Supreme Lord

Chapter 2384

“Don’t you feel stumped that this is a terrifying thing?”

Looking at the extremely serious and serious Chiba Immortal King here, the Changfeng Great Emperor really became confused as he listened. The more I listen, the less I understand.

He couldn’t figure out how to protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao for himself became a terrifying thing in Chiba Immortal King’s eyes.

He was even more puzzled. Before, the Immortal King of Chiba clearly supported himself in guarding Heaven and Earth. Why did it suddenly change? Think about it, it’s not a sudden change, but since entering After leaving the ancient nine palaces, the Immortal King of Chiba began to gradually become weird, looking sad.

The Great Emperor Changfeng always thought that Chiba Immortal King was worried about his own safety, and only now did he realize that the heart of Chiba Immortal King was so weird.

This thought.

It’s really weird.

The weirdness made Changfeng the Great suddenly feel that the Immortal King Qianba in front of him is strange.

“Ye’er, you tell me, I protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao for myself, how come I am terrifying?”

“You do what fate asks you to do , And you still think it’s right to do this. It’s not terrifying?”

The Great Emperor Changfeng was almost tortured by the Immortal King of Qianye, and said: “Ye’er, I found you really changed It’s getting more and more confusing. I have told you eight hundred times that I guard Heaven and Earth Grand Dao not for fate, but for me, for you, and for all our relatives and friends. “

Say it.

The Great Emperor Changfeng said righteously: “Furthermore, I can tell you with certainty that if I did not accept the destiny or the true destiny, but the original sin, I would not I will try to conspire against Allah and slaughter the Three Thousand Great Daos. I will still choose to protect Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.”

“My choice will not be changed by fate, and even though I I don’t quite understand what you call to dominate your own destiny. I only know that cause and effect determine your destiny. Planting good causes will get good results, and planting evil causes will get bad results. Good people will have good rewards, and bad people will have evil rewards.”

“That’s what I want to say!” Chiba Immortal King said: “The kind of good cause, why must get good results, so bad causes, why must get bad results, who stipulated this, why we must abide by the law of cause and effect, why do we My destiny must be determined by causation. I don’t want to obey the law of causation, can’t it? I don’t want my destiny to be affected by causation, can’t it?”

After hearing what Chiba Immortal King said, long Emperor Feng was stunned for a long time, his eyes were staring, his mouth was open, he moved, he wanted to talk and stopped, but he still didn’t speak.

He chose silence.

It was not that he agreed with what Chiba Immortal King said, but what Chiba Immortal King said made him wonder how to respond.

To be precise, what Chiba Immortal King said is beyond his understanding.

Since the beginning of sensibility, he has firmly believed that good causes get good results, and evil causes get bad results. This is also his outlook on life and values, no! It is the law of order that World’s All Living Things should abide by.

The Great Emperor Changfeng never thought of disobeying this order law, let alone overthrowing this order law in the past.

He tried to think about it.

If Heaven and Earth does not have the law of order, what will the chaos look like?

Those who plant good causes get good results, and those who plant bad causes get good results. Good people do not get rewards, and evil people do not get rewards. Isn’t that world a mess?

He also wondered why Chiba Immortal King had such a rebellious idea.

“Ye’er, are you… devilish?”


Chiba Immortal King, close your eyes, fiercely Shaking her head, she didn’t know what was wrong with her, and why she gradually came up with such a rebellious thought.

She is very tangled and contradictory. However, more of them are at a loss, but hesitate.

I don’t know whether to guard the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao or to overthrow the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.


As the ancient nine palaces change more and more mysterious, the void of the nine palaces becomes more and more like a boundless vast and boundless turbulent vortex that is slowly rotating.

in the sky, the ancient vestige of the ancient vestige changes with the changes of the nine palaces, and rotates with the rotation of the void.

Originally, the ancient vestiges were like mountains, but now the ancient vestiges seem to be connected to each other and look like a continuous and rugged mountain range.

The deserted nine palaces are changing.

The ancient void is spinning.

The ancient vestige is connecting.

As the breath of original sin in the ancient nine palaces becomes more and more intense.

The original sin incarnation of losing oneself is also increasing.

There are more and more original sin law bodies that have surfaced.

They are all running around, looking for the opportunity of original sin, swallowing each other, and deepening their original sin.

Before this.

Some people say that Weiyang Demon Emperor found a flower of original sin in the deserted nine palaces.

Many people don’t know the truth.

But now.

Everyone knows that this is not a false rumor, but a fact.

Because someone has successively seen the light of original sin in the deserted nine palaces.


The legendary light of original sin has begun to appear in the ancient nine palaces.

This time.

There are more original sin dharma bodies that pay the surface of the water.

Even the original sin experts who were dormant in the dark, including the deeper original sin Old Ancestor, began to feel uncontrollable and became angry.

It’s messed up.

It’s completely messed up.

At this moment.

On a barren ancient vestige in the Palace of Heaven, there is a man standing.

The man dressed in white clothed, handsome out of the dust, tall and straight, out of the ordinary.

