the ancient vestige.

Instead, Gu Qingfeng stood still and didn’t move, but took a small step, and then landed on the ancient vestige.

At that time.

The Daxing monk knew that Gu Qingfeng must have realized the profound mystery of Li Gong.

At this moment, seeing that Gu Qingfeng has not been affected by the vortex of Li Palace, he is more certain of his inner guess that this guy must comprehended Li Palace’s profound mystery.

“I said Gu Xiaozi, now that you have realized the profound mystery of this ligu, can you motherfucker give me some pointers!”

Gu Qingfeng frowned and looked at the vortex of the ligu, Not salty or indifferent: “If profound mystery can give pointers, is it still profound mystery?”

“you brat, it’s really…”

Although it’s crazy The monk didn’t want to, but he had to admit that what Gu Qingfeng said was the truth.

Profound mystery can never be understood by others’ guidance.

Just like the profound mystery of the avenue, if the profound mystery of the avenue can give pointers, then the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth will become ancestors.

“Daxing, have you noticed a strange thing?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and the Daxing monk said angrily: “What’s strange What’s the matter?”

Gu Qingfeng casually said two words: “Space.”

“Space?” Daxing monk did not understand, and asked: “What about space? Now?”

“As the palace revolves, as the relics merge, and as the original sin is full, all spaces are falling apart one after another.”


When he heard this, the soul flew away and scattered on the spot, the soul flew away and scattered, his face turned pale, he quickly looked around, but he couldn’t see anything, and took out Divine Consciousness to probe, I don’t know it was in his heart. Too much fear, or for other reasons, the take out Divine Consciousness probe also cannot detect anything.

Under this situation, the Daxing Monk could not concentrate at all. He quickly asked: “Are you sure that all the spaces are collapsing?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, said:” I’m pretty sure.”

“Then what your motherfucker is still trying to do! Run quickly! If the space is all broken, we must all die here!”

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