Supreme Lord

Chapter 2495

“Do you also think that I might be the causal incarnation of the unnamed girl?”

Compared with the panic of the monk, Gu Qingfeng seems very calm, except at the beginning Apart from the feeling of numb scalp, there is no other feeling, let alone panic or panic.

“Gu kid!”

The Daxing monk stared at Gu Qingfeng with a solemn expression, and said seriously: “Lao Na is not sure if you are a causal incarnation. But if… if you are really a causal incarnation planted by others, then this other person can only be unknown in the past, and this Heaven and Earth impossible has a second person.”

Although Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to, he still did. I have to admit that what the monk said is the truth.

To ask ancient and modern Heaven and Earth who most wants to completely eliminate the origin of original sin, the answer is affirmative. It is the eternal and unknown person known as the messenger of fate of causal incarnation.

Who can plant a causal incarnation of the original sin variable in Ancient and Modern Heaven and Earth, the answer is also very positive, only the ancient and unknown person called causal incarnation.

“If the Lord, I’m really the cause and effect incarnation of the unnamed lady…” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin for a while and muttered to himself: “putting it that way, she first laid out the present and ancient times The catastrophe of original sin, and then planted such a causal incarnation of my Lord, and then created momentum for me, pushing me into the position of Allah of Original Sin, and then she came forward to swallow me, and replaced it as Allah of Original Sin, who dominates the source of original sin, and then Then destroy the origin of the original sin? If that is the case, this girl would be pretty flowery.”

“How about this girl like the ancient nameless, mean and sinister! She is the only way to do this. You can play!”

“It’s just…”

Gu Qingfeng frowned and asked: “She is so sure to swallow me? Even if she is sure to swallow Me, then what about Blue Sky Yellow Springs, evil Asura, bloody gluttony? And the Maha beyond the avenue, and the true knowledge of original sin, is she sure to swallow it?”

“This can’t be said OK.”

The Daxing monk said: “The old man is thinking about the ancient namelessness. Since you have grown such a causal incarnation of original sin, she should be sure to swallow you, and even the truth of original sin. Consciousness is not impossible.”

paused, the Daxing Monk continued: “Don’t forget, the ancient nameless but the causal incarnation, as long as she wants, she can arrange any cause and effect, if she knows your Weaknesses, if you lay out cause and effect according to your weaknesses, it is not an exaggeration, when the time comes, you may not even have the chance to struggle.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he also thinks so.

I have to say that causality is absolutely terrifying. Sometimes what you think of life may be a causal game set by others, and sometimes the person you care about may be a causal pawn set by others.

Once the causal thing is planted, it will affect the whole life, and it is still quiet and reasonable, even if you don’t know it is a cause and effect situation.

If you want to make a person collapse, as long as you set up a causal situation and wipe out his whole family in front of him, then it will be difficult for the person not to collapse.

If you want someone to be grateful to you, you just need to set up a causal situation. When he is betrayed and left alone in a desperate situation, you come forward to help him, then he will be grateful to you for a lifetime.

As the Daxing Monk said, it’s too easy for the eternal nameless to deal with a person. She is a causal incarnation and can arrange any cause and effect. As long as she wants, this World’s All Living Things can Become a chess piece in her hand. If she wants to make you happy, you will be happy. If she wants you to suffer, you will suffer.

Similarly, if Gu Qingfeng asks the original sin Allah, and the ancient nameless wants to swallow him, perhaps Gu Qingfeng will not refuse at all, not only will not refuse, and may take the initiative to let the ancient nameless swallow him.

Are you exaggerating?

No exaggeration at all.

Although it sounds wicked, it is true.

And Gu Qingfeng also believes that Eternal Nameless can definitely do it.


Gu Qingfeng thought about it, but couldn’t figure it out. If the ancient namelessness swallows her own causality, what causality will she arrange? What is the cause and effect that can make oneself give up his life, take the initiative to give up his arms and swallow the eternal namelessness?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng can’t think of it.

At this time.

The epic monk said again: “If the ancient nameless is sure to swallow you, then she must also be sure to swallow the true knowledge of original sin. She can lay out cause and effect in order to swallow you, in order to swallow the true knowledge of original sin. You can also arrange cause and effect.”

“The only thing that is not certain now is whether the true knowledge of the three sons of original sin in your body is within the ancient unknown or unexpected. The most important thing is Whether the Maha outside the avenue is in her expectation, if they are all in the ancient and unknown expectation, then their ending may also be swallowed, if not, there may be variables.”


The Daxing monk seemed to think of something, and said: “Gu boy, do you remember Lao Na said that the ancient nameless seems to be ready to gamble on you, right?”

“What’s wrong?”

“In the past, Lao Na had always wondered what the ancient nameless bet on you brat. Now Lao Na seems to understand a little bit more or less.”

” What do you say about this?”

“If Lao Na’s guess is correct, perhaps the unfamiliar bet is how many unexpected existences you have. The more unexpected existences you have, the more unexpected the existence of her The smaller the winning side, on the contrary, if you have less unexpected presence, the greater her winning side.”

“putting it that way, I am hard to avoid calamity this time. ? Most likely will become an unsung memory? Maybe you can’t even talk about memories?” Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but laugh as he said, this laugh is more of a self-deprecating saying: “I’ll live most of my life. Life, not for myself, but for others? And motherfucker is for a wife?”

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng is not afraid of death.

I am not afraid of being a child, and today I feel that living is meaningless. I can die until I die. There is nothing to be willing to do.

But if you don’t die in the end, but your consciousness is swallowed by others, this kind of death is too useless. Anyway, Gu Qingfeng can’t accept it. He would rather die by Self-destruction than his own consciousness. Being swallowed, let people occupy their fleshy body.

Especially at the end, I realized that most of my life is for others to live. This makes Gu Qingfeng unacceptable. Although he only enjoys the process of life, he doesn’t care about the cause and effect, but he can’t Live to the end and become a memory of others.

It’s like having been busy for most of your life and going bankrupt and marrying a daughter-in-law. In the end, someone else enters the bridal chamber for yourself. No one is reconciled.

Gu Qingfeng was vigorous when he was born, and he will never go overboard when he died.

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