Supreme Lord

Chapter 2496

“Gu boy, don’t worry too much. All of what Lao Na said is just a guess.” Xu Ye heard Gu Qingfeng’s self-deprecating self-deprecating monk comforted: “Even if you are the causal incarnation of others, It may not necessarily be eternal and unknown, and whether you are a causal incarnation of others is still unknown. Don’t worry about it.”

The words of comfort are words of comfort after all. Such words of comfort, Even the Daxing Monk himself doesn’t believe much, let alone Gu Qingfeng.


Then again, does Gu Qingfeng need comfort?

The answer is yes, no.

He has always looked open. If he couldn’t look away, he would have been autistic and collapsed because of his situation and the various causal situations he has experienced.

Although it was the causal incarnation of others that made him a little uncomfortable, it would make him a little bit embarrassed after being swallowed to occupy Fleshy body, and living for others for most of his life made him unacceptable.


Gu Qingfeng will never worry about things that have not happened, let alone worry about uncertain things.

Youdao is counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir. As long as the sky does not fall, nothing is a matter. What should I do if the sky falls?

Not much.

Do whatever you want.

Take one step at a time, even if you are really an incarnation of the ancient nameless cause and effect, even if the ancient namelessness swallows yourself already, even if the ancient namelessness swallows yourself with 100% certainty, Gu Qingfeng is not afraid.

He never believes in the word absolute, as long as there is a little hope, he will not let anyone swallow him.

Ten thousand steps back, it’s really no good. Gu Qingfeng has the last way to go, that is to kill himself before losing self-awareness. I can’t live, no one wants to dominate Lao Tzu’s fleshy Body, desperately die each one, even if you can’t die, it will make you happy.

Gu Qingfeng not at all continued to think about this issue, but Tang Heng’s abrupt appearance, said such a thing, made Gu Qingfeng a little puzzled, I don’t know what she is thinking about.

Although Tang Hsiao didn’t clearly say that she was an unnamed causal incarnation, she almost meant that, and she left without saying hello. Obviously, the purpose of her appearance Just to tell oneself that it may be an unnamed cause and effect incarnation.

The question is what does she tell herself what this means? What tricks are you playing, and what medicine are sold in bottle gourd?

Stupefied that she wants herself to go to the ancient nameless to settle accounts now?

Or do you want to beware of being obscure?

Neither of these two possibilities seem to be reliable.

Tang Hsiao clearly stands on the other side of the avenue. In other words, if the ancient namelessness can completely obliterate the origin of original sin, whether it is for Three Thousand Great Daos or World’s All Living Things good news.

It is reasonable to say that Tang Heng’s and Angu Wuming are on the same front. In that case, why did she tell herself this?

Is it possible that Tang Hsiao missed his old feelings and couldn’t bear to watch him finally be swallowed up by the ancient nameless, so he revealed the news to himself, so that he could prepare in advance to deal with the ancient nameless?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but smile. He thought that his charm shouldn’t be so great. Tang Hengsuo was not a little girl who hadn’t been in the world, but how many years he lived. I don’t know how many old hags Samsara reincarnation has.

In the eyes of these old Demons, the so-called feelings may not even be a joke.

The Daxing monk said: “The old man must have no good intentions when thinking about the Moonless Empress.”

“Then what do you think she did?”

“This…” The monk took off his shabby cap to reveal his bald head, reached out and touched it, shook his head, and said: “Old Na can’t figure it out for a while, but one thing is certain , The existence of Wuyue Empress is definitely not trivial. She can not only use cause and effect to aspire to the great destiny, but also arrange cause and effect with you brat, which shows that its existence is absolutely terrifying.”

“Maybe… …”

Said solemnly: “Maybe she showed up to tell you that these arrangements are another cause and effect.”

Gu Qingfeng said dumbly: “This Motherfucker is also a causal situation?”

“Boy, it’s difficult and difficult to lay out cause and effect. It’s easy and easy to say. Sometimes it only takes a sentence to plant a cause. Don’t underestimate this cause. At the right time, a small cause may be able to affect the greatest effect.”

The Daxing monk had a solemn expression, and said seriously: “Gu boy, Lao Na and ask you. Before that, did you brat prepare to let the flow take its course, resign to fate, just want to end all this as soon as possible, as long as you can end it, you don’t care about life or death, right.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, said: “No Wrong, what’s the matter?”

“Now you know that you may be an ancient nameless causal incarnation, and in the end you may be swallowed by the ancient namelessness. You are stumped and ready to let the flow go, just want to Do you want to end this as soon as possible?”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said: “I still planned that way, and I didn’t think about other things.”

“Gu Qingfeng, Gu Xiaozi , Lao Na dare not say that he knows your brat, but he still knows a little bit about your temperament. You brat doesn’t care about life or death, but if you are swallowed up by the self-consciousness, you brat will definitely not Accept, based on what Lao Na knows about you, even if you brat kill yourself, you will not allow others to swallow your self-awareness and then occupy your fleshy body.”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng stared at the Daxing Monk with a suspicious look. He really didn’t expect that the Daxing Monk knew so much about himself, like a roundworm in his stomach. This old bald donkey knew exactly what he was thinking.

“When the time comes, you brat may not want to end it as soon as possible, but how to make the ancient nameless pay the price, maybe even when the time comes you brat will go with It’s an eternal nameless death.”

“Once you brat goes mad, you can do anything. Now you are not interested in Allah of Original Sin, but you can’t be sure when the time comes you brat. Below, go to ask the Lord of Original Sin and the ancient nameless death to the end!”

The Daxing monk kept talking, and every word he said made Gu Qingfeng shocked.

He originally thought that Daxing Epilogue knew enough about him and he knew his own temperament and temper. Until now, until this moment, he realized that he still underestimated Daxing Epilogue. Monk, what the old bald donkey said gave Gu Qingfeng a feeling that the monk knew himself better than himself.

It really feels like this.

He thought carefully about these words said by the Daxing Monk, whether it was fighting with the ancient nameless, or in angrily seeking to the end of the original sin Allah and the ancient nameless, this kind of thing, Gu Qingfeng I feel I can do it completely.

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