Supreme Lord

Chapter 2491

“How many original sin children are there, and how many original sin variables are there? How many original sins Old Ancestor is plotting the original sin of Allah, when the time comes, they will be revealed to the world, even if they are causal incarnation, and whose causal incarnation is , May all surface.”

“What do you say?”

If the origin of the ancient nine palaces is born, the existence of Allah who plots the original sin will all show up. Gu Qingfeng can understand. But whether they are causal incarnation, and whose causal incarnation will also surface, Gu Qingfeng really wondered for a while.

“Lao Na just said that the success or failure of plotting the original sin of Allah is in this one action. They will fight at all costs. When the time comes, death and injury will not be avoided.” The monk explained: “Old Na believes. , No matter who will not watch the causal incarnation they planted and die, they will definitely show up at the critical moment. When the time comes, they will not hesitate to expose their identity.”

” It’s such a reason.”

When the voice fell, Gu Qingfeng seemed to sense something, stopped in the void, turned around and looked over. At the same time, the monk also noticed that someone was coming here. .

Soon one silhouette appeared in front of the two.

Is a woman.

A beautiful woman.

The appearance of a woman, like standing in the clouds and mist, gives people an illusory feeling. The spiritual aura revealed by her body is extremely powerful and powerful, as if a queen is here in person. A very strong oppression.

Whether it is Gu Qingfeng or the Daxing Monk, they can clearly feel that the woman is a person who inherits the destiny, and the one who inherits is the emperor of the destiny. In other words, the woman is a great empress. The two also know each other, not others, but the Moonless Empress Tang Henglai who picked Gu Qingfeng from in the sky earlier.

Seeing this woman, Gu Qingfeng smiled and said: “Oh, this is not a moonless Empress.”

Although Gu Qingfeng’s impression of Tang Hengsao is only in Ancient When Era was young, he still recognized it at a glance, said with a smile: “It’s been a long time since I saw you, you are still so beautiful, and it looks more flavorful than before.”


The Daxing monk despised Gu Qingfeng for a while. This moonless Empress is not a nasty master at first glance, and it is laid out on Gu Qingfeng to plant cause and effect. I don’t know what tricks he is playing. It was to pull Gu Qingfeng out and put him in a dangerous situation. Gu Qingfeng is that’s all if he doesn’t watch out. Now the motherfucker stares at others with a squinting expression, and even talks and flirts with him. Those who don’t know think this fellow is true. I saw my old lover.

“Would you like to find a place to drink two glasses and reminisce about the past?”


Wuyue Empress let out a sneer and said: “You It’s still the same, it’s not changed at all.”

“No way, if I remember correctly, since Ancient Era and I left the secular world, you and I have never seen you again Face, so many years have passed, I have not even changed a bit?”

“We have seen it in modern and ancient times.”

“In modern and ancient times? When, Why don’t I remember?” Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, and said: “You mean the time when I saw you in the ancient times?”


“It wasn’t the time when the knowledge was lost, which time was it again?”

Gu Qingfeng thought about it very seriously. In modern and ancient times, after he was reborn in the secular world, he once passed by Yanluo Kingdom and encountered Tang Hsiao’s residual knowledge, apart from this, seems to have never seen Tang Hsiao again.

“I have also experienced samsara reincarnation once in the modern and ancient times, and it is still that secular world, and it is still the country of Yanluo.”

No Moon Empress stares at Gu Qingfeng, words Plainly, he said: “That time of samsara reincarnation, I used to be named Tang Manqing.”

“Tang Manqing?”

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and whispered the name, the more I heard it, the more familiar I felt. I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I just can’t remember it. At this moment, the monk next to him looked very surprised, shouted: “Tang Manqing is also your Reincarnation Body?”

No Moon Empress Not at all To answer this question, Gu Qingfeng looked towards Daxing Monk, and asked: “Who is Tang Manqing? Do you know?”

“You brat, it’s hard to forget?” Daxing Monk choked The throat said: “There is a princess in Yanluo Country called Tang Manqing. Yanluo’s Imperial Family was in trouble, and you brat also helped them resolve the crisis.”

Listening to what the monk said, Gu Qingfeng gradually remembered that after his Nirvana Rebirth, when he passed through Yanluo Country, he did meet a Yanluo princess, who seemed to be Tang Manqing, and he seemed to have some interesting things with Tang Manqing.

What Gu Qingfeng absolutely didn’t expect was that Tang Manqing turned out to be Tang Hsiao’s Reincarnation Body?

He looked at Wuyue Empress opposite, and asked in disbelief: “Tang Manqing is really your Reincarnation Body?”

Wuyue Empress answered simply, “Yes. “

“This is really…”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled helplessly. For a while, he didn’t know what to say. After a while, he couldn’t help but sigh.

Yun Nishang, Red Sleeve, Ouyang Ye is the body of samsara reincarnation.

There is no empress, the wind goes by month, and the mandala is the body of samsara reincarnation.

Moreover, each of their samsara reincarnation bodies has a cause and effect with Gu Qingfeng.

I never thought that Tang Hengsuo is also.

He asked: “How many times did you samsara reincarnation?”

“Too many, too many to count.”

“Good Right…” Gu Qingfeng sighed again, and said: “You have gone through samsara reincarnation for countless times, just to obliterate me?”


“So, Why not see you do it to me?”

“I said that after samsara reincarnation, my past life memory has not awakened.”

“Now, now the previous life memory is already Wake up, why not do it?”

“If I can kill you, how can you live to the present.”

“Yes.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “It seems that my luck is not bad.”

Although Empress has repeatedly said that the layout of cause and effect has gone through countless cycles just to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, but Gu Qingfeng does not In this way, he had discussed this issue with the Daxing Monk before, and felt that the Daxing Monk had a point that made sense.

Daxing Epilogue said that since the Empress of the Moonless Moon has been able to lay out cause and effect through countless samsara reincarnations, it shows that her deduction ability is extremely powerful, so powerful that it is beyond imagination, she must deduced that Gu Qingfeng cannot be killed, so If Gu Qingfeng can obliterate the cause and effect, the Moonless Empress does not need to arrange causation at all. It only needs to wait for Gu Qingfeng to be born and then obliterate it directly. Why not go through the suffering untold hardships countless times of samsara reincarnation to arrange causation.

But what is the cause and effect of the layout of Empress, he doesn’t know.

Since Wuyue Empress doesn’t want to say, he doesn’t bother to ask this question.

“This time you showed up to look for me, are you here to relive the past?”

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