He stands on a mountain, like the sun like the moon, like a fairy like a demon, like water like fire, like light, and like darkness, as if running through Heaven and Earth.

What’s even more magical is that his silhouette is ethereal and ethereal, like smoke and fog, as if it changes with the changes of the nine palaces, and rotates with the rotation of the ancient void.


There is also a man standing.

To be exact, it was a teenager.

The teenager looks 14-15 years old, dressed in a jade-green robe, and looks very handsome, like a giant amongst men, born with noble appearance.

He stood in the void.

Like Heaven’s Chosen Child, it gives people a particularly noble feeling.

The man is not someone else, he is the Emperor of the Floating Life of Megatron, and the boy is the Emperor Peacock.

as everyone knows.

The Emperor Fusheng is a Legendary and a hero. In modern times and ancient times, some people even call him a myth.

According to the rumors, Emperor Fusheng was chosen by the heavens. When he was born, auspicious sign descended from the heaven. Nature bloomed with colors and Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness.

Born with a bright bloodline, fame when young, a weak crown and an immortal, a natural domineering body, strong as an ox, just like Heavenly God descending from the earth.

The two great destinies are the leaders of them, and it is not an exaggeration to call them the most destiny.

The inherited Star Monarch destiny is the North Pole Crape Myrtle star, which is known as the lord of the stars.

The imperial seal destiny inherited is the Canghao Emperor Seal, one of the ten emperor seals.

Apart from this, he also has an Innate Magical Treasure in his hand, named Xuanyuan Sword, which is the legendary Divine Weapon.

Bright bloodline, natural overlord body, Canghao Emperor seal, North Pole Crape Myrtle star, Xuanyuan Sword, these five existences are great good fortune since ancient times between Heaven and Earth one of the very best, If you can get one of them, you can look down upon All Heavens Myriad Realms, but the floating emperor has these five types of legendary existence at the same time. Just thinking about it is enough to be beyond reach.


Speaking of which, the most commendable thing about Emperor Fusheng is neither the natural hegemony, nor the Canghao Emperor Seal and the North Pole Crape Myrtle star, nor the Xuanyuan Sword, but his perception of the Dao.

According to reports, Emperor Fusheng has stepped into the avenue with one foot, and he has realized the true meaning of Hunyuan avenue. He not only possesses the body of Hunyuan, but also has the spirit of Hunyuan. Each move contains the avenue. Chaotic-Yuan Force, one thought can call a world scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

He created a wonderful book “Dao Hunyuan” in the modern and ancient times.

This book is hailed as the first ancient classic.

It not only records many monastic methods, but also many magical powers.

Comprehensing this book, mundane mortals can cultivation success, immortals, immortals can pass mysterious, mysterious can enter the Tao, it is really a wonderful book of great avenues.

Don’t say anything else, just by relying on “The Great Dao Hunyuan”, the Emperor of the Floating Life has already benefited the common people and his merits are boundless.

Since ancient times, the Great Desolation, Heaven and Earth dominates Heaven and Earth, Heaven Warping Genius, where the road dominates, is not many, but there are not many.

If the Great Sun Emperor is the most dazzling Legendary of the Great Ancient Era.

Then Xitian Buddha Miao Tathagata is the most dazzling Legendary of Ancient Era.

If Nine Nether Great Emperor Gu Qingfeng is also considered Ancient Era’s most dazzling Legendary.

Then the most dazzling Legendary in the ancient times is the Emperor of the Floating Life.

In contrast, Peacock Great’s fame is not so loud and not so big, at least compared with Emperor Fusheng like the light of rice and the glory of the sun and moon.

Not only that.

Between Heaven and Earth, you may not have heard of Peacock Great.


As long as anyone knows the existence of Peacock Great, no one dares to underestimate him.

The reason is simple.

It is said that his previous life was Great Bright King Peacock.

A Buddha who is not a Buddha, and a Buddha who is not a King of Ming.


King Kong Ming Wang was born in Buddhism, and he has the same fame as the five kings of Ming Wang, Fudo Ming Wang, Wei De Ming Wang, Vajra Yaksha Ming Wang, but later, I don’t know why Ming Wang escaped from Buddhism and fell into the demonic path. Incarnation became a demon, entered the demon realm…I also entered the ghost realm, the strange realm, the witch’s realm, etc… It is not to seek the true Buddha, nor to seek the great path, but to save sentient beings.

This legend is true or false, no one knows.

Many people don’t even know whether the Peacock Great is the reincarnation of the Peacock King.


The Emperor Fusheng stands on the peak of the ancient vestige, looking at the changing palace, the rotating void, and the chaotic void of the palace, just looking at it, a handsome On the face, not at all any emotional color, there is no wave in the eyes, and it looks very calm.

It’s calm as if everything that happened in the ancient nine palaces has nothing to do with him, like an outsider.

He is so.

Emperor Peacock’s handsome face also has no emotional color. His eyes look calmer than Emperor Fusheng, except for a smile that is not a smile at the corner of his mouth.

If the emperor floating in the chaotic barren ancient nine palaces is calm as an outsider.

Then Peacock Great is more like a leisurely person who travels in the Nine Palaces and does not care about the world.

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