Supreme Lord

Chapter 2498

Even though the Daxing monk denied it, he vowed to curse that he had never planted a cause on Gu Qingfeng.


Gu Qingfeng does not believe it.

He is sure that the old bald donkey must have planted a cause in him.

As for when they were planted and what fruit they wanted to produce, it is unknown.

The only thing I know is that since I met the Daxing Monk, I can always meet this old bald donkey every three to five times. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there are several important turning points in my life. Silhouette of

When I was young, when the secular world was at war with the immortal dynasty, the great monk was there.

Later in the Great Wilderness, whether it was a war with Heavenly Paradise or a war with the West Heavenly Buddha Dao, this old bald donkey was there.

Even when he fell into Nether Nether later, even when he aspired to the throne of Nether Nether, this old bald donkey was there.

When the battle with Jiutian, the old bald donkey was also there, even when the ancient times ended his trial by Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, the old bald donkey was still there.

After the opening of the present and ancient times, I again had a dispute with Buddhism in the secular world, Nirvana Rebirth, and kidnapped the incarnation of Tathagata. This old bald donkey is here.

When the original sin True Blood was integrated, this old bald donkey was there.

When fighting Great Dao Incarnation alone for Little Jin’er, this old bald donkey also appeared.

One time is a coincidence, two times is a coincidence, three times four times, and motherfucker appears every time. Is it a coincidence?

Gu Qingfeng had always suspected that the Daxing monk must have premeditated to bring himself into the deserted ancient black hole, and now he is more certain.

This old bald donkey must plant a causal seed on his body, and then constantly water and fertilize the causal seed. In the words of the monk, just plant one The seed of cause and effect, every subsequent encounter is to water and fertilize the seed of cause and effect, so that it can thrive.

Gu Qingfeng thought that the monk must have laid out various causes and effects, and then he was abducted into this ridiculous black hole.

Then this old bald donkey was not idle, and followed him all the time, saying something every now and then.

And this old bald donkey is very shrewd. As long as Gu Qingfeng doesn’t ask, he never speaks actively. Once Gu Qingfeng asks, this old bald donkey will be eloquent, as if knowing everything, even more shameful. Yes, when he said these words, he was still in a posture for Gu Qingfeng’s sake, and his reputation is to analyze the situation for Gu Qingfeng.

These words that Daxing Epilogue said seem to be painless or itchy, but in fact there are many articles, 30% truth, 70% lies, invisibly washed Gu Qingfeng’s mind. Even if Gu Qingfeng has never believed in a monk, but if he listens too much, he will be affected more or less.

The question is, as the Daxing Monk himself said, he neither intends to protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, nor is he ready to start the era of innocence. What are the causes in him?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to think about this issue.

He was just a little bit emotional, how his motherfucker was so false in his life, but everyone he met seems to be a bad bird.

No wonder when I was in an ancient black hole, I could always hear the original sin yelling.

“Heaven and Earth profound mystery, the true meaning of the Dao, all in original sin, all are false!”

The profound mystery of Heaven and Earth, the true emperor of the Dao is in the original sin, Is it vain again? Gu Qingfeng didn’t know, but the word vain made him very emotional.

All appearances are false.

What is vain and vain?

Falsehood is falsehood.

At first.

He always thought that all aspects are false, which means that what naked eye sees may not be true, what naked eye sees is false, and only Divine Consciousness can detect the truth. .

This is like fleshy body and soul.

Naked eye can’t see the soul, only the fleshy body, and the fleshy body can countless changes, even body possession, and even samsara reincarnation.

But the soul does not change.

If the fleshy body is false, then the soul is the truth.

Later, with the improvement of experience, the detachment of the mood, and the deeper and deeper understanding of the Dao, he felt that he used to understand the phrase’all appearances are false’ too one-sided. .

Just like this road, this world.

The world knows that there are three thousand avenues, such as the sacred Buddhas, demons and ghosts, etc. But in reality, how many avenues are there?

The answer is endless. It can also be said that the avenue is the only one.

The two are not contradictory.

It can only be said that the avenue is the end, but there are countless roads leading to the avenue. As long as you find your own way, you can step into the real avenue.

Everyone knows that Heaven and Earth is the Great Wilderness, and the Great Wilderness is Heaven and Earth.


There are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are also sky beyond the sky.

This endless sea of ​​ruins is the sky beyond the sky.

This is not only the Avenue Heaven and Earth, but time and space are no exception.

An ancient black hole is a good example, in which there is space turbulence and time turbulence.

When you fall into the turbulence of time, maybe one thought means countless years, and when you fall into space turbulence, you may fall into the ancient era.


Gu Qingfeng has a new understanding of’all appearances are false’.

Cause and effect are false, and destiny is also false. His own experience is a good example. Various causal situations are not false. Since cause and effect can be laid out, fate can naturally be doomed.

Perhaps it is as true as the voice of the original sin shouting, Heaven and Earth profound mystery, the true meaning of the great path, all in the original sin, are all false.

Everything may be false.


Gu Qingfeng can’t help but think of a person.

Maybe it’s a person.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know if it is specific.

I only know that the other party’s voice has sounded in my mind.

That is the voice of a mysterious woman.

That mysterious woman told him more than once, don’t believe in cause and effect, don’t believe in destiny, don’t believe in anyone, don’t even believe in yourself, it’s all false, everything is false, all Vain.

Gu Qingfeng had never understood the true meaning of the phrase “mysterious woman” before, but now he understands more or less.

I’ve come along this way, and I’ve gotten to know the experience of bonding, from the cloud and neon clothes to the red sleeves to Ouyang Ye, from the wind by the month to the mandala to the setting sun, from Tang Hengsuo to Tang Manqing to Wuyue Empress, without exception, planted cause and effect on oneself, including Ye Tianlan, Su Wei, and even Jun Xuanji, I am afraid they are also pretty close.

Whether it is cause and effect, or destiny, this road and this world are all illusions.

If you are truly an unnamed causal incarnation, then you are also a falsehood.

I really responded to what the mysterious woman said. They are all falsehoods. They want to be false. Don’t believe it, even if you don’t believe it.

This has to be called Gu Qingfeng, feeling that all appearances are vain.

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