Supreme Lord

Chapter 2492

Wuyue Empress was silent for a while before responding: “I want to ask you a few questions, I hope you can answer me seriously.”

“Yes! No problem.”

Gu Qingfeng very readily agreed, said with a smile: “Just for you to go through countless samsara reincarnations just to plant causality on me, let alone ask a few questions, just ask dozens, Hundreds, or even thousands of questions will do.”

This sounds like a satire of the Empress without a month, but it is not, Gu Qingfeng not at all, any satire.

He has always been a person who has wine and is drunk now. He only cares about this life. As for the past and the next, he doesn’t bother to think about it. In other words, he is a person who pays attention to the process, the cause and the result. He doesn’t care at all.


Why Empress has gone through countless rebirths and planted cause and effect on him, he didn’t know and didn’t want to know.

What is the purpose of Wuyue Empress planting cause and effect on him, he also doesn’t know, nor does he want to know.

The only thing he knows is that he has met Wuyue Empress for a while, leaving aside whether there is any feelings between the two, at least it will bring Gu Qingfeng a youthful memory.

And this is enough for Gu Qingfeng.

Finding Wuyue Empress staring at herself silently, Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “What do you want to ask?”

“Do you…really won’t ask the Lord of Original Sin? ?”

“Of course.”


“What why? No, no, how can there be that many why, even more how Didn’t I already say that I’m not interested in Allah of Original Sin, even if it’s not at all.”

“Just not interested?”


Wuyue Empress asked again: “If…original sin chooses you to claim Allah?”

“Original sin chooses me, I will listen to original sin? If fate chooses me, then Don’t I have to listen to fate? Sorry, you know, I never believe in fate, I only believe in myself.”

“You mean, even if the original sin chooses you, you will Reject, right?”


No month Empress continued to ask: “If when the time comes, you can’t refuse?”

“If the original sin chose me, and I cannot refuse, then there is no way, I can only let my fate.” Gu Qingfeng casually said with an indifferent attitude: “Although I don’t believe in fate, but when I confess my fate You will still obediently and honestly accept your fate.”

“You know that when you ask the Lord of Original Sin, it may be the day your consciousness is swallowed.”

“This is even if you don’t Say, I also know” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I have been tossing about the original sin for so many years, but it’s not to choose a master for myself.”

“If you ask the Lord of Original Sin, you will not only face Is it the swallowing of original sin?”

“Who else can?”

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, laughed dumbly, shook his head, and said: “I forgot to pay There are three sons of original sin, oh yes, in addition to the three sons of original sin, there is another existence beyond the Dadao.”

Wuyue Empress also said: “If it’s not just three What about the Son of Original Sin and the Dao?”

The words of Wuyue Empress made Gu Qingfeng a little confused. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that besides the three Sons of Original Sin and Dao, Divine Consciousness is beyond the magic thoughts. , And nothing else exists.

Gu Qingfeng looked towards Daxing lunatic, Daxing lunatic was also at a loss.

“If you have anything, you might as well just say it.”

“You…” Wuyue Empress seemed to hesitate a bit. After a while, he asked, “Is there any I thought about a possibility.”

“What is possible?”

“You may be a causal incarnation planted by others.”

“Well, this question, I did think about it.”

Gu Qingfeng did think about it, and thought about it a long time ago. He has heard about the “Eternal Havoc Heaven and Earth Evolution, endless samsara reincarnation”. Now, in the past and present, who sees causality? He thought about this question carefully after saying that whoever wants to see the sky.

It is said that before the ancient times, many people have planted causal incarnation to plot the original sin of Allah.

Gu Qingfeng once suspected that he might also be a causal incarnation laid by Allah for the sake of plotting the original sin.

Therefore, he only embarked on the road of seeking cause and effect at that time, the purpose is to find the true self, which is the so-called true self.

It’s not just him.

Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianhang, Xiaoyao Great Emperor Mo Wentian had this doubt, especially Xiaoyao Great Emperor Mo Wentian, he has been looking for the true self all his life.

Different from them, Gu Qingfeng just set foot on the road of seeking true self back then, and then gave up.

It’s not that I have encountered difficulties, nor have I found my true self.

The reason for giving up is simple.

He is a lazy person, and to search for the true self, he needs to constantly uncover the chain of cause and effect, find the cause from the effect, and then find the effect from the cause, so repeatedly, I don’t know where the end is. Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to toss so much, it’s better to drink a little wine at that time.

The most important thing is that Gu Qingfeng wanted to open it later, and felt that seeking the true self, not at all, what is the meaning, even if the true self is finally found, it is nothing more than three results.

Either be swallowed by the true self, and your life becomes a memory of the true self.

Either you and the true self merge with each other, influence each other, and become a memory of each other, you are the true self, and the true self is you.

Either you swallow the true self, and the cost of life of the true self is your memory.

For Gu Qingfeng, he does not want these three results.

Needless to say the first result, after being swallowed by the true self, this life is completely over.

Second merges with the true self. Although you have also become the true self, the true self has become you, but in a sense, you are no longer the original you.

As for the third result, if the true self is swallowed, you will become the true self. You may or may not be you anymore. After the true self is swallowed, you are still not yourself, Gu Qingfeng no know.

In Gu Qingfeng’s view, instead of tossing around, it’s better not to search.


Just keep your life simple, there is no need to live so tired.

It’s rare to be confused!

At this time.

Wuyue Empress asked again: “Have you ever thought that if you are really someone else’s causal incarnation, will he come to devour you after you ask the Lord of Original Sin?”

“If this is the case, then it will be fun.”

“Fun?” Xu didn’t expect Gu Qingfeng would say that, and Wu Yue Empress was very surprised.

“Anyway, the three sons of original sin in me have already glare like a tiger watching his prey beyond the Dadao. After I aspire to the Lord of Original Sin, I will inevitably be unable to avoid the swallowing of original sin, that is, once I ask the Lord of Original Sin. All four of them want to swallow me. In that case, it’s no less than a so-called true self. There is a saying that there are too many lice and debts, and whoever can bear it will swallow me. Who can laugh at the end is considered to have ability.”

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